Inherited/re-housed a bit more furniture, and also took some other very heavy pieces to Alex and Sarah's
We ended up taking some veranda chairs and table, and Mongolian low chest of drawers to Inglewood
Got to Inglewood after 1pm, so unpacked and had some lunch up on the veranda on the new furniture. The table worked really well, because as Justin had pointed out, it has 3 legs, so doesn't wobble around on the slightly sloping veranda floor
Was a lovely sunny day, and reasonably warm in the sun, but cold out of it
And, it was a lot greener than just a week ago.
I did a bit of gardening, but also had some work to do, so did that in the dining room. I was very pleased to have my work internet dongle. however it was freezing in the dining room, had a coffee to warm me up
Put the Mongolian drawers in the Red room, with the Screen behind it, not sure about that though
Maile and David dropped in to tell us that it was the 1st weekend of the month, and to remind us to come up to the Village Green
Justin had been looking forward to just a quiet night at home, however I persuaded him to come, and we had a very nice time. Got there around 6pm, and there weren't many people - Terry, Maile & David, Arleen & David, Anne & Phillip and one of their friend's. Mark & Chrissie came a little later.
I had certainly dressed warmly for it, thermal underwear and a number of jumpers/jackets and even a hat. I was warm enough, and there was also a fire in a brazier which warmed our hands. Had some wine, and some little snacks
Stayed til 7.30 or so, and then home to dinner. I had prepared some bolognese earlier and had it warming in the oven at a low temperature to meld the flavours even more. Was pretty good if I do say so myself.
Had a picnic dinner in front of Jarhead the movie upstairs. Thought about a fire, as it was pretty cold, but we had a small blow heater and rugs.
Sunday, and a slow start, reading the paper online.
I suggested that we put up that William Morris tapestry that Justin had bought some time ago. Justin had thought it would be tricky, and we'd need dyna bolts etc, however it was pretty light, so we could just use a normal picture hook
Justin had to cut the pieces of dowel down to size first
And then it was ready for hanging
Next off we thought we'd wash the ute, as it was filthy! Had some sort of mould?? on it , or else it was persistent dirt. It was actually nice to put my hands in the bucket of hot water to warm them up.
I don't think we've ever had it that clean!
Had some nice hot pies for lunch, and I did some more work (not thrilled about working on the weekend, but it had to be done, I had a training presentation on Monday,and my client had wanted me to change a whole lot of things from my self deluded final version on Thursday)
The mushrooms/toadstools had also grown quite a bit
And I noticed that a solitary asparagus fern had resurrected itself in the vegie patch. They had been going pretty well last year, but then the heat must have fried them, and they disappeared