Friday, 27 May 2011

Gilly suit 21 & 22nd May 2011

Well, I'm back for the 2nd week in a row.  Drove up with F & A, while J trucked up in the Ute - with the wheelbarrow, and wardrobe from Joels.  We passed him  about an hour onto the Calder.  I was surprised - thought we would have passed him much earlier - but we were stuck at the train crossing on Burke Road for a while.

Anyway, arrived at the house around midday - which was relatively early for us. 

Unpacked, and then the kids decided that they wanted to dress up in F's Gilly suit (which he'd got for his birthday)  - so we went down to the IGA to shop for supplies

We certainly got lots of strange looks - the kids thought it was great
E in Gilly suit, with F poking his head out from behind her

Came back to the house and had some lunch on the verandah.  Rather than our boring sandwiches, the kids had elected to have hotdogs - so we cooked up the frankfurts on the BBQ - and had them in rolls with grated cheese, lettuce, tomato and various sauces.  Not bad at all

delicious hotdogs

After lunch the kids dressed up again in the suit and stood on Verdon Street - waving to the cars passing by - lots of honks happening

We also had a visit from Peter B - a new structural engineer we have asked to come and have a look at the cracks in the house - as we need to fix the roof - but don't want to do so until we know whether we need to do any underpinning or not...

He got us a bit excited when he called us outside and showed us a trapdoor to the famed tunnel leading from the house to the Tivey's store.  However the trpadoor turned out to be just another piece of tin.  We've found lots in the garden and have assumed that they were used as some type of weed retardant for the flower beds etc.  So, unfortunately not a trapdoor.  No matter, we 'll get the kids to keep looking.

He also thought that the roof could be fixed without waiting on the underpinning - so that was great news. Now we just have to see when the roofers can fit us in

Meanwhile, I pottered about, sweeping up all of the dirt (not just dust) in the downstairs rooms - took ages.  This all must have been stirred up by Ken when he was replacing the sash cords in the windows.  Also cleaned out the 2 fireplaces, and shook out the rug with F - as we don't have a vaccuum.cleaner.  Lastly, watered the irises that I'd planted the week before, plus the strawberry plants that Francine had given me, and the rose that I'd moved - as they were all looking a little dry.  Got the kids to help also - as it is a time consuming process - going to the tap with the most pressure, filling a bucket, walking around to the front, watering, repeating repeating repeating etc

J put a final coat on the front door - so it looks great now.  And he also put the King George knocker back on

A arrived after 5pm, (had things to do back in Melbourne) - and we all sat on the veranda and had our customary  Saturday afternoon nibbles and drink.  B came and joined us also

Then onto the Empire for dinner, yes I'd been there last week, but the others hadn't.  It was looking a bit crowded as we approached  - lots of cars - but it wasn't too bad when we got inside.

We 4 adults had a table, and the 3 kids had their own table next to us - worked well.  We tried a different local wine this time _ 6 Sovereigns Merlot Cabernet Franc - and it was very good.  There was an email address on the label if we wanted further information - so I emailed the maker a few days later to enquire about buying a dozen - but the email address was defunct. I also couldn't find any information about the vineyard on the web - maybe they've gone under.  Would be a shame - as it's good wine

Well, had a good dinner as always, and back to our place for a fire in the dining room, and a dvd for the kids.  J took out his guitar and serenaded us also

J entertaining us without his guitar 

J entertaining us without his guitar - portrait

Unfortunately, F and I had to leave early the next day - as he had a footy game at 12.30.  - so we had to leave by 10 -10.30. 

Had a big fry up breakfast 1st - bascon, eggs hash browns - because I knew we would have a late lunch due to the footy.

J cooking up the breakfast

I also took home 2 of the wooden venetian blinds from our bedroom.  I quite like them, but they don't work properly.  I plan to ask one of our neighbors in Glen Iris how to fix them/if they're worth fixing - as he made his own venetians - and therfore must be vey handy...

So, I didn't feel as though I achieved much this time, just housework type miantenance - but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

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