Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Another uncle, aunt and lunch 28 & 29 March 2015

A rather social week for Justin and I.  Dinner on Wednesday with his Mum, stepfather, and the kids, a social/work dinner on Friday night, and then a good lunch on Saturday with Justin's uncle, aunt, her sister, and our/their friend Jill.

Anyway, the drive out of Melbourne was grey and drizzly, however once we were level with Mt Macedon, the sky ahead was bright and blue, while the grey clouds loomed to our left over Macedon. It was an extraordinary effect.  Unfortunately no photo was taken, however Justin said that if we were ever to buy a house on Mt Macedon, then it would be on the north/sunnier side.

Arrived in Inglewood in blazing sunshine just after 11.  Had to get the pizza dough started (in the bread machine), and then went down the street.

Given the lovely weather, and the fact that I had my uncompleted jigsaw on the dining room table, we decided to set up the table outside under the hoop pine,

I made up a salad, and once the dough was ready, prepared the pizzas.  We also had a pate and a red dip that I'd made at home

Miles, Mary and Elizabeth arrived 1st, and we showed primarily Elizabeth around as Miles and Mary had been there before.  I think that Miles disapproved of our removing the wallpapers....

Jill arrived soon afterwards, and Justin settled her out in the garden while my tour continued.

We eventually joined the others under the tree, and started the pate, dip and my own Inglewood olives - with of course some bubbles.  A curious baby magpie was watching us from above.  Jill kept an eye on him to ensure that he either didn't drop or pick up anything.

Justin slipped away and put the pizzas on to cook, and we washed them down with some red wine

lunch #1

lunch #2

The afternoon ebbed away pleasantly.  Our guests left after 5pm to go back into Bendigo to the opening of a Ned Kelly exhibition, and Justin and I pottered around.  The dishes were too daunting, so I watered the garden instead.  I was surprised that the artichokes were having a 2nd flush of fruit

Autumn artichokes

And the peppercorn tree at the back had dropped its pink seeds resulting in a lovely pink carpet all around it

pink peppercorn carpet

My peaches were pretty much ripe, so I picked a good bag full, and subsequently bottled them

ripe peaches on tree

picked peaches
Bottled peaches

sun coming through the front glass on the wall

Had a quiet night at home.  Watched the last of Jinx - wow, what a show. And then an old Rumpole.

The Jinx HBO series

On Sunday,Justin made us eggs for breakfast which we ate outside.  It had been pretty cool earlier, but the sun was out now, so jumpers weren't required


Watered some more (it was very dry) and did more of the jigsaw. Justin thought I was getting a bit obsessive about it, and asked what was the difference between doing that and being glued to a computer screen.  Possibly not much.  But I wanted/needed to complete it before my young nephew and niece come over after Easter.  If I don't chances are pieces would get lost, and that would make me pretty cross.

work in progress

see I've done the umbrella on the left side now

It was Denise's birthday today (Sunday) so Justin and I walked down to wish her happy birthday. However the shop was closed, so we had to sms instead.

We did however see the posters up for the Inglewood Heritage day in May.  Denise had already told me yesterday that there was a lot of interest in the house. We'll have to put on a good show......

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