Thursday, 4 April 2019

Quick visit 29 - 30 March 2019

Just a quick visit this time.  Initially we were going to have a weekend with our Scottish neighbours, but Justin double booked us, so we cancelled the Scots, and then his other thing got cancelled also....So none of that happened.

Then, Fraser was going to drive me up, but after Uni therefore 4 or 5pm, and we were going to come back on Saturday afternoon, but that didn't happen either

Lastly, Maile asked me up for an "Old Ladies Movie afternoon" so I went to that

Lot of people there this afternoon, Anne L, Anne (pistachios) Carol, new lady and Arlene came later

As always cheese, dips, biscuits and prosecco

We chose The Book shop  - which was quite a nice gentle film

Arlene invited me over for a casual dinner afterwards, but I was pretty tired (hadn't slept well for the previous 2 nights), so begged off and had an early night at home

I'd brought some Melbourne leftovers for dinner, so had them, and watched a few episodes of Monarch of the Glen in bed

Had a bit of a sleep in on Saturday also - reading in bed.  The house was temperate, but it was cool outside - apparently only 6 degrees.  I did consider having breakfast outside, but decided against that, as it was a bit windy, and not that pleasant really (bit of a surprise after the warmth of yesterday)

Went to the butcher to get some of their famous Inglewood pork, and Damo saw me on the way back, and I invited him in for a cup of tea

Had it up on the veranda, and I told him about Rachel's upcoming opera at Tarnagulla on April 27.  Thought we might dress up a little bit and wear furs and pearls....

Did some work around the garden after he left, pulling out couch grass from around the fruit trees - which are looking pretty happy after having the watering system installed

Troy had also put a system around the front beds - but it wasn't hooked up yet, so I had to hand water my favourite plants

The pomegranate is losing its leaves, and the fruit look jewel like

I picked them and also some peaches from the front

Was getting a bit bored with the weeding, (and it was a bit cold) so I rang up Terry and invited myself over for a visit

His son Edward was there with his 2 little ones (who enjoyed showing off to me)

I had a coffee, and Terry invited me to take as much of his vegetable produce as I liked (tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, etc) - which I did

I also asked for a couple of grape vine cuttings for our back  trellis (the ones from Jan didn't survive)
He was a bit unsure as to whether these would survive either - thought it would be better in Spring when the sap is flowing again.  We'll see, I may need to ask again then

Anyway, I planted and watered these 3


Got myself a red curry pie for lunch, and saw Maile and David outside the supermarket

Had the pie and a beer under the tree

Then more of a tidy up and home for dinner

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