Friday, 31 March 2017

Autumn Music Night 24-26 March 2017

Got a head start on the others by catching a train across to Karen's and her driving us to Inglewood on the Friday night  - yay. (Justin was taking Fraser to sport in the morning and was coming up after that

Traffic was reasonable, and we narrowly missed a  very casual white goose ambling across the road at the Lockwood intersection (unfortunately couldn't get the camera out quickly enough)

Reached Inglewood just after 7pm, had a quick pit stop at the house, unpacked, and picked up a bottle of wine, and then onto Arleen's for a casual dinner.  Terry had invited us up the week before.

The drive to Kingower was luckily without kangaroos, and there was a beautiful lingering sunset with pastel clouds

They (Arleen, David, Terry, Dermott & Finn) were all sitting around a small chimera fuelled by dry vine cuttings.  Bubbles, cheese, dips very nice.  Then reds with small pizzas cooked in the chimera - very efficient.  We'd brought jackets, as we thought it would get cool, but it stayed mild, and was a really lovely night.  No photos (didn't want to appear too gauche)

I drove us home, and yes there were plenty of kangaroos between the winery and the end of Kingower, saw a rabbit as well.  Back home, and sat on the veranda for a while chatting some more.

Surprisingly rained overnight - it had been so clear and mild   - so I didn't bother watering the garden. Had some breakfast, but then went to wake up karen around 8.50 - she was shocked by the time - thought it was much earlier.

And then drove up to Terry's to start cooking for the Music night

Chrissie was already there slicing up lots of onions, and Arleen arrived soon afterwards.

Karen and I started by peeling many cloves of garlic, and then I sauted the onions over a number of batches.  Dermott browned off the beef

We were making beef bourgignon

We also prepared antipasto platters - Arleen made some celery boats with cream cheese, and I also ended up making my red dip

Karen sliced up lots of salami

Karen and I also started peeling 5kg of potatoes for the mash - however the potatoes oxidised very quickly and seemed quite green.  Arleen took one look at them and said to throw them out and start again.  We didn't have any more potatoes there, so said we'd do it back at Inglewood

Given that Terry had so much parsley in the garden I suggested making up a gremolata to go on top of the bourginon.  We didn't have lemons, but Terry had a very full lime tree, so I zested them, and Terry went and dug up some more garlic.  Can't get any more local than that.  Arleen and I both had a taste when it was finished.  Although we said it was good - we both thought it was a bit bitter.  Confessed this too each other at the Music night - but it had mellowed by then, and tasted pretty good over the mash and beef.

Given that Arleen, Terry and co had been picking grapes during the week, Terry hadn't had time to prepare us a fabulous lunch.  That said, he pulled out some pesto that he's made previoulsy and whipped up a fresh batch of pasta that he made into fettucine - pretty good for a "slapdash" lunch.  Simply delicious!

Back to Inglewood after lunch.  Justin and Fraser arrived soon afterwards, and Chris & Yvonne an hour or 2 later. Sarah was after 5pm as she had had a crisis at work,  During this time Karen and I peeled and boiled another 5kg of potatoes - took ages for them to boil.  Good thing we had started relatively early.

Went back to Kingower around 5.45, as Karen and I were helping with the set up.  Took a while to get everything together and pack the cars.  Needed to muster 7 chairs, and then there was all of the music equipment.

There were 3 tables of 12 - so we picked our preferred table and staked a claim, and then put out cutlery, glasses etc,

Served up the meal at 7pm.  Had a great production line going. I passed the bowl to Karen who filled it with beef, then Nicole put in the mashed potato, Fraser the gremolata, and Justin went and  served the people.  If we had had one more person they could have been the quality control and wiped the splashes off the edges of the bowl.  That said, we were a well oiled machine, and everyone was fed very quickly


The music started up soon after the 1st course was served.  It was supposed to be the Kingower Rangers up 1st, but Alvin didn't come (they'd worked him too hard with the grape picking) and Mark was going to be late, so I suppose David didn't feel like being the only one.  Therefore Terry got Justin and co up first, and they played for quite a while.  Were initially supposed to have a 45 minute set at 8.50pm, but Justin said they played for at least 2 hours.  At least they have a large repertoire  

They were well received, and David and Arleen even got up to dance at one stage.

David P did a homage to Leonard Cohen with assistance from David R, and Mark eventually showed up and did a set with David R also.

The weather was also lovely and mild - like the previous night.  We didn't need jackets.  

We put out antipasto platters after dinner - which was sort of the wrong way around, but better to have finger food in the dark, than knife and fork food.  And Jan had made lovely cupcakes and petit fours.

Dermott also got up towards the end of the night and played his banjo, and then we had an almost a capella  performance - which was lovely - a highlight being Lion sleeps tonight.

Some large spiders came and shared the stage also.  They were quite nimble and quick, and apparently had baby spiders on their backs.  Karen was not at all impressed

Unfortunately for Justin, he drew the short straw and was the designated driver, and ended up making 2 trips - taking the 1st lot home, and then coming back for the 2nd (I was in the 2nd group)

I thought the others would be in bed, but no, they were all still up (Fraser was upstairs though).

I didn't stay up much longer as it was around 1am by this stage  - so cleaned teeth and went to bed - the upstairs red room.  As our room downstairs is next to the bathroom, and I didn't want to be woken up by people having to go to the toilet at all hours (has happened before)

As it was, I took a little while to fall asleep, and then also woke up earlyish  around 7.30, so it wouldn't have mattered if we were downstairs.

So, I was first up, and watered the garden a bit.  Sarah and Yvonne were up next and we had some toast and coffee outside.  The others then got up in dribs and drabs.

Chris and Yvonne left quite early, around 10am or so, and Karen left before lunch too as she was going to America on Wednesday and had to get organised.

The rest of us had an easy morning, read the paper online etc.  Bought some pasties from Cousin Jacks (very nice) and ate them under the tree.  Sarah left after lunch, I had a nap, and we left around 4pm

Another excellent music night weekend

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Me and Mum 18 & 19 March 2017

Well, it was time for me to come up with Mum, as she hadn't been here since Christmas.

I was going to be helping Arleen and David pick grapes, but they weren't quite ready (the grapes that is)

Anyway, Mum and I arrived around 11am, and went to visit the Op Shop Ladies, and I also bought a freezer load of meat from the butcher.

Back to the house, and the 1st of numerous games of scrabble.  I took no prisoners, was lucky with the letters, and won every game...

Given that it was a Mum weekend, and also quite hot, I didn't really do any work this weekend. - as it was my duty (and pleasure) to keep Mum company and cater to her very whim

Found another 60 bindi eyes - how do we still have so many? And then just read the (digital) paper in the hammock as per Susan a couple of weeks ago.  Mum read some magazines at the table under the big tree.

Arleen dropped by around 5pm - unfortunately didn't have time for a G&T, but said hello and gave me a jar of jam and another of relish made from our plums.  I look forward to trying them both.  And advised that the grape picking would probably start mid week.

After this Mum and I went upstairs for a G&T, Mum's first of the year.  Was still quite hot up there - very sunny.  So just had the one drink, and then off to the pub for dinner.

We both had the seafood basket which was pretty good, and it was served pretty quickly also.  But good old Enzo wasn't there, so it was a bit different.


Back home and the Town Hall looked lovely in the twilight

After this we watched a movie - It's Complicated - with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin, a cheery Rom com

  Its complicated ver2.jpg

Was a coolish evening, so it was easy to sleep.

Watered the garden in the morning, and even found 3 more bindis.  Made Mum a nice bacon and egg breakfast that we ate outside (it was another lovely sunny hot day).  No bubbles though!

Terry dropped in mid morning and we had a cuppa and a chat, and then Gordon a bit later.

Another game or two of scrabble, and Mum helped me put the wooden curtain rings on our curtains - easier said than done, because the curtains were very heavy, and Mum isn't as strong as she used to be.  That said we made it without anyone falling off a ladder - luckily

A nice late lunch outside  

And Mum had the last cold cider - aptly called Dirty Granny!

 I had planned to go to the pool for a swim after 2pm, but sadly Gordon informed me that it was closed. Oh No! I forgot that it closed after Labour Day. Although both Saturday and Sunday were both perfect sunny 30+ degree days.

So that meant that I was back in the hammock reading the Sunday Age - not too great a hardship

Left around 4pm, and back home to Melbourne where Justin had made us a lovely dinner on our old wooden table under the apple tree. Just lovely

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Grease Buster Breakfast 4 & 5 March 2017

Can we ever have a bad time here?

I think not

First took Fraser to his school sport for 8am, finished by 9.30, back home by 10, and on the road to Inglewood just before 11am - a relaxed start you might say.

Cousin Jacks Bakehouse was having its grand opening today- on the site of the old Eucy Cafe - so of course we had to go for lunch

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Bought a couple of pies and shared a sausage roll for lunch - pretty good, and it as crowded, which is a good sign. Justin also went to Michelle's for a haircut.

Was a nice not too hot day - maybe around 30 degrees, found a lot more bindis of course, and Justin scraped some more of the sticky surface off the bathroom floor with the citrus solvent.  (had bought some acetone, (bulk nail polish remover), but he said it didn't work as well.

Garden inspection showed 2 x fully laden peach tree - bent over with so many peaches

And the pomegranates and little apples are also doing well

Susan and Mark arrived around 5pm - after an unscheduled scenic tour through Bendigo.  By the way, the exit from the Calder has changed, as they are doing substantial road works now.

I don't know what's happening with this blog....I had finished and I thought posted this entry a week or more ago, and now I see that only a tiny bit has been done.  Which means I have to do it all over again.

What a nuisance!

Anyway - the abridged version.  I was finding bindi eyes when they arrived, got some more 100s.....

It was a nice hot day. so drinks and nibbles under the tree were in order

Susan made delicious fresh fig, blue cheese, and proscuitto, and I laid out some cheeses and dips etc

Then onto the veranda to watch the thunderstorm with sunny breaks


Also took some photos of the poor ragged Australian flag on the Town Hall, little more than a thin strip of material

A late-ish dinner in the dining room.  I'd made up the pulled pork yesterday, and roasted up some potatoes and made some salad

And then up to play some music - mainly Justin, and Mark a little on keyboards

Bed around 12, and then a lovely and unexpected sleep in til around 8.30 - woo hoo

Watered the garden (didn't know how much rain there had actually been), and then a big breakfast of bacon and eggs etc.  Susan suggested tomato as a grease buster, so I suggested bubbles as another type of grease buster.  Mark enthusiastically agreed, and I knew that Justin would too.

The day was lovely and clear, so breakfast under the tree


And then onto Melville Caves to show them around a little (Justin stayed home)

Dropped in on Bridgewater "on the way" home, walk along the river, and then a quick visit to Water Wheel.

Was after 1pm by this stage, and we were still full from breakfast, so didn't need any lunch.

Susan tried out the hammock

And maybe Mark was still a little bit thirsty

So overall, a very good weekend yet again