Thursday, 17 May 2018

Lots of neighbours 27 - 29 April 2018

Given my Fridays off, the stars aligned that I could go to my 3rd "Old Ladies" movie afternoon at Maile's.

Had a bit of running around to do in Melbourne first, so got to Inglewood around 12.45, quickly unpacked (had to put some food in the fridge), and then off to Brenanah with a chilled bottle of prosecco.

Not that many OLs there, Maile of course, plus Nicole, Anne and another lady.

Maile had put out one of her famous cheese and biscuit platters which we grazed on for lunch.

The movie was Madame - with Toni Colette

 Read/sounded better than it was - still amusing though.

Left late afternoon, and some leftovers for dinner - only one kangaroo jumping away from me into the bush.

Saturday morning, and I prepared for the neighbours.  I had made the pizza dough and dips/pate back in Melbourne.

Now just had to actually make the pizzas.  Given that Roy and Pamela are vegetarian (but eat fish), I made 2 x salmon/cream cheese/capers etc, 2 x mixed vegie and cheese, 2 x salami, anchovy, capsicum etc, and 2 x tandoori chicken, coriander etc, plus a large dish of eggplant parmigiana, and a green salad.  I also had various cheeses and biscuits, and our home made salami. I was going to make a cake, but decided against it (thought we had plenty of food, and we did!)

Given that I was pretty much under control, I went and had a coffee with Denise, and bought some eggs from David .

Was walking back to the house, and Clancy/Julie and Justin pulled up in front of me - around 11.40am.

Clancy and Julie had given Justin a lift - so that we wouldn't have two cars up there.  And they came early, so that Justin could get the pizza oven going (needs to get to white smoke before you should put the pizzas in).  Sometimes when it's just me, I'm a bit impatient, and put the pizzas in too soon, when there is still a lot of flame...(not the right thing to do)

Julie and Clancy helped by setting up the table under the tree - table cloth, chairs, plates, glasses, cutlery etc

Looked very nice, particularly given that it was such a lovely blue sky day, with no wind - just perfect to show off the place to the neighbours who haven't been here before

The others (Peter & Sue, Roy, Pam & Trish) got here around 12.30.  So we ushered them outside, and we started our long lunch.  Unfortunately Carolyn couldn't come, sent an apologetic text, as she had a migraine.  And Val and George couldn't come either, as they had another long standing arrangement.

Justin cooked the pizzas to perfection - lovely crisp bases, and it was a great afternoon

 After lunch, we showed the "newbies" around the house, and then a quick walk around the town.

And here's a photo compilation that Sue made

Justin thought a few of them would be interested in the motor bikes at Steve and Denise's

Clancy and Julie were the only ones who ended up staying the night, the others were all invited, but wanted to get back home/ had other commitments on the Sunday.

As per the custom, we ended up on the veranda upstairs and had a few more nibbles.  Had to rug up a little by this stage, as it was getting cooler, but not cold.

Surprisingly went to the pub for "dinner" weren't really hungry, so just got entrees

Justin took a nice photo of the Town Hall on the way back from the pub

And then back to the house, downstairs, and a good fire.

Had a relatively early night

Sunday, and a modest breakfast; Clancy and Julie left soon after.

And Ben finally came back to fix up the cellar window (had been busy on another job in Maryborough?) - and also had some suggestions for moving the water tanks to the back, putting up the orchard fence, and putting in some watering systems for selected trees/plants


Justin and I also harvested some of our lovely olives - separated them into large and small - although the trees didn't seem as laden as last time, we still picked quite a few kilograms


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