Monday, 9 September 2019

Rachel at last, and Mum's weekend 22- 25 August 2019

Weeding, and more weeding on the Thursday

But downed tools at 5pm, as I'd invited Rachel (from Dunolly) and Maile and David to come over for drinks and nibbles on the veranda

It was a lovely clear and blue afternoon - with lashings of prosecco and G&Ts

Maile and David left around 6.30, as they were having dinner at the pub with other friends.  They invited us to come along also, however we weren't that hungry after our nibbles, so stayed and chatted.  Did move inside though, as the clear night made it cold

And yes a light frost in the morning again

A lazy start on Friday morning, a quick breakfast, and some more weeding.  Also admired a couple of Icelandic poppies in bloom

Quince was in bud

And lots of other flowers/plants coming up too

In fact the garden was starting to look very nice again - especially with the grass cut!

Went and had my hair cut and coloured by Michelle at 1pm

And then waited on the veranda for the Mum's to arrive.  Yep, I'd invited Madeleine's friend's Mums up to Inglewood, and 2 of them were coming.  So while Madeleine and her 6 friends were traipsing around Europe and Morocco, 2 of the Mums and me were going to have fun in Inglewood 

They had said they were leaving Melbourne around 2pm, so I thought they might get here around 4.30.  However, they mistakenly went via Bendigo, so it was well after 5pm when they arrived

Cathy was surprised by the house, Nikki wasn't, as she'd googled the address.  Showed them around, and they also gave me some unexpected presents - a lovely woolen beanie and a scented candle 

And then of course some drinks and nibbles on the veranda - like yesterday, except different people

And then onto the Royal for dinner - where Margie once again welcomed me/us warmly.  We were a little cold from sitting outside, so re-arranged some tables and chairs right in front of the fireplace to warm up - lovely 

Margie took a couple of photos of us also, photo bombing the last one


Other people were playing songs on the jukebox, and one of my old favourites - The Devil went down to Georgia came on. So of course I sang along to it, much to the Mum's (and some of the other patron's surprise/delight/horror?)  

So, had a good time here, and then on for a "pub crawl" to the Empire.  All was going swimmingly until Nikki's foot slipped off her stool rest, and she pitched forward, with the contents of her glass of red wine similarly pitching forward onto unlucky me - all over my stripey top and orange jacket

And of course it was red wine, not white, so that was the end of the evening at the Empire, we bid a hasty retreat, I rinsed and then washed those tops (no stain, yay), changed into my comical crocodile onesy, and we went back outside and sat on the veranda and chatted  some more - was a bit cold, but a lovely clear evening

Saturday, and Nikki had said that she would be up early - around 6am - she wasn't!  I texted her around 8am to see if she still wanted to go for a walk - she did, so we did after a warming cup of tea. And we left Cathy in bed (had sent her a text asking if she wanted to join us though)

Veered left at the Aboretum and walked through the scrub.  Normally veer right.  Saw a couple of kangaroos, and eventually ended up on the Tarnagulla Road.  Was momentarily confused, but worked it out soon enough, and back down Storm Lane where Nikki met Snowy

Back to the house for breakfast.  It was a still a lovely day, sunny and clear - although the weather forecast has said it would rain.

Given this forecast, I suggested that we go to Melville Caves to make the most of the fine and clear weather

And it was perfect!

Stayed a while, enjoying "the serenity" and then back to Inglewood and the butcher quickly (closes at 1pm now) to buy some pork for tonight, and then onto Waterwheel in Bridgewater to visit a winery.  I'd called both Arlene and Mark, but only got  voicemail, and didn't bother with a message, so didn't know if they were around to go to their wineries )

Anyway, Rosemary was there at Waterwheel, and she provided some very congenial tastings, so we of course bought up big. 

She also asked how I went with my CWA weekend.  I was surprised that she'd heard of it, and that she'd associated me with Nimmitabel.  She said she almost came as an honorary CWA lady, pity she didn't 

 And then onto the Bridgewater Hotel for lunch

The weather was still glorious so we sat outside and moved a table and chairs into the sun

The food was rather good too

Back to Inglewood and my guests were keen to watch the football on Foxtel, so they went to the pub, and I went back to the house and read the Age online in the garden - was sunny at first, but it did start to cloud up, and got a bit windy.

The gals came back later in the afternoon, and I set up the fire upstairs, and we had some more drinks and nibbles on the veranda.  And given that we'd all had a late and large lunch, we didn't really feel like having the pork that I'd bought - the nibbles were enough.

Got a bit cold and windy, so inside for our fire.  Started to watch one of the Bad Moms movies (Christmas special) on Netflix, but we didn't think much of it, so turned it off

Chatted, and then a relatively early night for all of us 

Sunday morning, and it was bright and blue again - so breakfast outside


Terry also dropped in as we were finishing up - to discuss the upcoming music night 

The gals left mid morning, and they were perfect guests, and a lot of fun.  I donned the coveralls for some more weeding, and got stuck into it, until it was time to leave for Melbourne 


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