Monday, 24 October 2011

15 & 16 October 2011 :- The 2 of us

Well, we managed to escape to the country - just the 2 of us.  Some kind friends looked after the kids for us

Was thrilled when I saw that Gordon had made up the vegie boxes, he'd also half filled one with horse manure from Becky's place.
2 x vegie boxes 

No progress on the "laundry" or fallen down fence as yet.  And, more blasted bees, this time returned to the back of the house.  We really must plug up those holes.

Was also pleased that the 2 x fruit trees that we'd moved to make room for the vegie boxes have thus far survived - although the poor almond which I had moved first while dormant seems a goner - as the green twigs have turned a decided brown, and no buds/leaves have emerged

two transplanted fruit tree looking happy enough

The lemon trees are also looking good, and lots more irises have flowered, most a combination of yellow and light purple, and a few dark purple - all very nice

one of the purple irises

Had fuelled up at the Calder Service station with both petrol and naughty sausage rolls - which I had assumed would be a mid morning snack - but they actually did us for lunch (must admit they were jumbo size) - so we "worked through"

We'd brought the ute up with the cut up red gum sleepers from Alex, so the 1st job was unloading them into the wood shed. We also brought up a small hall table  today (ebay again) which I had picked up from Seaford this morning, and one of the large mirrors (ex crappy pictures) to go over our bedroom mantle.  And that was all, I would have liked to bring up the "patio" table and chairs, and the plants that I'd bought - but no room... couldn't safely tie them down, and the cabin was full with other stuff ie some food, the speaker system which I'd got with my Dick Smith voucher, and a clothes bag.

Then to the next job which was gently sanding the brown doors and frames in the hallway.  I'd told Justin that I was sick of telling people that we were still up to the hallway in the house - however it takes a long time, first plugging the holes/cracks in the plaster and skirting etc, then sanding back, more plugging, painting more painting etc.  I longed to move onto the next room - even though I'm not actually "allowed" to do any of the painting (Justin is very fussy) So I was a bit surprised that I was allowed to do some sanding (which in my opinion was the boring bit)  Lucikly we didn't have to get back to raw wood, just a light sand to get rid of the rough bits - and yes I didn't do it properly - was a bit uneven, probably won't be asked back again.

We also tried my new speakers - hooked up J's Mp4 player and later his phone - so had a bit of music

After the sanding I went back outside to the garden, watering all the newly planted plants (from 2 weeks ago) which took a while -as the water pressure is quite low, and the garden is quite large, so it's a slow process to fill the watering can, walk to the relevant plants and water, and then go back and refill, and repeat and repeat etc. Oh for a hose!!!(and better pressure) but we don't have the proper connections to attach a hose anyway.  And after watering more judicious weeding etc

Justin commenced on the white undercoat while I was outside (I'm still not allowed to paint)
Painting Man #1

Painting Man #2

Painting Man #3

Painting Man #4

Gordon had come to visit and say hello, don't think we had any other visitors on Saturday.  We'd also dropped in on Becky on the way here, but she was asleep.  Brian was there again so we had a chat with him.  And I went to David's to buy some eggs - and he told me a story how years ago a horde of green caterpillars had marched through his chook yard, but didn't come out the other side, and that the subsequent eggs had bright red yolks!! Sounds awful; he said they tasted the same , but were somewhat offputting to look at

Didn't really look at the time, but it was getting on to 6.30pm when we  stopped - what workers!! J had pretty much finished off the undercoat for the 2 doors and surrounds - and they look great!

Went up to the verandah for a well deserved white wine - it had been a warm day - and sat and watched the world - or more accurately Brayden from next door go by - I called out that I was watching her and gave her a bit of a start.

Dinner at the Empire - tried a new Black Estate Red shiraz with of course one of their chicken parmas


Had a chat with Enzo & Ros, an watched Wales and England in  the 1/4 Finals of the Rugby - with Justin trying to explain the basic rules to me

Back home and watched Up in the Air on the portable dvd player (which I had seen when we flew to Europe last year)

Woke up to a relatively "mild" morning - didn't even need a jumper, although I did put a jacket on to go to the IGA and get the Age. In fact the Age was the only purchase we made at the IGA this weekend - quite unprecedented - we normally go quite a few times over a weekend.  Made Justin and myself an egg in the basket on the bbq  for breakfast, and read the paper - very pleasant.

Then back to work - J to more painting - this time the 2nd coat:-

Painting Man #5

And I was out in the garden again, I had thought that I would like to start continuing on with the brick edged path that Mark & Justin had started a couple of months ago.  However I was sidetracked, as I'd seen there were heaps of weeks in the plot by the back door - plus some sort of brick platform - so I started weeding there and also cleaning up some bricks

I'd already started clearing a bit before I took the photo 

 And then there was another large bed nearby choked by wandering jew (such a pejorative name for a weed)

wandering jew #1 

Wandering Jew #2

Clearing it I discovered some lovely lilies

some sort of lily - no idea what!
I eventually cleared pretty much this whole section

cleared section #1 

cleared section #2

- and then moved onto the awful chicken wire fence with barbed wire etc under the huge cypress tree

bring it down!

what a mess!

As it bisected the garden a little - and we want to be able to put up Fraser's rope ladder - and eventually build some sort of cubby house.  I started off pulling the wire off by hand, carefully un-twining it - but ended up getting some wire cutters as that was easier.  Pulled most of it down and filled Gordon's trailer with lots of weeds and the barbed wire (sent him a text warning him that there was barbed wire).

Will put the rest of the wire in the trailer next time we go up - as although he "wall had come down" I still had to disconnect it from some of the posts etc

Justin had finished his painting by this stage - he completed the 2nd coat of the 2 x doors in the hall way and surrounds - looks great - but he thinks that they need a 3rd coat

painted doorway -and new hall table
looking spiffy #1

looking spiffy #2 (at an angle)

After J had finished painting I invited him outside to serenade me while I continued to bring down the wall

our troubador

Filled up Gordon's trailer again - and as apparent - it was a lovely sunny day - quite warm also!

Full trailer (again)

Wraps for a late lunch, a bit of a tidy up -and yes the water in the kitchen still doesn't work - has that tank run out of water?? So we had to wash our hands, get water to wash the dishes etc from the bath in the bath room - as although the taps in the bathroom sink work, the pipes are shot -and will not drain.  We have got to get plumbing organised...

Needed to have a bit of a sit down and rest before we came back to Melbourne

post lunch  relax (out of overalls)


Saturday, 8 October 2011

Monty and goat's milk :- 29 Sep - 2 Oct 2011

Dragged the kids up here for 4 days over the school holidays - they weren't that keen to come, but once up here they had a lovely time.

Arrived in the afternoon - and got stuck into the garden as usual.  The almond that I had transplanted still hasn't sprouted leaves/flowers - so I'm a little concerned.  But at least there is still green wood - so I gave it a good water.  The cherry tree on the other hand is full of flowers - cherries this year? And the pears and figs  are in leaf.

My irises that I transplanted out the front are looking magnificent, some in flower, some in swelling bud.  I'm really pleased with them

one of the irises - still can't do proper close ups with my mobile camera

Gordon came and visited, told me that he'd got onto Shareena and advised her that there may be scaffolding for her wedding - he said she was going to drop by some time over the next few days.  He had also dropped off the wood for the vegie patch - so hopefully that will be done by the next time we're there - so that I can plant the seeds that Kate had given me

vegie patch wood ( and refilled holes where we had dug up the fruit trees) 

So, while I pottered the kids played around - kicking a footy in the garden and on the road, whacking hockey balls around etc (using the old hockey sticks of course)

They also discovered a small kitten - which followed them back to our place.  Fraser was keen to give it some milk, so did so, and they played with it with some rope also.  They christened it Monty, - so Monty it was.  Barb from up the road walked across and told me that it belonged to a family 2 doors down, and that they were on holidays, but that someone came and fed it every day.  The kids tried taking it back home, but Monty preferred our company and so stayed

Fraser making friends with Monty - and background of
unweeded flowerbed - which I subsequently weeded


Monty and hippy vest 


Had sausages (from the butcher) and mash for dinner cooked by me by lantern light on the bbq - with of course a glass of wine in hand - very civilised, and the sausages only got a tiny bit burnt.

Mad's gloved hand in foreground - don't know why

bbq by lamplight

Fraser mashing

Tucked in at the kitchen table, Monty had discovered our back door, and the window sill, and plaintively meowed and politely tapped the window  - obviously wanting to be let in. I didn't really want him inside while we were eating so we ignored him.  Kids enjoyed the dinner, and we had  an icecream each for dessert.

Then  to the front bedroom where I had set up a fire, and we watched Fracture - and of course I fell asleep....- my excuse is that it's such a comfortable bed...Monty must have realised that we had left the kitchen, because some time later, he started meowing outside the bedroom window, and jumped up onto the wide window sill also and started tapping again.  Still didn't let him in, and he was still there in the morning...

chilling - pre movie

Woke up early and went for a walk - was "warm" enough just to venture out in a t-shirt and track pants - given that I was walking briskly.  Went down one of the bush tracks and then just kept taking the track to the right when I hit intersections.  Was lovely and sunny, blue skies, very peaceful.  Also came across a little creek with diggings  - you never know..... And whenever I'm digging in the garden and come across a piece of quartz, I always have a good look at it just in case - no luck so far, but I'm hoping, just for a teeny tiny piece of gold. It would be such fun to find some - particularly in the back yard...

Anyway walked for about an hour (didn't get lost), came back and bought the paper, and also said hello to Jamie Nevin at his office.  Re-extended our open invitation to come over for a drink.

Home for breakfast, and woke the kids up, actually Mad stayed in bed till 10.30 or so - what a teenager!

Moved the table around in the dining room - J had not been happy with the way I had set it up last time - going across the width of the room.  Now set it up more as a square, and it looks a lot better - and still have the arm chairs placed in front of the fireplace.

More gardening and more people walking by.  Diane from the IGA walked by with her dog, and we had a chat, and then a group of people stopped to chat about the house and the "orchard", one of the guys told me that green almonds are delicious to eat, salted with drinks.  I told him I'd enjoy them up on the verandah with a gin and tonic - which he agreed was a very good idea.

Shareena also dropped by, I was right, her mobile phone was still out of action, so she hadn't received any of my messages.  She was fine with the possibility of scaffolding and said that the photographer could "work with it".

Bruce - the new tenant from the Royal Hotel also dropped by to introduce himself - he has renamed the Royal :-  The Vine and  has set it up to cater for homeless/divorced etc  men.  He said that they could do odd jobs  ie prop up the fence, gardening etc.  I told him that all of our money will be going on the roof for the immediate future - he said that they could do it for nothing, or at least for materials only - as they just needed to be kept busy.  We'll certainly think about it.  He returned a little later with an old photo montage of
Inglewood that he let us borrow for a while.

Dropped in on Becky to pick up Elise for a play - but she'd gone to her Dad's for a few days which was disappointing.  Brian was there looking after Becky, and doing some general maintenance and odd jobs ie making a chicken coop etc.  Actually when Fraser and I went to the Royal Melbourne show a few days later - we saw some mighty fine chicken coops there, with fancy egg trays, food and water dispensers etc.  And the girl said that they don't have to be fed/watered every day - as the dispensers will eke it accordingly - so maybe one day - our own chooks at Nimmitabel?

chicken coop with food dispensers and egg tray

even fancier - fox proof chicken coop

Justin was home by the time I got back and said that  local reporter had dropped by - he'd wanted to do a story on us and the house - what we planned to do with it etc.  Pity I missed him.

Was getting a bit rainy at this stage (after such a fine morning) - I persuaded J to don a rain coat and come out for a walk with me - to see the Victorian mirror in the craft shop and to book for lunch in the pub tomorrow.  He wasn't a great fan of the mirror - so we'll leave it at that, and we were told that we didn't need to book for lunch - as most people would be having their own Grand Final BBQs,

Back to the house, and J set up a fire in the dining room.  Alex arrived a little later, and I started making some fresh pasta - fettucine with my pasta maker from Camberwell Market, and free range eggs from David's next door.  Had to approximate the flour weight - but it worked out well.  Both Mad and Fraser helped - holding the dough when it came out of the maker. However we let it stick together a bit when it came out of the machine - so it wasn't as separate as it should have been.  Will know better next time   I made up a puttenesca type sauce tomato, salami, anchovy, garlic, onion etc.

starting off

mother and son

having fun

bit stuck together - but good yellow colour from the free range eggs

serving up

with sauce

And of course Monty was still hanging around - F persuaded J to go and buy him some cat food.  Monty wolfed it down

a kiss for the chef

We ate in the dining room - very pleasant.  The kids retired to watch a Poirot dvd in their room, and J, A and I stayed in the dining room, enjoying the fire.  J played the guitar for a little while,

and I looked at the gardening books from Susan - trying to get some design ideas.  I would like an "olive grove/walk/arbour " as I'd bought 12 x small olive trees, I'd also like a semi formal rose garden with a bench, arches etc, a succulent garden and an "orangerie" - or more a selection of citrus trees as I've already bought 3 x lemons, and Cheryl has promised me her orange and lemon trees which they are going to pull out, as they're not doing well in their Glen Iris garden.

happy thinking about my new garden

Kevin from Bay Building Services came by at 8 on Saturday morning - to discuss the fence and laundry.  Said that they will replace the whole section of fence on the north side - as they couldn't just replace the fallen down bit as the remaining rails and posts weren't much good.  We queried if this was ok, as we had been prepared to pay for that bit, but they said that AAMI had accepted it, so it would have been churlish of us not to. They will also rebuild the laundry, complete with the chimney.  J said that the contract to do all of this was worth $30k!! Unbelievable!

Sat back down for a coffee after Kevin left and saw David from next door walking towards the kitchen.  Asked if I wanted some goat and sheep manure for the garden - of course I did so he brought me 2 x sacks.
manure sacks

 Had a bit of a chat and somehow got to talking about cheese and goat milk etc etc - 10 minutes later he brought me a container of fresh goats milk - I was thrilled.  Had a little glass, tasted a bit nutty, and then had some with my coffee also.

luminous goat milk

After this J, A and I went into Bridgewater as we'd been told that there was a a local market on today.  Bought a few plants - a couple of lilies, a white edged geranium, and a couple of other things that I don't know the names of .  Came back and planted them.

Off to the pub for a late lunch.  J and the kids had gone earlier,  A and I stayed behind to finish off our work - he painting, me in the garden. Saw Del on the way and he told us how someone had been doing a meticulous renovation sanding off all the old paint - and had gone a bit mad - because it was lead paint.  We won't sand...we'll just paint over...

Got to the pub about 1.45 - J was getting a bit anxious as the kitchen closes at 2pm.  We were surprised that there were only another 2 x tables in there - thought there would be more people than that.  So - the grand final began - and Geelong scored a very quick goal.  I had told F that we had omens for either side winning - ie our persistent cat Monty, and various triumphant magpies up the top of our big tree.  As it was Geelong romped it in, J and the kids stayed to watch.  A and I went back home, A had had enough of painting, and so started chopping wood with the axe into good fireplace sized pieces.- he cleverly used one of the large stumps in the back garden to split the logs on.

go for it Alex

very sharp axe!
Alex had stacked the wood he'd split - here by the back door

 I continued weeding/tidying up etc

Our dejected Pies fan came home with the other J &M.  - he was a bit disappointed, but had Monty for consolation.

Given that we'd had a largish lunch, we had antipasto, dips, salami, cheese etc for dinner - once again in the dining room by candlenight.  And we relented and let Monty stay inside for the night - he'd been cuddling up to the kids all day, so we got a card board box and filled it with torn newspaper strips in an approximation of kitty litter, and then another with a towel to sleep in.  As it was we assume he actually slept on the chair - but there was no mess the next morning - and when I got up to buy the newspaper (and more catfood), he followed me out, and almost followed me to the IGA

Sunday morning -and I wanted to do a few more things....On Thursday I'd bought some stove cement - to fix up our wood burning stove - "glue" the broken bit back on and fill in a hole.  However it was a bit cool, and I'd started the fire to warm up the kitchen.  So we'll have to leave that for next time - Justin will fix it as he's neater than I am.  Made the kitchen nice and warm, and still with just one match.  Had cereal for breakfast with the goat milk - not bad, and a cup of coffee.  J got up next and we read the paper together, and Alex went for a run.  The kids slept in as usual - its very quiet here.

J watched the Insiders on his laptop - using that "tv thingy usb stick " that I gave him for Christmas

multitasking - solitaire and Insiders

Now, as I'd said I wanted to do a couple of things today - had already scratched the fixing of the stove off the list, but still wanted to move the sofa couch from the dining room upstairs, Myrtle's couch from the kid's room into the dining room, move the peach and other fruit tree to the "orchard"  to make way for the vegie garden, and plant the 3 x lemons which unfortunately weren't looking that good - as they had fallen over since the last time I was there, and so hadn't got any water.

Job #1 was the couch.  J and A took it upstairs - and it was quite heavy and cumbersome (but not as bad as when we took our sofa bed couch up into the loft and had to balance it precariously on the banister - while trying to edge it into the doorway..)  Getting Myrtle's couch into the dining room was a piece of cake by comparison.

During this time Fraser got up and decided that he wanted some breakfast - so made himself an egg in the basket on the wood stove.

Junior Master Chef


quite the sophisticate

Job #2 was to move the 2 x fruit trees - J made very quick work of the first one, and we moved it to the orchard.  I did the 2nd one but seemed to take  a lot longer.  Alex came and helped also - and actually got it out of the ground.

original spot for the peach tree - under the mulberry,
and in the way of the new vegie garden

new spot for peach tree - in the "orchard"

Job #3 was putting the lemon trees in - and then lots of watering - as we want to make sure that they all survive, and also re-planting the 100s of jonquils that I had dug up from the grass

3 x little lemon trees and lot and lots of transplanted jonquils

Wraps for lunch - and Mad made an unusual looking one


Kids helped (somewhat grudgingly) picking up the piles of weeds that I had generated.  They complained it was too much - I said it was much easier to chuck it in a wheel barrow and then into Gordon's trailer than actually pulling them out of the ground

children of the corn?

more of a smile once the trailer was full, and the work had finished 

jump for joy!

J wanted to do some work after lunch up on the verandah, however more bees were swarming around - and so he didn't think it was that prudent.  They appeared to go in the same crevice as last time - I wonder if that poison lasts - or if we'll have to get more?

look closely at dark spots on the upper wall at left of house

look closely at dark spots on the upper wall at left of house,
and you can see a swarm near the verandah

more of a close up and lots of bees

More pottering around  weeding, watering etc after this - and then a general tidy up inside before we left.  Went to wash the few dishes and was non-plussed when no water came out of the kitchen tap.  Was disbelieving at first, tuned it off and then on again - but still no water. Tried the bathroom, and water came out of one of the taps ....but Alex tried the hot water tap in the bathroom - and that didn't work either.  Given all of the rain that we've had we figured that the tanks must be pretty full, so it must be blocked somehow.  Had to use bath water to wash the dishes in - what a bloody nuisance.  Luckily I'm saving up for some plumbing (toilet/ working hot water system) - only need about another $1000 - so the sooner that's all done the better....