Has a bit of drama at Sydney airport however, as my return flight was mistakenly made as 5pm on 2nd July, but was supposed to be 2 June.
Nothing that money couldn't fix, $275 to be precise which I thought a bit steep, just about the cost of a one way ticket. It was made up of admin fee, airport fee and difference in price between the tickets. I wondered if they would credit if my current fare had been less than the new fare
No matter, made it back to Tullamarine by 6.50, and my case was the 2nd one out of the carousel. Perfect!
Initially we thought that we might stop at Kyneton for dinner as per Alex and I a few weeks ago, however Justin preferred to just get to the house, and have a late dinner there and relax, rather than stop in Kyneton and then have another 1 hour to go. I was easy, didn't mind, as I knew I had some food in the freezer that could be warmed up
So, got to the house around 9pm, and it was freezing inside - well, under 10 degrees .
Got some falafel balls out of the freezer, and a couple of bread rolls. Heated them up in the oven, Had a glass of red, and watched Suits upstairs with the little blow heater on
I was falling asleep by the 2nd one (had had a couple of big days in Sydney) so to bed with very welcome hot water bottles
Woke up 7ish and went outside to turn on the hot water - and yes there was plenty of frost -with the grass crackling underfoot.
Then back to my warm bed, and read the The Age online for a while.
We finally got up around 8.30 and had breakfast outside in the brilliant sunshine, cold but lovely. Had some warming porridge and coffee. Gordon dropped in at the end as he had emptied the trailer of my garden cuttings/weeds and was returning it nice and empty ready to be refilled.
Unfortunately we were still in our dressing gowns and pjs, in the privacy of our back garden, but it didn't matter
Had a warming shower after breakfast, and then went down the shops to say hello to all, and to also buy some meat from the butcher, and some eggs from David - some for me and some for Anne from CWA - as she loves real free range eggs.
I also took a photo over the back fence for her to show her how free range the chickens actually were - very!
Back to the house, and some gardening for me, while Justin started making up some of the cupboard doors
And here were the almost finished result - of 3 - still another 9 to go?
Lunch was yummy toastie sandwiches in the George Foreman press and eaten up on the veranda
Maile called up later in the afternoon to remind us that it was the 1st weekend in the month, and therefore a get together on the Village Green at 6pm.
I finished up gardening around 4.30pm - was getting pretty cold in the shadows out of the sun. I had planned to have a hot bath to warm up. And so I did. The bathtub itself is pretty crappy, but we have lots of instant electric hot water, so I luxuriated in it for about an hour, replenishing the hot water as necessary. Was lovely, and I felt able to store the heat in preparation for our Village Green visit
Once again a small group, surprisingly no Terry, (he was in Melbourne), but David, Arleen & June, Damo, Nicole & Jerry (who we hadn't seen for ages) and Maile & David. Stayed about an hour.
Dinner was either originally going to be the pub, or home made, however given the bath situation, we decided it was going to be the pub, and this was certainly confirmed when we decided to go to the Village Green. However on returning from the Village Green we changed course slightly, and thought we'd get a takeaway pizza from the Roadhouse - as that should be quicker than the pub.
The pizza was ok - had a lot of cheese, and we ate it while watching a movie
Frost again on Sunday morning, in fact so cold that there was an icicle on the excess downpipe of the back water tank
Breakfast again outside, as it was another lovely sunny day. I had porridge again, Justin had toast.
Lots of birds hopping around in the trees, I tried to capture them in photos, but they were too quick, I was too noisy on the gravel path etc. I thought the sun shining through the palm fronds and dates looked nice, so took a photo of that instead.
Went up and visited Damo and Nicole to see their Surf Club
Very impressive, was in their old corrugated iron shed which they had done up. One side the shed , but the other half the club. They'd put flooring in, and on the club side had put in a bar, stools, surfing knick knacks, high table and high chairs etc. Was great, - inspired Justin to crack on with his Yacht Club. They also showed us their vegie gardens also impressive, and we ended up having a morning tea by the surf club - by the outside stove which was cranked up and very warm
Back to the house for lunch, up on the veranda again with another George Foreman Toastie and the ends of a couple of bottles of wine
After lunch I did a bit more gardening and harvested our olives, making a bag of large olives and a separate bag of smaller olives
We also decided that it was time to pull down the wood shed, as it is starting to get dangerous - the nails pulling out of the wall, and the bearers breaking etc
We'll do that next weekend - the Queens birthday
Justin also fixed up the veranda handles of the inside sash window door, one had come off ages ago, and so there were none left. Justin had bought some better replacements
And afterwards he relaxed with some music
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