Christmas 2011... Months ago I had said that I would like to have Christmas at Inglewood and have everyone come and stay...and this has now happened which made me rather glad. It was a relatively small Christmas – as lots of family were off doing other things ie Nin, Clare & family were in America, Alex, Prue & April were in Canberra, Penny & Gavin with her Mum, Jan & Pete in Port Douglas and Frank & Penny with the Hughes - so in Inglewood it was us 4, Mum, Helen & her kids, Becky & Elise, Brian & Clare, & Sarah – 12 of us in all.
Anyway, Justin & Fraser got there first on 23rd in the ute with Alex’s large cupboard, and Mad and I followed an hour or two later in my car – takes ages to get everything ready at home.. .always longer than you think
Had a quick inspection when we got there, and was pleased to see that Ken had finally fixed up the mezzanine windows and they look rather good. However the view over David’s sheds etc could perhaps be improved. I’ve also started calling this room the “garden” room as it has a view from 2 windows over the garden. Another thing is that Ken hasn’t seemed to weigh the sash windows properly, as when you open a window that he’s “fixed” the top window slides down (it shouldn’t) and sometimes the opened window also slides back down – I’ll ask him to fix them – but won’t hold my breath.

Relaxing after dinner watching something on the dvd player 23 Dec
A big job in the morning was to get the cupboard into the kitchen – but first we had to empty the end cupboard as per below

Preparation for the big cupboard
And make sure that it all fit

Fraser & Justin working - Madeleine posing
And yes it did fit, but it was very heavy and cumbersome as we had to lift it off the ute which Justin had driven into the back yard – difficult – and then balance and steer it on the trolley, also tricky getting it through the kitchen door. But we managed, and it looks good!
![]() |
Finally there |
Helen & kids arrived later in the morning on Christmas Eve, and Mum arrived with her glazed ham and Christmas cake before lunch. We spent a lot of the day cleaning – sweeping vacuuming etc so that it was relatively dust free for her kids.
Justin also fixed up the door leading into the cellar – as it had broken off early on – so Justin needed to get a new piece of wood – didn’t want Helen’s kids ending up in the cellar
Justin also fixed up the door leading into the cellar – as it had broken off early on – so Justin needed to get a new piece of wood – didn’t want Helen’s kids ending up in the cellar

Cellar door
Our kids decorated the Christmas tree, and got the dining room table ready for Christmas – a Santa hat for each chair, and a cracker for each place setting

Christmas dining table
I also had to go to the butchers to pick up the Turducken before noon. Got there about 11.45 and they were starting to pack up – Pat asked if I liked prawns – as she was bagging some up, - of course I did - and she gave me a big bag for free – how lovely!
Brian & Clare also dropped by with a huge box of oysters – insulated by packing foam and lots of ice. We put them down in the cellar – as that’s the coolest part of the house
We also christened the Bosch washing machine that I had bought off ebay months ago – worked well. Had to wash sheets for our visitors. We then had to work out where to hang them – thought we could go around to Becky’s place, but then I thought that Grant & Francine’s would be more convenient – so went and asked them. All was fine – so hung up the sheets etc there. Was also VERY HOT – ie 38 degrees (according to Francines’ barometer) So the sheets dried in no time. Helen bought us a washing line from the IGA a couple of days later, and we strung that up off one of the almond trees in the back, and then to the back fence and back to the tree etc. Unfortunately forgot to take a photo - oh well, once again next time
We all trooped off to the pub for dinner – and paused to take another photo in front of the Treasures of Inglewood – posing in front of the picture of our house

Mad, Fraser, Helen, Mum Michaela & Xavier
Mum was very impressed with the pub – we had recommended one of the chicken schnitzels with topping , and Helen enjoyed her barramundi
Was chatting with Enzo & Ros at the bar and asking them about their Christmas plans – Ros said how they had discovered Bertocchi Turkeys and how good they were. I cheekily said that I would “see” their Bertocchi turkey and raise it with my turducken.
About 10 minutes later Ros appeared with a small plate with slices of their turkey for me to sample – and yes it was good! Enzo also said that he would drop the bar fridge around early in the morning
On the way back from the pub bumped into David with Mum, and he gave us some tomato plants and some rhubarb. Also saw a lone cop doing booze testing on the main street, he said he’d probably be there until midnight or so as there wasn’t much traffic and he was supposed to test 50 cars
Sat on the verandah and took the telescope out – only a sliver of a moon. Were also dry thunderstorms – and some good lightening forks and sheets to the north/east
Was pretty hot over night -especially upstairs for Helen & kids in a front upstairs room, and our kids in our proposed upstairs bedroom. I had thought that Helen would go in the “garden” room as it is separate from the other rooms, and hopefully less likely to be disturbed or disturb others – however she poo –poohed this room, and didn’t like any of the other smaller rooms, nor the fold out couch which I had proposed for her. Not that she’s fussy... So our kids ended up taking the couch, and Sarah was going to be in the other upstairs bedroom, and Mum opposite J and I downstairs
Given the heat, J was concerned about the oysters – as obviously he didn’t want a mass poisoning. Around 10pm or so – he thought he should try and buy some more ice – tried the road house up the road, but it was closed, so went down to Bridgewater – and although the service station as closed, they were still inside counting up the money etc. Luckily they opened up for him – so he was able to buy more ice.
Christmas morning dawned nice and early of course – Mad appeared in our room around 6.30 or so – I told her to come back at 7 – which she did with a very excited Michaela. Michaela was pretty much shaking with excitement – as she’d seen that Santa had filled all of the stockings – and that there were lots of presents under the tree

A good haul from the Santa sack

Before the great unwrapping frenzy

A Christmas elf?
After the unwrapping frenzy we all calmed down a bit and prepared for lunch. All the cooking was pretty much done, we just had to chop up the vegies & potatoes and put the turducken on the BBQ – as James had said it would take 3 -4 hours

Our wonderful Turducken
Everyone arrived pretty much at 12.30 – and that’s when the champagne started flowing – and I brought out the oysters. I filled two large platters, and then was shocked to see that there was still another layer or two underneath. I went out to ask Brian exactly how many oysters they’d brought – 14 dozen!! He said this was not the time to be mean...
Anyway, for starters we had of course the oysters (which just myself, Justin, Mum Brian & Clare ate – my kids might have had a few too) Becky, Elise, Helen & her kids abstained – so many dozens each for the rest of us...)
We also had the large prawns from Pat which I had painstakingly peeled and deveined earlier with some thousand island dressing that I’d made. In addition there was my pate, spinach mushroom roulade, onion tart, and grilled capsicum that I’d made at home, marinaded Nimmitabel olives that I’d finished marinading here yesterday, Helen’s homemade cheese biscuits, and a couple of bought dips. Given the limited fridge space a good start...
And then onto mains :- of course the turducken – which I inadvertently wrecked a bit. As per the previous picture it was in a net to keep its shape. When it was ready I pulled the net straight off – and some of the meat came with it – and it lost its shape. Still tasted good though – although the presentation was lacking. I mentioned it to Pat a few days later and she said I should have let it rest, then it wouldn’t have pulled – oh well user error then – I’ll know for next time. We also had Mum’s delicious ham, and a stuffed BBQ snapper. Becky had also brought a couple of large salads, and Sarah had brought lots of bread. What a feast!

A good spread
We all enjoyed ourselves, conversation was flowing, and yes it was still stinking hot – although not too bad in the dining room

A Christmas pose

Elise & Xavier

Sarah & Mum getting down to work

Where to start?
Here looks like a good spot..

How much pipe was there?

Our Christmas table

Justin enjoying himself

The chef having some champagne

Clare, Brian & Justin

Christmas table #2

Clare & Brian

A Christmas wave

Christmas table #3

Time out from eating
And desserts were a lemon tart that I’d made at home, with the Christmas pudding that Sarah had brought and the brandy butter I’d made, Helen’s truffles, the kid’s mini puddings, and a fruit platter from Clare

Desserts & Helen captured with an interesting expression on her face
I guess we finished up around 5pm or so – and we were all exhausted – as per the below photo of Justin


After lunch
I also had a “nap” for a few hours and got up again around 8 or so
Boxing Day was rather lazy...sleep ins, just a bit of tidying up and NO WORK

Mum taking it easy
Given the abundance of oysters I treated myself, and had a dozen oysters natural for breakfast

Dozen oysters for breakfast - how decadent!
And then for dinner Justin made up the rest as oysters Kilpatrick ie he chopped and fried up some of the Christmas ham (for bacon) and steamed the oysters on the BBQ – then finished off with some worcestershire sauce – delicious! Actually, Sarah then found another bundle of oysters in the back of the fridge, so Mum & I had them in an oyster soup with potatoes etc the next night – Justin was too suspicious of them by this stage – but it was delicious – and all was fine

Oysters Kilpatrick for dinner on Boxing Day
Got back into work the day after Boxing Day, me, Sarah & Mum out in the garden, Justin inside. Mum wanted to clear up the front garden and pull out all of the scrappy yellow flowers which were spent, - “out with the old, in with the new” – and then dig over all of the earth, and bring in the manure etc

Out with the old, in with the new

Sarah & Mum getting down to work

Mum loves her garden fork
Sarah then attacked the large tree – trimming off low branches

Where to start?

Here looks like a good spot..
I was on a mission to get rid of the stupid metal poles sticking up all over the garden as well as getting rid of the above ground water pipes which had been disconnected. Took a while to get rid of some of the more stubborn (deeper) poles, and also some of the very long underground pipes

How much pipe was there?
In the end I had to do quite a bit of trimming the bushes /digging up straggly geraniums/agapanthus – and finally I had it all...and dragged around a lot of other metal rubbish to Gordon’s trailer

Trimming to get at the stupid pipe

Meanwhile Justin was fixing up the wood fired stove – had sanded down the first layer of the stove cement, given it another coat, and then two coats of blacking all over.

Had a mini crisis one day – as Fraser had decided that he wanted to go home - a school friend who had moved to Hong Kong was visiting Melbourne - and “everyone” was catching up. We weren’t leaving for home yet, so he was going to hitchhike....Not a good idea for a 12 year old boy – so Justin distracted him with the lure of a tree house in the big tree. Scrounged around in the garden for suitable bits of wood – and Justin climbed up the rope ladder and constructed a small platform. And also some rungs on the tree – as it was a bit tricky getting up there. Fraser loved it – and also helped him. It’s rather high – but that’s part of the allure for the kids. Fraser was keen for me to go up too, I made it as far as a lower branch, the swinging rope ladder did little to build my confidence,- so I climbed right back down – didn’t feel comfortable/safe....

A full trailer

And a full metal junk trailer
Mum & I also tried to fix up the mess of the front broken path...Daniel had pulled up and broken a panel and just left the pieces to the side. Mum & I tried piecing it back together – Justin thought it a bit of a waste of time, but we persevered, and we think we did a pretty good job (as an interim measure)

Crazy paving front path
Meanwhile Justin was fixing up the wood fired stove – had sanded down the first layer of the stove cement, given it another coat, and then two coats of blacking all over.
Unfortunately I forgot to take photos of this progress - so will try and remember to take photos of the “finished” stove next time. Would be great to actually use it also
And yes, it was still hot – so we only really worked in the mornings – and relaxed a little in the afternoons

Time to relax #2

Helen, Xavier & Madeleine playing
Also went on short bike rides – which Helen very much appreciated – as she hasn’t been able to ride a bike for a couple of years given her young kids

Helen off for a bike ride
The kids also enjoyed playing with Xavier and Michaela. The below photos show Fraser twirling a ribbon on a stick for Xavier

Fraser twirling a ribbon for Xavier

Ribbon twirling #2
We also went to checkout the new Bridgewater Bakery one afternoon – and then walked along the river, saw the swimming hole etc

Helen & Fraser at the Loddon at Bridgewater

Loddon River #2
We all enjoyed the mulberries from the garden – either eating straight off the tree – and risking stained clothes /hats etc , and of course purple fingers – or else with Helen’s delicious French toast or pancakes that she made us for breakfast a few times

Some delicious mulberries
Had a mini crisis one day – as Fraser had decided that he wanted to go home - a school friend who had moved to Hong Kong was visiting Melbourne - and “everyone” was catching up. We weren’t leaving for home yet, so he was going to hitchhike....Not a good idea for a 12 year old boy – so Justin distracted him with the lure of a tree house in the big tree. Scrounged around in the garden for suitable bits of wood – and Justin climbed up the rope ladder and constructed a small platform. And also some rungs on the tree – as it was a bit tricky getting up there. Fraser loved it – and also helped him. It’s rather high – but that’s part of the allure for the kids. Fraser was keen for me to go up too, I made it as far as a lower branch, the swinging rope ladder did little to build my confidence,- so I climbed right back down – didn’t feel comfortable/safe....

A very high tree house
Given the heat we also went to the pool a few times – Michaela made friends with a couple of little girls which pleased her (unfortunately no photos here either)
I also took the kids yabbying again – this time we had proper equipment – yabby nets courtesy of Elise’s Dad, and cow liver for bait courtesy of Pat at the butchers etc. However despite all of these advantages the result was still the same – not one single yabby. Although Fraser & Elise did find a number of small frogs, water scorpions and a dead yabby.

Expecting a big haul with our professional yabby nets

Probably found a water scorpion
Had another night at the pub for dinner – Mum enjoyed a schnitzel with sauce again – Sarah had left by this stage – as she was going to Ocean Grove for a few days.
Justin & I also tried to fix up the front gate – as it is drags along the ground when you open or close it and is very heavy. Justin managed to take it off its hinges and saw that there was a ½ cup shaped depression underneath, and that the whole gate had just slipped down. There was no way that we could fix it then, and actually we have no idea how we’ll fix it later either – need a new piece manufactured? - who knows?

The gate has slipped down a bit

The 1/2 cup beneath the gate
Justin & the kids left in the morning of New Year’s Eve, and Helen made us a special dinner of smoked salmon & rocket pasta. Mum & I enjoyed some sparkling pink champagne (our favourite holiday tipple). They went to bed early – so I saw in the new year watching the new Upstairs Downstairs series – which was rather enjoyable. And I also thought it would be pleasant to see the new Year in – in Inglewood
Helen & kids left early on New year’s day, after first shorting the powerpoint in the kitchen... I was not happy and unfortunately made it known. I had turned on the washing machine to wash the sheets again etc, and Helen had also turned on the George Foreman grill for some late breakfast, as well as the fridge being on the same powerpoint. Something had to give, and it was the powerpoint. The washing machine and fridge also stopped dead. Got quite cross with Helen, although I must admit that I hadn’t said anything about limiting the use on single powerpoints. Anyway, I had no idea how to resurrect it all – the fuses looked fine – so I tried something else. Turned out that it was the powerboard – so I tested it and it was fine – luckily... and luckily I had also calmed down before this...
Mum and I had a bit more work to do – and yes it was another hot day... She wanted to wash the downstairs floors...
Meanwhile, I worked outside putting bricks around the perimeter of the little herb garden (parsley, rosemary & Vietnamese mint) that I had planted up a few months ago. I then mulched it. Note, as per below we now have a couple of hoses – one at the back connected up to the back water tank. And the other at the front connected up to the mains water. Hopefully with this additional watering the plants will be happier. I’ve also asked Gordon if he can keep up the watering if it’s been hot – as it would be nice if the tomatoes that David gave me survived. Sadly the ones that I’d planted with Susan, and the pumpkins that I’d transplanted into the vegies beds had all died. However some other vegies that I’d planted from Kate’s seeds have come up. Looks like broccoli, and maybe beetroot, and the potatoes were still fine, as was the lemon grass that I’d planted a while back

New herb bed
And to give them a better chance I also mulched the vegie beds – nice back breaking work

Mulched vegie beds
And the front bed that mum had cleared, forked through and put manure on

Mulched front bed
Lastly, when I left I made a silly mistake... I had bags in the hallway in preparation for taking them out to the car. I had relatively heavy bags in both hands, and was trying to open the front door. Whilst doing so, I must have knocked the “trigger” on the old fashioned lock which had previously been held back by an old stocking, and it shot closed. Therefore I was locked in, and couldn’t work out how to reopen the lock – as we have no key. It was late – about 4.30, it was very hot, and I just wanted to go. However I had to traipse out the back door with all of the stuff – bit of a hassle. Either Justin will have to work out how to re open it – or we will have to cut it open with a hack saw blade – the gap seems wide enough. What a silly thing to do – right at the end

Now locked door - how do we open it?
Madeleine’s comment below prior to me posting this blog (I’m writing this a few days later at Ocean Grove, first in Word and will then copy onto the blogger website)
Actually it's now 19th Jan - and I've just finished this up - the internet connection was shocking at OG - so I couldn't post anything... but I did write this up
Maddsta is da beastest oner eva in da historie of tyme!!!11!!!11!!!!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!