Saturday, 15 September 2012

Axe Prince and tweaking September 8 & 9 2012

So, this time we all came up to Inglewood for the weekend, as people might have started thinking that I didn't have a family...

Before getting stuck into anything, we went for a wander up the street - Mad and I went to the Op Shop and bought some books and a blue cardigan with little daisys  for Mad which she was very pleased with.

We also went and saw Steve and Denise - and I introduced them to the family - and they showed us around their building /cellar / garden.  etc All good, and for once I wasn't in my overalls and boots. Yes, I must admit that the visit was slightly, no, very disingenuous, as I was wearing my nice cashmere jacket/coat, my nice black top with roses, and jeans.  Smart casual I think you'd call it...

Once back to the house, as expected, Justin praised my vegie patch perimeter efforts, but was not effusive.  I knew that the slight crookedness irked him, but thought that it was ok

Well, also as expected, he fixed it up - and used a string guide properly which I now saw was where I had gone wrong.  I had the string suspended about 30cm above the ground - hence it was a bit tricky exactly lining up the bricks.  He had his string at ground level.  Well, I guess I'll know for next time

my slightly crooked effort

Justin's straightened effort
I attacked the plumbago under the bay window - and filled up Gordon's trailer yet again

Plumbago before chopping #1

Plumbago before chopping #2

post chopping #1
Post chopping #2

Madeleine was rather tired, so slept a lot of Saturday afternoon.  Here's a photo of her & Basil asleep on the bed

Fraser, on the other hand was keen to do some wood chopping, but we had to make sure that he did it safely.  Justin had to cut up some more pieces with the chainsaw first

Justin the lumberjack

Axe Prince #1
Axe Prince #2
Dinner at the Empire, where Enzo was pleased to see us, and recommended a new bottle of wine to Justin; he also shouted us a glass each of something else at the end of the night - which was very hospitable of him

Home to a roaring fire in the dining room, and Justin and Fraser "jammed".  Justin of course on guitar, and Fraser on the oboe - playing a new tune from the Ken Burns Civil War series

Soiree at Inglewood
Mad played on her pc, and I read the papers by the fire

A big bacon and egg breakfast on the wood fire stove   - on the wood fire stove, I'm getting very adept at cooking on it now. Actually it wasn't that cold this morning - hoorah - Spring seems to be here.

And then more weeding around the other mulberry tree etc

pre weeding shot

part post weedding

Fraser also had a cat in the bag

latest fashion accessory

Justin and the kids left around 1.30, we didn't have any lunch following our huge breakfast.  I continued to potter around the garden, wondering what was going on at the Town Hall - as there were many cars parked out the front - and people going in and out.

Of course I went across to investigate, and was told that the Goldfields choir was playing a free concert there at 2pm.  Of course I had to go, after changing out of my overalls first

Goldfields program
I ended up walking in with Barb from across the road, who introduced me to Wilma who was Grant's mother

The choir was lovely - singing acapella songs ranging from gospel to African

Goldfields Choir #1

Goldfields Choir #2

As I said,it started at 2pm - and was still going strong at 4pm - with a few breaks in between. I couldn't stay any longer, as I still had some things to do at the house, so left during the last break

Friday, 14 September 2012

Vegetable Garden Guru 3-6 September 2012

Came up for another few days this week - Monday through Thursday this time.

This time I wanted to achieve more than just weeding  - I wanted to do something more lasting.  I had actually wanted to do up the garden room, start mortaring up the holes, filling in the cracks with plaster etc - but Justin was unenthusiastic - wasn't sure about that room.  Thought that if the holes were filled with mortar then if the house moved more it would do more harm than good.  He also probably thought that I wouldn't do a good enough job - especially unsupervised

That said, I decided to stay outside, as less can go wrong there...

I had always thought about putting a  border around the vegie boxes.  We had lots of bricks left over from the new laundry, and also lots of gravel in a pile from the plumber - so waste not not want - and that was my new project.

First I had to clear away the weeds, and try and even it out.  I staked a 1m perimeter around both boxes

pre weeding

post weeding - view from Garden Room

Once the weeds were gone, I added some sand as a bed for the gravel

left over sand from the laundry build

And 3 x slate stepping stones which I found throughout the garden

taking shape now

And finally the the gravel - which was rather heavy transporting in the wheel barrow

gravel mountain!

And finally after a few days - my finished perimeter - carefully raked - and only a little wonky.  I did try and keep the bricks straight - used some string around the sticks and everything, but I couldn't quite manage it.  Anyway despite that, I was pretty pleased with my accomplishment.

Of course I didn't do this exclusively, as it was a bit back breaking, I also added pots around the laundry.  These were very heavy also - luckily we had the old trolley

the 1st of a few pot plants

And I did some washing - taking advantage of the windy, sunny weather

bed linen washing

I had my customary morning coffees out - with Denise - which was lovely - of course going to the different cafes...

Denise also dropped over on my first afternoon here, and gave me some unusual succulent cuttings, which I've put out the front

Denise's succulents
 Enzo also gave me some the next day when we had a coffee at the Royal

And, I couldn't help myself, I had to weed around the poor mulberries.  I would like to make a small bed around them, with a brick perimeter also - now that I got a taste for brick work
lots of weeds around the mulberry

found a frog while weeding

Found more asphalt underneath, that would have joined up to the asphalt near the back door - but I'll probably cover this up again - as it's pretty patchy

weed free, and asphalt uncovered
I also used the camp cooking box as my new wood box - and keep it by the wood fire stove in the kitchen

 Last week when I was here, Gordon had said that he would come around with a bottle of red for us to share, and  we made it Wednesday afternoon for 5pm. I was also invited to Jamie Nevin's place for dinner afterwards at 6.30

Anyway, I finished up around 4.30 or so, and had a welcome shower.  So lovely to wash the dust and grime off.

I set up some chairs and table up on the veranda, and organised a few nibbles

pre drinks 
And then Steve and Denise dropped by with a bird of paradise plant which they had divided from their pots. Of course I invited them up, opened a white, and sat and chatted while waiting for Gordon.  He came a little later, and so then we started on his red.  And then Kevin from the Historical Society walked by and we called him up also - all very social - and as you can see from the above photo, a lovely sunny afternoon/early evening.  I did start off in a t-shirt, but  graduated to a jumper as the evening progressed

They left around 6.15, so that I could head off to dinner.  But first I had to pop down into the cellar to select a bottle of wine to take to the Nevins. I thought it was rather grand to be able to do that - and there was only a little bit of water seeped back in there....from our July flood

hmm - which one should I choose?

I wasn't exactly sure where Southey St was, so used the gps on my phone.  Was starting to get dark by the time I got there, and there didn't seem to be a house number either - so I rang him and asked if he had a white 4 door ute parked out the front.  He did, and it was his house.  Incidentally his house number is on the actual house - well away from the street.  I was expecting it on the letter box

getting dark on my walk to dinner at the Nevins

I met Jamie's wife Michelle, and their 2 boys.  Had a lovely lamb dinner - pity Justin wasn't there also - but Jamie said there would be plenty more opportunities

Jamie offered to give me a lift home, but I said that of course I could walk....

Well, on leaving the house - it was pretty much pitch black.  I couldn't find the road, although I assumed it must be just out the front - after all I had walked there along it a few hours before hand...

There were no street lights, but I knew I had to go right to get back home. So I used the small light on my phone and went right - along grass...until I got to a barbed wire fence - at which point I turned around and walked back presumably the way I had come

pretty dark isn't it...

a photo of the ground - in the dark....

It was sort of funny, but very disorienting, I eventually felt tarmac under foot, so assumed I was back on a road, so once there I quickly made my way back home

I went back on Thursday in daylight - to try and see how I could have got so lost...The first large building is Jamie's shed, with the house behind it in the back ground.  I guess I didn't come out far enough to the road and just walked down the paddock?? Who knows?? I want to go back there one night with Justin to see if it similarly disorienting

Bruce dropped by  the next morning (Thursday) as he wanted to show me his farm and his wagon wheel furniture.  He also wanted to sort out the money he owed us for the back veranda that he didn't end up building.  I suggested that he come back on Saturday, as both Justin and I would be there then, He said he would come (but didn't end up doing so)

Sue the arborist also came over at 10am - she thought that the hoop pine looked quite healthy, although she didn't like to see the cubby house platform and rungs nailed into it.  Suggested that a free standing structure would be kinder to the tree. She also discovered the probable remains of the quartz  path under it.  She had a thick wire tool that she was  only able poke in about 20cm deep into the ground.  Upon digging she found large pale pebbles at the 20cm point - and this was probably the original path from old photo that we have.  She also thought that a hoop pine root may have caused the crack in the bay window, as she found a root leading up to it.  She thought that root barriers were useless, and that we should just cut the root. She didn't think we needed to do anything about the  dead limb up the top, thought it added character etc, and that the tree would have cut off sap flow etc to it anyway.

The bunya bunya was another story - quite stunted looking, and with very compacted soil underneath. She suggested lots of mulching, but will write it all up in a report for us

Given that I wanted to save my poor little frost burnt lemon trees, I gave them some fertiliser as per below, and also fed the roses.  Hopefully they'll pull through

I had also planted some more strawberries, and some asparagus in my vegie garden

And the first iris has bloomed.  Unfortunately it's a dirty looking yellow and purple/mauve - but I still think it's great

Anyway, back to Melbourne on Thursday afternoon, as I had to be at Wesley on Friday morning, as Mad was a receiving a sports award for hockey. And we'll all be back on Saturday morning for the weekend

More weeding & new neighbours :-Sunday 26 August - Wednesday 29 August 2012

Another solo trip - pretty much during the week this time  - as I am between engagements as they say... Yep, retrenched and taking a bit of time off up in the country, in part to work out what I want to do next, and also obviously because I really enjoy coming up here to Inglewood.

I did get some rather nice leaving presents...

A rather impressive bottle of champagne

will save for a special occasion

which Basil was also interested in

don't think I'll share any with Basil though

A set of camping cookware for my open fires:-

the box of camping cookware - in my car boot

And some flowers

nice box of flowers

First thing I noticed when I got here was that yes, Coliban Water had made good it's promise, and dug in the water pipe which had been previously looped along the crappy falling down front fence.  And the water meter had been moved also - along to the Storm Lane side

underground water pipe now

Anyway, I hadn't attacked the front garden (outside the fence) for a while, and the weeds were starting to mount up, as were all of the plantings that I had put in over the last year ie irises, jonquils, mystery bulbs, gazanias, self sown euphorbias, poppies, lavender, geraniums etc.

As I'm sure I've mentioned before, it's very social weeding out the front like that - as people always stop and have a chat.  I worked out here for some hours, and it was rather pleasant in the Winter sun.

I also had to empty out the cellar a bit  - as more water had seeped in....

Chicken and mushrooms for dinner on the wood stove, and an early night

Rather cold morning (Monday) with a good frost....crunchy grass under foot.  However, another lovely day - and more weeding on the left hand side front bed.

Had decided that I would reward myself with a social coffee each day around 11am.  And today I went to the Empire and had a coffee with Enzo, who had been up all night - fixing up his new bathrooms.  I suggested that when he finished them he could come around to our place - as he's obviously a handy fellow.  he graciously declined that one

I also ducked into the new Inglewood Emporium to ask them about their cellar ( stories abound about their cellar and a tunnel to our house.... as their shop had been owned by Mr Tivey

Inglewood Emporium

Steve and Denise introduced themselves - and showed me around - including the cellar - which unfortunately doesn't have a tunnel to our place - although there did appear to be a bricked in doorway - which might have been for the tunnel.  (They dropped in on me later in the afternoon when they'd closed the shop - and I returned the favour and showed them around Nimmitabel)

After lunch, I'd had enough weeding so I grabbed the axe and started splitting logs that Gordon had cut up (from last years fallen down fence)

part of the wood pile for chopping 

It was surprisingly quite satisfying and even good fun - hefting that big axe.  And yes I was careful,  wearing steel capped boots and making sure that my feet weren't any where near where I was swinging.  Also wore gloves as I didn't want blisters again

not much of the wood pile left - pretty much all chopped up (that could be)

This took quite a while, and I transferred the wood to our new laundry and stacked it there

For dinner I thought I should christen one of my new camping pots, so started up the fire on the wood burning stove, and cooked up some pumpkin soup - from one of my pumpkins in the cellar

sausages and pumpkin soup for dinner

After a long day's work I was quite physically tired (who said I was coming up here for a rest? - and it was getting cold - so I decided to brave the less than pristine bathtub and have a bath by candlelight - while reading the Good Weekend.  It was actually lovely, as it really warmed me up

bubbles up the far end

 Finished off all of the weeding out the front the next day, and yes more passers by and more chats.  Met the chief CFA officer - Brian - who asked if he could cut some palm fronds for his birds.  Of course he could and he came back later.  He also made a new leg for the broken fire dog that I had bought, as he has a metal works business down the road

new fire dog leg on the floor 

broken fire dog and new bit on the floor

Don came by to fix the town hall clock and we had a chat, Gordon dropped in, and Howard stopped by to see if we were interested in an old chair and couch which had originally been in the Tivey House.  Of course I was interested to have a look, so we went down to his son's place to inspect them.  Unfortunately I think they're too far gone.  As you can see they would definitely need to be recovered

Tivey arm chair

Tivey couch

I invited Denise to join me for my Tuesday morning coffee at Bubbletoes, which was very pleasant, and Wednesday coffee was at GGs

I also had to take some photos of the hoop pine and bunya bunya for Sue the arborist, as I had spoken to her - and she wanted to know what the trees looked like

poor old bunya  bunya

hoop pine 

hoop pine

 Did some more bits and pieces in the garden - got rid of a mirror bush and plumbago under the hoop pine

where the mirror bush and plumbago had been (pity I forgot  to take a before photo)
And left for home around 4.30 or so Wednesday