High school re-union....could be fabululous, could be awkward. As it was, it was fabulous.
I was released from hockey duties on Friday night/Saturday morning, so I went up Friday afternoon to prepare/have a bit more time up there.
Went to visit the ladies in the op shop, and came away laden ... More fleeces, in case my guests were cold, a carving fork, and some tracky pants. Then went and bought some eggs from David.
Back home, and I started cooking. Given that my feijoa jam was so nice last time, I made up another batch in the breadmaker, and also a feijoa tart (less successful),
NQR Feijoa tart (looks nice though) |
And of course some bread for the next morning. Denise came to visit late afternoon, as she wasn't around earlier and we had a good old chat.
I was surprised that it wasn't "that" cold. Sure it was chilly, but not bitter, I didn't even bother with a fire on Friday night or Saturday morning. And the ground now gives way gently in some parts of the garden, as there must have been quite a bit of rain. In fact it's soft, and not just in the parts that we had dumped excess soil. Pity we didn't dig the hole for the olives now, although I'm sure they've had a good head start.
Denise had told me that Jim was making pies now, so I went to see him at the butcher shop. From a batch of 4 dozen he only had one left, which wasn't much use to me with 8 guests coming. Anyway, he very kindly gave it to me to sample ( was delicious, he even makes his own puff pastry). Pat also told me about a wood fire stove with water jacket that Gail (from GGs) was wanting to get rid of - so I determined to give her a visit.
Jim's beef and burgundy pie |
Did some tidying up at home, made an onion tart for lunch, and another batch of feijoa jam. I also decided that the standard lamp which Prue had given us a while ago needed to be put back into operation. Xavier had tipped it over and broken the glass shade, so we'd never used it, and I wondered if the ladies at the op shop, or any of the other stores might have a suitable replacement. I had already asked Denise last night, and she didn't think that she had one. Anyway, back to the op shop and I was in luck, as they had a glass shade that fit (I took it home to check first). Brought it back, paid for it, and then went next door to Gail's to ask about the stove. It was a Stanley and still available, so I arranged to go around to her place at 4pm to have a look.
Leaving GGs I noticed some tinkling noise, and yes, the lamp shade had broken - between leaving the op shop and going into Gail's. Uncanny and disappointing. It was in my shopping bag with my purse, I hadn't swung it around or banged it, it just broke. I guess it must have had a hairline crack, and it was also quite thin glass. The op shop ladies were also disappointed for me, and I ended up getting a couple of cloth replacements, with some gauzy scarves to cover them. But they're not quite right. In fact once I had kitted up the lamp it looked a bit like a head with a hat on it, I was tempted to draw a face....(particularly the bottom photo)
not quite disguised enough |
looks like a head with a hat.... |
Yvonne & Tom, and Darren & Gail arrived around 12.30. I gave them the grand tour inside and out, and then we had some lunch out in the garden in the sun. Had the onion tart, and my bread with cheese & pickles/fiejoa chutney ala ploughmans lunch with some wine that Darren had brought. Very convivial. Dave and family showed up around 3. We were still sitting at the lunch table, and had moved onto my not very good tart and tea/coffee
Went for a wander around town, and bumped into Jim and Pat out for a walk. Jim was going back to his shop to make more pies, and said he'd be open so that we could get more of his famous pork. Darren and I ended up going there. We weren't sure where the others had got to, in some shop or other. Anyway, Darren kindly bought the pork, and perhaps because I had been raving about the T -bone steaks, Jim threw a couple of these in for free for Darren. Most appreciated. Took them home and I then realised that I needed to go to Gail's to meet up with her daughter Mel who was going to show me the stove. Although it wasn't far, I drove there with Darren and his Gail. Unfortunately Mel had forgotten about our appointment, so I left her a note. My next suggestion was that we go and have a look at Blanche Barkly, so we picked up Yvonne and Tom on the way, whilst Dave, Natalie and kids stayed at home.
June (Arleen & David's sister in law) was holding down the fort, and gave us various tastings. Arleen popped her head in as she was in the house making a cake, and said she'd be back soon. She did return and joined us in more tastings. It was starting to get dark, and Yvonne mentioned that Dave would probably want to feed his kids early, so we made a move.
Well, we had nothing to worry about, Dave had got a roaring fire going in the Winter house, and had the pork, potatoes and pumpkin cooking away in the pizza oven. All very efficient.
Blurry Yvonne, Dave & Bella in the Winter house |
More focussed Yvonne, Dave & Bella in Winter house #1 |
More focussed Yvonne, Dave & Bella in Winter house #2 |
Bella & Natalie |
that's our dinner in there |
Pork, potatoes and pumpkin in Pizza oven |
It was actually very cosy and warm sitting there, so the next time we use the pizza oven at night, we'll have a fire in the Winter house again to keep both the cook and onlookers warm.
I took a couple of photos looking back into the house - as it looked very cosy in there also
peek into the dining room #1 |
peek into the dining room #2 |
Mel had also dropped in, and apologised that she had forgotten that I was coming around. She ended up texting me some photos of the stove, but I really need to see it with the doors closed.
Gail's Stanley stove |
Once again the pork was cooked to perfection, this time with the vagaries of fire. Dave had also cooked up the best roast potatoes that we have had yet at Inglewood. We had a big roaring fire in the dining room, and I lit lots of candles. Lovely atmosphere.
Dave to the left, Gail to the right at the dinner table |
Yvonne, Tom & Dave |
Retired to the couches after dinner, where little Aden was very keen to play his version of chess.
not sure what move that is |
bit of dancing |
relaxing on the couch |
not exactly sure why I took this photo |
bit of playing the guitar and singing... |
Dave warming himself |
Darren looking forward to some of Yvonne's
delicious lime and coconut cake |
Obviously the kids went to bed first, and the rest of us disappeared as the night wore on until there was just Dave and myself left. At 1.20am I called it a night. I'm sure that Dave was only getting going, but it was late for me. And although I thought I was tired, I ended up tossing and turning and taking ages to get to sleep. Not good. And of course, I was the first one up too, despite still being quite exhausted, but not sleepy!
Chef Dave took it upon himself to make a big batch of scrambled eggs, I was on toast and coffee/tea duty.
Once again, we ate in the dining room complete with a morning roaring fire, and sunlight streaming through the bay windows.
After breakfast we went up to the "lookout" and they were surprised at how surrounded by bush Inglewood is, then back to the house and reading /relaxing in the sun on the veranda.
Late morning/early afternoon we went to Melville's caves where the weather was definitely fresher....
Back home for a burger lunch courtesy of Tom from the Blue Eucy cafe. Gordon dropped in to say hello while we were eating outside.
And back to Melbourne around 4pm, I was somewhat pleased (schadenfreud)) when a car sped by followed by a lurid police patrol car that had pulled out from the centre strip. It tore after the lead-foot, lights flashing, and pulled him over. I wonder how expensive that ticket will be?
And lastly I should have a heap more (professional looking) photos to show for this weekend when Yvonne sends me copies of hers. But that may well be a separate post....