Sunday, 3 May 2015

Anzac Day 25 & 26 April 2015

Need I say more.....


Well, it was a long time and many hours coming, in fact I didn't even know if I had all of the pieces, but I eventually completed it......

But back to Anzac Day.  I wanted to come up to Inglewood to experience a regional/country Anzac ceremony.

And it was terrific.

Firstly there was a march from the RSL in Brooke Street to the memorial, complete with armed young cadets, a ride in Denis' rolls royce for those who found it hard to walk, a strolling banjo player, returned soldiers, and descendants of soldiers proudly wearing their relative's medals

Denis' Rolls Royce

Young cadets

Gail, Denise and Mick all marching
Once we got to the memorial, the soldiers/descendants were quite close to the memorial. and for whatever reason there was a large buffer gap between them and the rest of us.

the ceremony at the memorial #1

the ceremony at the memorial #2

There seemed to be quite a large crowd, although I have no idea as to numbers.  Mick the policeman got up to speak first, and then introduced someone who had grown up in Inglewood (I didn't know him) and he proceeded to speak about Howard R's Great Uncle who had fought at Gallipoli.  We were told that in 1915 there were approximately 1100 people living in Inglewood, (similar to now) about half of them male.  And of those men (between 18 & 30) over 300 joined up - which would have been huge.  Howard's Great Uncle Winston was the first to sign up in the district.  We were told that so many joined up possibly because of Colonel Tivey and the fact that Inglewood had a rifle range.

photo of Colonel Tivey in the RSL building

There were a few other speakers also, Val played the organ, and someone played the Last Post on the bugle which I found very moving.  Wreaths were laid and I'm sure tears blinked back, and the flags raised again.

After this we were invited back to the RSL for complimentary tea/coffee and a modestly priced lunch put on by the Lions Club if we wanted it.

There was also a book launch for 2 new books which Kevin from the Historical Society and Kim from the Neighborhood House had helped put together

launching the books in the RLS atop a table
Charlie Bezzina (former Homicide detective who investigated various high profile Victorian cases) was in town for a Crime night put on by the footy club, so I guess he stayed to introduce these books and also have a chat to Howard

The books sold for $25 each, and I bought them both

new Inglewood book #1

new Inglewood book #2

Before the speeches, I got myself a cup of coffee, and bought 5 raffle tickets.

After the speeches we were invited to stay for lunch which was $5, or if we joined the RSL as a social member, then the lunch was free, but it would cost $10 for membership.

I joined up, and when giving in my completed form, asked what sort of ID they wanted to see ( I had a drivers licence, medicare card etc).  But Mick heard me, and said that of course I was the one with Tivey House, so he knew me (we've spoken at length on a few occasions) , and I didn't need to show any ID.  I was pretty chuffed by that.

RSL form
After this I went and lined up for lunch.  One sausage, one hamburger, bread, associated salads, and drinks. Tables and chairs were set up for eating, but I sat on a chair along the wall, balancing the plate on my knee.  I thought the older people would appreciate sitting at a table more than I would. However once someone had vacated a chair, I was invited to join the table in front of me, so I gratefully accepted.

Anzac Day lunch at the RSL

Got talking to Colleen and Rick from Kameruka (not in NSW, here in Loddon).  They asked me how I came to be there, so I told them that we had a house here in Inglewood.  After further questioning Colleen eventually realised which house it was.  They were very interested, so I invited them to come and have a look after lunch.

Obviously the Lions Club wouldn't have known how many people to cater for, so once everyone seemed to have been fed, we were invited to go up for seconds.  And then the cakes came out, and after this hand cut fruit salad and ice cream and more tea and coffee.  Pretty good for $5.

The raffle tickets were also drawn at this time.  Rick had also bought a few and had his lined up numerically.  I thought it a good idea, so did the same.  And lo and behold, one of my numbers came up.

I was so excited, I jumped out of my chair knocking it over in my enthusiasm, I thought the other winners were a little too reserved and blase about their wins.

Anyway I won a $50 meat voucher from (unfortunately) a Bendigo butcher, but Jamie Nevins said that he could pick it up for me - and I'll take him up on that too

my win!
So I had a lovely time chatting with Colleen and Rick, not to mention my raffle win.

Went back home via the IGA to buy some milk and beef for the curry I was going to make.

Colleen and Rick arrived soon after and I gave them the grand tour - practice for next week.... Heritage Festival.

I got the curry together in the slow cooker

uncooked beef  curry
And then Justin's Aunt Mary dropped in again with her friend Sue who was an architect.  Sue had driven past the house for years and was always very interested to know what it was like inside.  As they had also visited Jill up in Kingower, Jill and her houseguest Janet  came to visit as well

So, given that It was Anzac Day, I served them up some Anzac biscuits that I had made the day before with some coffee

Anzac biscuits 

Sat around and had a nice old chat

Sue, Janet, Jill & Mary left to right
Mary and Sue had to make sure that they left by 3.30pm, as they were going to dinner in Melbourne. Jill and Janet stayed a bit longer.

After they left I went back upstairs to my jigsaw - as it was certainly getting closer to completion

nearly there

Had some Melbourne leftovers for dinner, and then I watched Gallipoli in bed - as I had done that last year on Anzac Day also

Gallipoli dvd

Had a walk up the street on Sunday and was not that surprised to see that window in the knife shop was completely out now

windowless knife shop

Finished off the curry

completed curry
And finished off the jigsaw, as per the beginning of this blog post


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