Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Parties and Tomato picker blow ins Saturday Dec 22 - Monday Dec 24 2012

Well, I wanted to come back before Christmas, so I did, another solo trip unfortunately - as Justin had hurt his back, and didn't fancy a 2 hour drive wincing in the car.

And it was hot, very hot.

My poor garden had browned, wilted and eventually rolled over under the constant sun.  I tried to revive favoured plants as best I could  :- Citrus trees, orchard, remaining roses, and vegie patch.  Hopefully they'll survive, quite a few haven't...I must admit that I was surprised that no (well actually just one ) pumpkins had come up (like last year).  I had chucked plenty of seeds into the garden - especially the back corner where there was horse manure.  I thought they would go crazy there - but I guess given the lack of rain - nothing happened. and speaking of pumpkins my 2 remaining pumpkins in the cellar have collapsed and must be thrown out

collapsed pumpkin with fruit fly "shadow"  above it

Pumpkin sliming down the wall

and the rest of it on the floor

The vegie garden is looking ok though  - I had let a couple of the artichokes flower

And some corn cobs are developing

Most of those nice looking raspberries have disappeared though, and there don't seem to be many ripe mulberries - birds?? Plenty of the red ones though.  Tomatoes have survived - Denise told me that Gordon had watered them which was nice of him.  And lettuces are looking quite pretty towering and going to seed.

Before changing into overalls, I did a quick circuit of town to see my friends, and also to see if anything new was afoot.

Well, I was made aware of 2 Christmas activities ;- the Inglewood Christmas BBQ / carols in the town hall, and I happened to overhear someone at the IGA mention that something was on at the Village Green at Kingower tonight (Saturday).  Now, I happened to recall that David & Dahleen at Blanch Barkly told me about films that they showed there - so I supposed that was what was happening.  Just to make sure, I called Dahleen (got the phone number off a wine bottle) and asked if there was a film on tonight.  Well, there was not only a film, but the Kingower Christmas party.  I asked if it was 'open to the public" ie non Kingower residents, obviously showing my hand.  Dahleen said yes of course, and said that they were putting on a bbq,     for $5 per head, and everyone to bring a salad or nibbles etc.  I somewhat shamefacedly said I'd bring something packaged ie nuts/ crackers.  Normally I would make something delicious, but I was up there to work not to cook...She said that was fine, so I was rather pleased about that.

Justin was keen for me to report back on the concrete path that he and Mark had fixed up.  He had also wanted me to remove the metal and wooden sides

new patch section with wood on left and metal on right

Which I did

forms removed

So into the overalls I changed, and out the front I went, to trim the multitudes of irises that had multiplied since I planted them in Winter of 2011.  They were looking decidedly scrappy as there were spent flower heads and some brown leaves. And I wanted the front to look respectable given the upcoming Christmas party across the road.

I initially started chopping off the flower heads, but then thought it would be neater to cut the leaves also - into a fan type shape.

It was certainly hot work. A young boy walked past and said hello (Kyle from 2 houses up, owner of dearly departed Monty/Trixie the cat).  We had a brief chat, and he went on his way.  He returned a bit later, and I assumed he'd been to the shop (he was carrying a shopping bag) - so I asked him if he 'd brought me an icy pole.  He smiled and said no, and went off in the direction of home.

A few iris snips later, and he was back - proffering an ice pole in my direction.  I was a bit  embarrassed, and confessed that I had just been joking, I didn't really expect him to get me an icy pole.  But he smiled again and insisted that I take it.  What a nice boy!  and it was certainly appreciated as it would have been about 35 degrees in the shade.

I had another chat with an elderly couple - Jack and Irene.  Jack's great aunt had been married to Jim Secombe (the 2nd owner of Nimmitabel) - and Irene was saying that it was ironic that  the Tiveys had had 14 children and this nice big house, while the Secombes were childless and just rattled around in all of those rooms.  I invited them to come and have a cup of tea with us next time they were in Inglewood, as they had to hurry off to an appointment this time.

I must admit, I was getting pretty hot doing this, so I set myself a target and a reward.  The target was to finish the left hand side of the gate iris bed, and at the completion I would shout myself a beer... Of course I was stopping for water breaks also.

Anyway, I finally finished and ambled on up to the Empire.  Ros was at the bar, and I asked her for a large icy water to slam down, followed by a large icy beer.  Of course I couldn't actually slam down the water, as it was too cold, would have got an "icecream headache"

after shot - nice and neat  taken on Sunday 

Ron from a few weeks ago came over and said hello, and shared a funny story with me.  As I was still in overalls, boots and straw hat, some other blokes had remarked to Ron that I was probably a blow in tomato picker  - picking tomatoes at Julie's husband's place.  He let them conjecture for a while, and then told them that I had bought the Tivey house which was obviously a surprise to them.  Ron thought all of this most amusing, as did I.  We had quite a chat, and he also shouted me a beer, wouldn't let me return the favour, as I didn't feel like another one -  after all I was off to the Kingower Christmas party a bit later on.

 Eventually went home, showered, changed, and drove down the road to Kingower.

The Village Green has the gazebo, and already had 20 or so people gathered sitting at tables, or standing in small groups.  I walked across somewhat tentatively, as I'd only spoken to Dahleen about coming, and she didn't appear to be there yet.   Well, I needn't have been concerned, as a man strode towards me, said he knew who I was, and introduced himself as Dahleen's brother Terry.  I was graciously welcomed, introduced around, and referred to myself as the "interloper from Inglewood", Terry sometimes added the detail of us being the new owners of Nimmitabel.  Everyone was extremely friendly, and I had a tremendous time.  I met David's brother Melvin who made non commercial batches of dessert wine, Daniel - a Chilean man, Darren and Nicole who had bought the old Kingower school house and were doing it up, and  lots of other people.  And the food, my goodness it was a bountiful spread, Terry cooked up sausages etc on the bbq, and others had brought cheeses, pates, dips, salads, pudding etc.  My store-bought contribution was pitiful by comparison.  Unfortunately I didn't take any photos here.  For one, my phone was in my handbag, as I didn't have any pockets, and secondly I had just met these people, and didn't want to start taking happy snaps like a gauche tourist.  The weather was also perfect, although it had been hot working in the garden, it cooled a little during the evening, and certainly by 11 or so I had to put on a jumper.  At 10.30 the feature movie was put on :- White Christmas with Bing Crosby.  Terry had erected a screen, and had a portable projector, was just lovely watching under the stars, and the large gum trees.  Finished up around 12.30 or so, and was home back in bed by 1am.

Sunday was supposed to be 38 degrees in Melbourne, and even hotter here in Inglewood.  I started off by watering the favoured plants again in the cool of the morning.   And then attacked the right hand side trimming the irises.  It was slightly overcast, and there was a bit of a breeze, so it wasn't too unbearable.  Two likely lads in a hotted up something pulled up and had a chat, as one of them had been interested in the house over the years.

ground level view before

Standing view afterwards

gardening "selfie"
I also had a visit from Mark H and Karen's cousin David from Wales.  Mark had been taking David on a lightening tour of regional Victoria and had wanted to stop off and show him the house.  I had texted him earlier to see if he'd already been, and coincidently they were on their way .  So I had a welcome tea break, and Mark brought some famous Ouyen vanilla slices.

Eventually finished, and did a little victory jig for the benefit of me - but no celebratory beer at the end.  I felt bone tired, and I guess the heat had got to me too, so I retired to my bed for a mid afternoon "nana nap" of an hour or so.  It was great, I felt refreshed afterwards, and then onto the next party at 4.30 which was the Inglewood Christmas party.

Inglewood Christmas party #1

Inglewood Christmas party #2

Inglewood Christmas party #3 

Lots of people, Robert, Alan and the other Lions men cooking up snags and burgers on the portable bbqs - what a terrible job on such a hot day!  Father Christmas, a jumping castle, face painting, an IT bus for the kids, it was all very festive.  Denise and Steve came soon after I did, and we buddied around together, and had some sausages and drinks.

 Around 5.30 we went into the hall  and listened to the band - the 501s who also played at Easter.  They were initially playing old rock and roll type songs

town hall 501 concert

Not too many people in there at that time, but it certainly filled up by the time they started with the Christmas carols

A small inconvenience was when  a small boy was rushed past me by his mother.  He was intermittently vomiting, and unfortunately scored a direct hit on my foot while I was sitting in hall listening to the band.

vomit shoe

This caused me in turn to rush back home, and rinse my shoe, as I didn't fancy the smell becoming ingrained nor more concentrated in the heat.

After the carols, which Denise and I both sang along to lustily (Steve abstained) they drew tickets for the various prizes.  I thought I was in with a chance, given that I hadn't won anything at Inglewood Alive 3 weeks ago, however alas, luck was not on my side again even though before each draw I said to Denise how lucky I was feeling.

I guess it finished around 7.30 or so, and Denise, Steve and myself went to the Empire to have a couple of cold drinks, and then home to bed - where I watched Jimmy Stewart in "It's a wonderful life" - another golden oldie Christmas themed movie.

Tidied up, and left just before 11am the next day - and will be back again on the 27th for a more extended stay


Saturday, 8 December 2012

Inglewood Alive & amazing workers Nov 30 - Dec 2 2012

I came up a day earlier by myself and did some more digging - yes another pile of dirt, this one outside the bathroom window

pile and hole (under the grass)

Once again filled in a hole which the plumber had left behind, with the pile that he had left behind, and then distributed the rest of the dirt close by.  It reminded me a bit of that old movie - The Great Escape? (Justin will correct me if I'm wrong) where the prisoners of war want to tunnel out of the concentration camp, so devise ingenious pockets in their trousers which they fill with dirt from the tunnels and then release throughout the camp.  Of course my way, was without the pockets.  I was also on the constant lookout for gold nuggets, and still examine all the bits of quartz I find to see if there might be a golden seam.  No such luck as yet.  Anyway, I pretty much redistributed this pile, and raked it evenly, although I'm sure that Justin might want to do some final touchups.

Unfortunately, once again I forgot to take the after shot - oh well next time.

Given that we had seen Jill (Old Loddon Wines) when we were up a couple of weeks ago, I went up to the Bendigo Bank to order some wine and rang Mark to see if he wanted some too.  I ended up ordering 2 dozen for us and 2 dozen to Mark, as she was selling them at a very good price. She also inquired about our grape growing aspirations.  I told her that we didn't get around to it this year, and weren't actually even sure if we were going to proceed, as the garden plans had almost half the garden as "vineyard".  Way too much, we were thinking of halving or even quartering the area. I also told Jill that I was thinking of buying up grapes at the market and possibly making wine ourselves this Autumn - to see how we liked it, or not.  She then offered to allow us to pick her grapes (as the Vineyard is now closed) and we could make wine from that.  How lovely and generous! The traditional picking weekend is the Labour Day weekend in March, so we'll be back with bells on!

This could be us... (but isn't pinched this photo from the internet)

I also had to do a bit of trimming, as the front honeysuckle?? has experienced rampant growth and is extending into the gateway
rampant growth looking out

rampant growth looking in

However, despite this growth, most everything else looks dessicated - the day before it was around 40 degrees celsius, and today (Friday) was pretty hot also.  That coupled with not much rain meant that all the remaining cherries on the tree blackened and either dried up, or fell off,  the figs and pears had dried leaves, some of the raspberries shrivelled, and even the euphorbias which I though were tough as old boots, dried to a crisp.  Had to give all of this a good watering - so hopefully they'll survive.

shrivelled pear tree

non edible cherries left

dried raspberries

Browned eurphobias
However, some of the raspberries were still plump and juicy, so I sampled them.  Lovely - home grown raspberries

out of focus plump raspberry

And while I was checking out the raspberries,  I discovered the asparagus that I had planted back in Winter.  I thought it was a random weed, and was about to pull it out, however it was attached to the corm/root that I had planted.  It was thin and spindly looking, and seemed to be ferning up - there was not much of a spear to it at all.  Perhaps there'll be more luck next year.

spindly asparagus

The corn continues to climb, as does the lettuce, and artichokes


lettuce "trees"


I was also pleased to harvest some garlic

fresh garlic

The so called turnip, however, was more leaf than root - and not sure if such a woody thing is actually edible.  Justin thought it most amusing


I also brought a couple of new cookbooks here - part of my birthday present (Readings voucher) from Frank  Both books have a country flavour, so I'm looking forward to cooking from them

country cookbooks
And speaking of cooking, I had cooked up a Moroccan beef tagine with preserved lemons to eat with the Karen & Mark tomorrow night.  Put it in the slow cooker so that it could just bubble away in the background.  (We ended up going to the pub for dinner on Saturday, so I took the tagine home and put it in the freezer for another time)


And, much to Justin's relief, I bought a new kettle (birthday money from Mum) - as he thought that the old one had a funny smell

Fancy new (non smelly) kettle

The others (Karen, Mark & Zoe,  Justin & Madeleine, Fraser was back in Melbourne staying with a friend for the weekend) all came up on Saturday around lunchtime.  Karen brought us a delicious antipasto lunch :- ham, salami, chicken, olives, dips, cheeses, pork pies, pate, stuffed baby capsicum, bread rolls etc.  We ate outside under the hoop pine.

bounteous spread

Karen & Lisa at the table

Karen & Lisa at the table closer up

Justin - not quite ready for the photo

Justin - now ready for the photo

Me- having a drink

me and Zoe, and it's not her beer

Zoe again - and still not her beer

After lunch we went for a bit of a wander along the main street, as Inglewood was having it's Inglewood Alive festival - with street stalls, bands, wine tasting, tours, motorcycle and vintage car displays etc


street stalls

Motor cycle displays

Had a look in Aurora Lodge - the Masonic Hall , and was quite impressed with the beauty of the room.  We also found out that Mr Tivey had been a "Master" (or whatever the correct Masonic terminology is) of the Lodge.

Aurora Lodge #1
Aurora Lodge #2

Aurora Lodge #3 :- ceiling leadlight skylights

Aurora Lodge #4

Aurora Lodge #5

Aurora Lodge #6
Also dropped in at Catherine's postcard/art shop.  I'd met her last year when i'd come up for the day with Susan, and had met her a few subsequent times with Justin, but hadn't seen the shop open at all this year.  Anyway, she gave us 5 prints that she'd made up of the house.  She'd gone and taken a number of photos (yes after the roof had been fixed) and then played around with the exposures/colouring.  The prints are a quartet of photos taken at different angles 2 up and 2 mirror image.  How thoughtful of her to give us  5 copies.  We'll frame them up

this way up

the other way up

Anyway, it was quite hot and muggy, and we didn't really feel like doing any work.  The girls scootered off to the pool for a swim, and the rest of us pottered around.

Justin put up an old unframed painting that Frank had given us

Karen and I also decided that we'd go off to the pool for a swim (me at least), leaving Justin & Mark to do whatever.  Of course, we missed the girls, as they  had decided to come back.  Although it was hot, the pool was quite refreshing, but it took a while for me to actually fully submerge, but once I did, I swam a few laps.

Anyway, we were there for about an hour, and came back to a brilliant surprise.

In the time we'd been gone, Justin and Mark had rejuvenated and improved the front path - which had been wrecked by the plumber last year.   We were so surprised and impressed that they had managed to do it so well and so quickly.  I thought it an improvement on the initial path, as the bricks were now laid saw-tooth fashion as per around the mulberry trees.

our marvellous new path

Our marvellous new path - aerial view

the girls posing on our marvellous new path #1

the girls posing on our marvellous new path #2
The boys were off having a run when we returned, so after all of the showers etc, we didn't really feel like doing any cooking.  Yes, I had already made the tagine, but there were still accompaniments to be made, so we went to the pub instead.

The girls en route to the pub

Karen, Justin & Mark en route to the pub

One of our favourite photo spots - in front of our house

Zoe en route to the pub

Me - at the pub!

Big bacon and egg breakfast for the adults on Sunday morning, the girls slept in for hours, and didn't really feel like a cooked breakfast. Good thing we didn't wait for them!

And once again Justin & Mark proved themselves wonder workers - as they concreted over the the front path that had been pulled up by yes you guessed it the plumber.  Justin had never concreted before so was very appreciative of Mark's guidance and help

getting started

having a think




