Had some friends (with guitars) around for a fab dinner on Friday night, so drove up to Inglewood on Saturday.
Started off in the morning, but first had to go to East Melbourne to assist with moving some furniture ( the ute is a blessing and a curse), then briefly back home, and then onto Greensborough to pick up a fridge that used to belong to Karen's Dad.
Finally got into Inglewood early afternoon.
The road into town was still 1/2 blocked off due to the tanker rollover from a few days ago.
blocked off road |
And the yuccas which had stood so tall and proud when I planted them a week ago, looked a bit floppy and sad now
poor floppy yucca |
We had to stake a few of the sadder/floppier ones. Justin wielded the hammer like mighty Thor (maybe a bit of an exaggeration), and the hammer strikes echoed off the Fire Brigade building down the road, which was quite uncanny. I did some loud hand claps, and they echoed also. Later when he was staking and hammering another one, it echoed off the toilet block at the Town Hall
staking |
And, we also had to move the fridge. Steve came and ably assisted. I just took the photos and wasn't much use. Was a very tight fit through the back door. quite a bit of manoeuvring was required. Luckily Steve is very used to this sort of thing.
Bye Bye old fridge - hope we can find you a new home |
thank goodness for trolleys |
1st try |
2nd try |
Justin behind the fridge fiddling with the cords |
in place and looking good |
So, it's a fab new fridge for us, and we're trying to give away the other one, not too much luck as yet.
Still no luck for me and the curtains in our room either, I did have the brilliant idea to put the new curtain rod and curtains in the green room, and take the Green room curtains into our room. However when Justin had a look at the fancy pelmet baubles he thought they were too fragile to disturb, so I'm still without blockout curtains in our room (do have thin/lacy type curtains though)
delicate fancy pelmet baubles |
Had G&Ts on the veranda - with a nice sunset
G&T veranda sunset |
Went to the Royal for dinner - as the Thai kitchen is now open. Was rather good and quick too.
Had chicken satay and then a red curry. Very fresh and fragrant - so will go back
Royal chicken satay |
Given that we'd been served so quickly, we were out before 8.30, so walked home and watched Stealing Beauty - an old favourite. Loved those Tuscan Hills
Watered the garden the next morning - and saw that one of the fence rails on the back fence had broken. Luckily Justin knew how to fix it. Bought a metal plate thingy with nails in it - and joined the two broken pieces together. Will hopefully work, and keep solid
fixed bit of fence |
Also dropped in on Samuel at the old Railway Hotel. He fixes up electronics etc, and Justin had an sentimental old amplifier that crackled and popped. Samuel will have a look at it and see if he can fix it. Also had a wander around the refurbished Railway buildings. (I've looked at them before, actually the 1st time I went to Samuel's). The rooms look great - but they're all empty, what a waste.
Some of the palms along the way had lots of little palms growing underneath them. Haven't seen that before
baby palms |
Went to the Empire for a fish and chip lunch. Haven't been there for ages. Chatted a bit with Ros and Enzo, told him that we'd heard him on the radio regarding the tanker crash.
Went back home and tidied up a bit, and then back to Melbourne
Also picked all of my clingstone peaches
my clingstone peaches |
And bottled them back in Melbourne (how CWA of me!)
Justin took some more photos of the crash site on the way back
crash site Melbourne bound #1 |
crash site Melbourne bound #2 |
crash site Melbourne bound #3 |
crash site Melbourne bound #4 |
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