I think not
First took Fraser to his school sport for 8am, finished by 9.30, back home by 10, and on the road to Inglewood just before 11am - a relaxed start you might say.
Cousin Jacks Bakehouse was having its grand opening today- on the site of the old Eucy Cafe - so of course we had to go for lunch

Bought a couple of pies and shared a sausage roll for lunch - pretty good, and it as crowded, which is a good sign. Justin also went to Michelle's for a haircut.
Was a nice not too hot day - maybe around 30 degrees, found a lot more bindis of course, and Justin scraped some more of the sticky surface off the bathroom floor with the citrus solvent. (had bought some acetone, (bulk nail polish remover), but he said it didn't work as well.
Garden inspection showed 2 x fully laden peach tree - bent over with so many peaches
And the pomegranates and little apples are also doing well
Susan and Mark arrived around 5pm - after an unscheduled scenic tour through Bendigo. By the way, the exit from the Calder has changed, as they are doing substantial road works now.
I don't know what's happening with this blog....I had finished and I thought posted this entry a week or more ago, and now I see that only a tiny bit has been done. Which means I have to do it all over again.
What a nuisance!
Anyway - the abridged version. I was finding bindi eyes when they arrived, got some more 100s.....
It was a nice hot day. so drinks and nibbles under the tree were in order
Susan made delicious fresh fig, blue cheese, and proscuitto, and I laid out some cheeses and dips etc
Then onto the veranda to watch the thunderstorm with sunny breaks
Also took some photos of the poor ragged Australian flag on the Town Hall, little more than a thin strip of material
A late-ish dinner in the dining room. I'd made up the pulled pork yesterday, and roasted up some potatoes and made some salad
And then up to play some music - mainly Justin, and Mark a little on keyboards
Bed around 12, and then a lovely and unexpected sleep in til around 8.30 - woo hoo
Watered the garden (didn't know how much rain there had actually been), and then a big breakfast of bacon and eggs etc. Susan suggested tomato as a grease buster, so I suggested bubbles as another type of grease buster. Mark enthusiastically agreed, and I knew that Justin would too.
The day was lovely and clear, so breakfast under the tree
And then onto Melville Caves to show them around a little (Justin stayed home)
Dropped in on Bridgewater "on the way" home, walk along the river, and then a quick visit to Water Wheel.
Was after 1pm by this stage, and we were still full from breakfast, so didn't need any lunch.
Susan tried out the hammock
And maybe Mark was still a little bit thirsty
So overall, a very good weekend yet again
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