The drive there seemed interminable, as there was a lot of traffic/roadworks/breakdowns etc, so it ended up taking me over 3 hours
Got there around 1.30 or so, and had a look around to see what Troy and Rob had done in the garden
They have moved the two x tanks, (Justin had been worried about the side tank for some time, as the support timbers were bowing a little bit) And I was pleased to have them moved away from the house, as they were ugly there
We ended up having to buy a new tank to replace the metal one - as it has some rust spots that could become leaks
Troy had to cut down the stands, and will replace the wood of the side stand, as the base timbers were bowed. The tanks will be placed up the back corner
With all of this movement, there was a also a lot of digging - to relocate the house down pipes to the new tank location
And while we were at it, we organised for drip systems for the front orchard and olive trees. Hoorah, I won't need to hand water these trees anymore. will replace the dead ones next Autumn
And they are also putting up the picket fence (components of which were given to us by Alex some years ago. Pity, but some of the pickets were twisted/no good anymore, so Troy will have purchase others on our behalf
And that was the end of the works inspection, seems to be going pretty well.
As you can see by the photos it was a sunny day, (just perfect temperature, mid twenties) and there had been a few days before hand where the temperature was in the high thirties Therefore it was pretty dry again in Inglewood. George and Val had been up the week before, and George had given the garden a good soaking
That meant that my asparagus had not only survived, but grown - hoorah. Couldn't find the other one - which I'd spied under the parsley a few weeks back, oh well!
And, there were also some new flowers to admire - I think a clivia, some blue delphiniums and also a large red succulent flower
Also picked some artichokes for Val, as she had admired them last week, but didn't think she could/should pick them. However, the artichoke plants were looking a bit droopy - compared to last time - so gave them a good watering
Pottered around a bit, and then set up the hammock and read in the shade - very nice.
Watered after 5pm, as despite George's watering last week, it was all pretty dry again
Gin and tonic on the veranda, a small dinner, and then some Netflix
Watered the back garden again in the morning, and the citrus in the front which aren't on the drip system.
Finally got rid of that pesky dead wire hanging in front of the scullery window
Given that the tank has been moved, we may as well have an uninterrupted view out that window
Then called up Anne L to see if she was home. Wanted to return her platter and pate knives, as I'd had them out waiting for her ever since my Kingower Gal's Friday night.
She was home, so I drove over. She showed me around, and introduced me to the assorted family members (too many to remember their names, sister, friend, her kids/partners, grand kids etc)
Dropped in on Terry on the way back. Had a coffee, cake and a chat
Back to the house to do the dishes, and then back to Melbourne for a Musical afternoon at the Danes
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