I just wrote a whole lot of this, went away and did something else, came back, and lost it ....
Hadn't saved it - more fool me, so here I go again
My brother in law Alex loves coming up to Inglewood, so he wrangled his time to work from home - up there - from Wednesday through to Friday
So, he was the first of us to see the results of the underpinning - ie muddy kitchen floor and back veranda. The clean bits are where the floor was cut out. You can also see that they got rid of that terrible kitchen sink cabinet - not sorry about that
And Nick also restumped the floor in here - so we don't bounce around anymore - a vast improvement!
Alex kindly mopped up the kitchen and re set it up
He also rescued part of the cupboard frame to support the sink
During his stay he took some nice garden /external house photos. Looks like Spring has finally sprung

And a lovely sunset over the Town Hall
He captured 2 x cheeky corellas at our air vents, and a perhaps innocent rosella on the roof
He also took a couple more inside photos - ie of a light filled stair way, and a glowing Bee room with its newly polished floor
And some town shots - ie site of the new ambulance centre and the main street
Justin and I arrived on Friday night in the ute with the couches. No rain forecast, so all was clear
Alex came and helped us unpack the couches, and Justin mentioned that they seemed to have moved a bit.
They put them in the downstairs hallway - couldn't be bothered taking them upstairs tonight - we wanted our dinner!
When we were done, Alex asked if there was one more cushion - as one seemed to be missing, or maybe I'd put it somewhere else. I thought he was joking/trying to pull my leg. Sadly he wasn't. We were one large back cushion short. I tried texting the lady we'd bought them from, and also called up Fraser to ask if when he picked them up with George - if it was possible that they'd left one behind. Fraser said definitely not, they'd counted the cushions when they packed them up, and then again when they'd got home - just to be sure. That meant we must have lost them on the trip up.
What a nuisance, and it certainly put a dampener on the rest of the evening. As we now had one useless couch
On Saturday morning Justin and I decided to drive as far as the Calder (about 50km on way) to see if we could find it. Justin had a hypothesis that it could have been blown out by an oncoming truck on the Calder alternative- so we thought we'd give it a shot. Justin was driving and I was the spotter. During the drive I also decided and then said that I would be willing to drive back to Melbourne and then back to Inglewood to see if I found it (I guess I didn't really think we'd find it now)
However - we did!
Yep, just outside of Marong, by the side of the road, surprisingly undamaged, and only a little bit damp, from the overnight dew. We were ecstatic and very surprised, because even though I like to think of myself as an optimist - I guess I didn't really think we'd find it.
And neither did Alex - who had been busy helping us in other ways. He'd done a reverse Google image search and had established that it was made by a Melbourne furniture manufacturer - Sulfaro, so we probably could have had another cushion/cover made up
So we drove back triumphantly to Inglewood and very much surprised Alex with the found cushion
And then it was time to set up the Bee Room
First, to reinstate and vacuum the large rug
Next was to carry the couches upstairs (luckily they weren't too heavy -ie they weren't sofa beds)
Then to position them in the room
Quite pleased so far
Next was the large and very heavy television cabinet. Luckily we were able to borrow Bernie's trolley again. And also luckily, Nick the underpinner showed up at this time - so I asked if he could help a little bit also
Took a while to centre it under the airconditioner

I then went downstairs with Nick, and video called Cam the builder - to see if he wanted Nick to hammer back in those kitchen floor squares. Cam said not to worry about it, as he would be pulling up part of the floor again anyway.
So Nick explained what he had done - and also gave me a couple of bottles of his rose that had been made from his grapes at his place in Avoca, How nice was that?
Meanwhile the boys moved more of the furniture -ie bookshelves, table/chairs etc
We also didn't put in as much furniture as we'd had in there previously - ie the music paraphernalia will go in the Garden room above the kitchen. So, in my opinion, the room looks a lot better, and the table and chairs are further out from the bookshelf - so both are much more usable/accessible now.
By this stage it was lunchtime, so Alex set up an array of antipasto, cheese, dips etc in the dining room
Then it was my job to fill the bookshelves - I wanted to do it properly, so cleaned each book before placing them in certain categories ie fiction, war, history, travel, gardening, law, family etc

After this, it was off to WaterWheel to pick up some wine for the CWA raffle, - had a good chat with Peter there. He's always good value
And then onto visit Connie (CWA) at her place in Bridgwater. Rhonda was there too, and they came over to our place later to see what we had done
Given that it was the first Saturday of the month, we mosied on up to Kingower
Was a pleasant evening, and then back to our place for a light dinner and a movie upstairs for the first proper time in more than 2 years. Alex chose "Hand of God" - an Italian movie which had very good reviews, but I was starting to fall asleep, so just went to bed about 1/2 way through
Sunday, and a bit of a sleep in. I forgot to say that I'd gone for a walk with Alex yesterday morning. And I hadn't done that for at least a year also - because of my hip. It was so lovely to be able to walk freely and without pain again. Anyway, didn't do it again on Sunday, read the paper in bed instead! And then got up and had toast and coffee for breakfast in the dining room.
More book sorting - takes ages, and I found a lot of "family" books ie those that had belonged to Justin's granny, grandpa, dad etc. Quite a few of his granny and grandpa ones - were ones that they had won - either in Sunday school, or regular school - and they had fancy frontispieces
There was also a book (Captains Courageous) that had belonged to his Uncle Michael - not sure why his dad had it
And obviously I was emptying out the little yellow room as I emptied out all the boxes and bags of books into the bookshelf
From this
To this
It's actually better than the below photos now, as most of those book boxes have gone. I forgot to take another 'after" photo. Will do so next time
I suggested that Peter's nice old roll top desk be positioned up in the top hall (where the kimono box had been). It was currently languishing in the dining room
So Alex and Justin took it upstairs, and Justin spent a bit of time polishing it up til it gleamed
Justin also gave another coat of French polish to the table in the bee room - as somehow it had gained another watermark (asked Terry how to do it last night)
He made it look a lot better
And he (or Alex) also vacuumed the chaise longue
Justin also refurbished the dining room table as it was looking a bit dry
The three of us then went around to Steve and Denise's to look at a fire fender that I had seen a few weeks ago - but it was sold - luckily was too small - so didn't feel too bad
We then went around to the train line as Peter from Waterwheel had told us that an old steam train was going by at 2pm.
Luckily, we drove -as we just made it
Justin also took a nice photo of me in the garden