Wednesday, 23 October 2019

The Chill has gone Oct 11- 13 2019

Well, first up on Friday I went to the very last ever Jon Faine radio broadcast (after 23 years) at the Melbourne Town Hall with Anne from CWA

There was a queue around the block for those with tickets - but it moved pretty quickly, especially once they came and stamped our hands as proof for entrance

First up there were all of the living Victoria premiers (plus one aspirant) - minus Denis Napthine who couldn't make it and minus Jeff Kennett who had something else to do

The ones who were there were John Cain, John Brumby, Steve Bracks, Daniel Andrews, Michael O'Brien (aspirant) and  Ted Ballieu

It was all very entertaining - and Anne and I had a quick lunch afterwards at Southbank

Then the train home, pulled out some plants which were in the wrong spot, and off to Inglewood to plant them

Also brought some firewood (from a jacaranda that George had cut down)

Found a couple of dead fledgelings - the first absolutely covered by ants on the front path

The apple tree and cherry tree were in glorious blossom - here's hoping for some fruit

 And the almonds out the front were the best that I've seen them - green and glossy - but no nuts that I could see

However the plum tree that Justin had moved from the vegie garden looked dessicated - with very dry leaves.  I gave it a good water, and then some more over the weekend, so we'll see if it survives.  Saw Francine out the front at one stage, and she said she'd also given it a good bucket of water

On a positive note, my poppies are just about to bloom

And, on a negative, it's starting to look dry, the grass/weeds which had been bright green two weeks ago, are starting to yellow and brown

Once again, this wasn't a social weekend, I just wanted to clear out the weeds from the garden, so weeded, and then rewarded myself with a gin and tonic on the veranda, plus my guilty pleasure of some cheese balls that Fraser had given me

Saturday and Sunday were much the same, more weeding - thought I'd do some out the back

Below is a before photo

And here are some after photos

I also went looking for some asparagus and found a few spears (not many) and had them with dinner on Saturday

Some poppies emerged on  Sunday

And it also looks like at least one of the grape vine cuttings might be about to bud -as there was a touch of green bed burst

Lastly, I forgot to say that Justin had completed the jigsaw puzzle (last time)

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Grand Final long weekend and scones 26 - 29 September 2019

There had been some debate as to whether we would leave for Inglewood on the Thursday night, or Friday morning.  Given that it was a long weekend, traffic could be expected on Thursday afternoon, but we assumed it would have died down by 7pm or so

As it was, Justin was able to get away early, and beat me home - I had put in a long day at the Royal Melbourne Show - where they even asked me to make some scones.  Did so with a little trepidation, after all, it's the CWA, and we're famous for our scones.  My first batch was ok, but by the time I'd done a few batches, they were getting pretty good.  Made 274 all up - yep we have to keep a tally.

Anyway, quickly packed, and we were off around 5.30pm.

As anticipated, the traffic was slow along the Monash, but improved once we got onto the Tullamarine Freeway.

Called up Helen (as she was there with her kids already - school holidays) to see what time GGs closed - 8.30pm, and our ETA according to Googlemaps was 7.55pm

And yep, Googlemaps was right.

Dropped Justin off and he ordered us some burgers for dinner

Friday morning, and we had a little sleep in.  I then had a skype call at 10am with the Production company for the television program (seemed to go well).

Then into the garden to admire it some more

Justin also moved a rogue plum tree from the vegie garden

Met up with Rachel at 1pm at the Kingower Church, and then onto Maile's for her monthly Old Ladie's Movie afternoon.  Helen came too, although liked to think herself too young for admission (she wasn't)

The movie this time was the Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society.  Was delightful, whimsical, and also had lovely scenery

And of course we accompanied the viewing with prosecco and cheese & biscuits

It was Rachel and Helen's first time there (for the film), and they were well impressed

Finished up after 4, back to the house, and just sandwiches for dinner.  I don't think the kids were that impressed, but we weren't very hungry.

Saturday, and it was the AFL Grand Final - Richmond vs GWS (Greater Western Sydney).  And it was the most beautiful sunny blue sky day - just perfect

I weeded in the morning

Here's a before shot (unfortunately forgot to take the after shot...

And Helen helped too

Justin did some trimming/pruning of the fruit trees, and also accidentally punctured the mains water with the mattock  - whilst trying to get rid of some deep rooted weeds.  Luckily Troy was able to come over a few hours later and fix it up.

Helen particularly wanted pies and sausage rolls for our Finals lunch - so we had them outside under the tree

A bit more weeding after lunch, and then upstairs around 2.30 to watch the 1st quarter of the Grand Final.

Was low scoring, and at the end of the 1st quarter was anyone's game.  I figured I'd come back for the last quarter, and went back outside for more weeding

Well, from the 2nd quarter onwards, the Tigers dominated, and it ended up being very one sided.

Thought we'd go and try our luck at yabbying in the local dam.  Just walked there, and used meat on a string - no luck unfortunately

The kids also showed us their "cubby" - which they had been playing in with their local friends

Once we got back Justin took a rather good photo of the toy monkey

And once again, a light dinner because we had a largish lunch

Sunday, and I had invited the gang over for Devonshire tea at 11 - given my "bragging" over having made scones at the Royal Melbourne Show

Was cloudy and cool today, perfect scone weather, so we had them in the dining room

Terry teased me and said that they looked a bit rough, so I was especially careful with my last batch - as per below, and they were beautiful!

We obviously didn't need lunch!

And here's a photo of the kitchen after the scone making

Justin played a bit of footy with the kids (on a couple of different days)

And Xavier also did a bot of scooting around (Justin took these action shots)

Justin and I also went for a little drive around Kingower - the below vineyard (not sure whose it is was full of capeweed yellow flowers - looked pretty