Given that it was my birthday yesterday (Friday 13, unlucky for some, not for me!) I had some sway on when we left for Inglewood today, so of course I chose early. Not ridiculously so, but just this side of 9am.
Justin, Fraser and I went, leaving Mad in Melbourne as she still had one more VCE exam to go.
Left the clouds and drizzle of Melbourne for the clear skies and warmth over the Great Dividing range. Despite there being a downpour on Oaks Day the previous week, it certainly looked drier than ever.
The oiled floors upstairs were dry though - which was a relief, as Justin planned to put on another layer
Lunch was at the Royal, all three of us had a po-boy. Nathan the chef (who had worked with Jamie Oliver) had gone, but his successor made it pretty much the same way. Was very good as always.
Maile and David dropped in on their way to the Bendigo Swap meet, I invited them over on their return - for "prosecco o' clock" drinks on the veranda.
Pottered around a bit after lunch, doing some stuff in the garden. And then went for a planned bike-ride to Kingower. Justin had some work to do, and Fraser said he had to study, so I went by myself.
It was a very windy day, and quite a hard slog riding up the Inglewood Kingower Road, directly into the wind. It actually wasn't very enjoyable, and it was supposed to be fun, so I took a right at Green Hills Road. Wanted to try somewhere different.
First up saw a dam, with water lilies - quite picturesque.
lovely dam |
A bit further on was a defunct bridge with what looked like a long dried out creek bed
rough and ready bridge |
There was a bit of water on the other side
not flowing |
And a few rather small wild flowers
teeny wild flower |
country road signs (had got onto Old Res Rd last week on my walk with Alex) |
And life is tough in the country, came across numerous bones
kangaroo vertebrae |
And the dessicated hide
literal skin and bones of the kangaroo |
Finally got to the hills (not so green though)
not so green hills, pretty though |
And some more bones - look how sandy the road is. At times I had to walk the bike, because the tyres didn't get enough traction, and I almost fell off
sheep? |
That lump in the middle of the below photo is a dried up dead sheep - there were a couple more in that paddock too. No live ones that I could see (yet).
dried dead sheep |
pretty, but desolate |
another dead sheep |
another hill |
a downhill stretch |
Startled an escaped sheep - no idea where it came from (sort of chased it on the way back, as it kept running in front of me, didn't seem that clever)
escapee sheep |
And discovered a lot of big old olive trees - laden with flowers
huge old olive tree- wonder what sort? |
And some more flowers
tiny little orchids? |
And a prickly pear flower
quite benign flower |
but rather prickly leaves |
a row of flowers |
Rode down the hill until I got to some cross roads (no, no devil to sell my soul to, as per Robert Johnson). Had gone far enough, so turned around for the trip home. Of course, google maps couldn't find my location. Thought I'd also call Arlene & David, Terry, Damien & Nicole for drinks too. The more the merrier! Terry also told me about a straw bale house to the right of the cross roads, but I was already part way back up the hill, and needed to get back before they arrived, so gave it a miss.
As per always, it was quicker on the way back, so I also dropped in on Michael & Michelle. They'd put in the kitchen floor, looked fab,and also got a reconditioned wellburn stove with water jacket - all very good.
Got back to the house, and saw that Maile & David's car was there, but not ours. Justin had got a bit worried and gone out to find me on the Kingower Road. I tried calling him, but didn't get through. No David & Maile either, just Fraser. So I went to the IGA and got some dips, crackers and cheese to go with the wine, and ran into Maile & David on the way back.
Maile & David and some of my red hot pokers |
Justin arrived soon afterwards, a little cross, but not really. Terry had told him I'd gone down Green Hills Road, so he drove down it a bit too, thought I might have got lost. As if! Doesn't he read this blog and know that I have an infallible stick system for when I go walking, would do it on the bike too, but it was pretty much just the one road that I rode down.
Anyway, showed David and Maile our labours upstairs and then went out under the tree to set up for drinks. Was a bit too blowy for the veranda, and also Justin didn't really want us up there, as he had vacuumed and was going to put another oil coat on tomorrow.
Justin vacuuming the hallway (earlier in the day) |
Fraser, not wanting to be in the photo |
Arlene, June & Terry arrived soon afterwards (no David, he was playing tennis, and I assume that Damien and Nicole weren't around) Terry brought the French bottle of bubbles that we had given him a couple of weeks ago to share with all of us. Very nice of him to do that.
So ate, drank and chatted and laughed - lovely evening. Turns out it was Maile's birthday a couple of weeks ago, and Terry's the week before that, so we toasted all of us Scorpios.
Arlene et al had to go back for dinner that they had prepared, so Maile & David joined us at the Royal for dinner. As is our want, Justin & I shared a parma - so as not to eat too much!
Maile & David left us after the pub, and Justin, Fraser & I settled down to watch a movie - In Time - with Justin Timberlake. Had been a big day, and I unsurprisingly fell asleep, so obviously didn't see all of the movie. Had to take myself off to bed.
Went for another walk in the morning - another light variation on my usual way - this time a circuit which was just under 6km long.
Came back for a modest breakfast, and heard 2 x kookaburras laughing in our big tree. Haven't seen kookaburras here before. I took a photo of them, but even if I expand the photo to extra large you can't see them, so I won't bother including that photo.
I read the papers for a bit outside, and then watered the garden (Fraser helped) and tidied up to get ready to go. Justin and Fraser did more work/study.
And Justin also put another layer of oil on the floors upstairs - they look lovely
3rd or 4th coat? |
3rd or 4th coat? #2 |
Red room 2nd coat #1 |
Red room 2nd coat #2 |
Little yellow room 2nd coat |
The plan was to go to Mt Koorong for a picnic lunch (for my birthday, and we'd been there last year too on my birthday weekend). I made some sandwiches, got some drinks and nibbles and packed a couple of bags. No chocolate though, would have melted
It was a nice sunny day with a bit of a breeze. Nothing like yesterday luckily. Arrived via a different entrance, - best way yet, straight into the picnic ground area.
Fraser led the way galloping up the hill. We told him to stamp and be careful if there was long grass. He did see some large holes/burrows and looked in one, not too closely. Thought he saw something slither away, but it may have been his imagination.
I kept on needing breaks to get my breath back, as it was a pretty steep climb, and although not a hot day, the sun was warm.
walking up the hill |
me |
me #2 |
Justin and Fraser approaching the top |
The very top! |
having our picnic lunch |
having our picnic lunch #2 |
Fraser in the distance |
So dry #1 |
so dry #2 |
so dry #3 |
Fraser #1 |
Fraser #2 |
Fraser #3
Fraser #4
multiple Frasers with a panoramic shot
So, had a nice picnic, the bags were obviously a lot lighter on the way down, and no getting out of breath on the way down either. Much quicker and easier, Bit harder on the knees though.
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