Monday, 30 March 2020

New bench and faux Spring? 20 - 21 March 2020

Well, did a lot of driving in this trip

First to Warrnambool to see Justin on Thursday, - got there around 1.45pm, and had a nice late lunch with him in the little Japanese place 

In these days of corona virus social social distancing - had the room just to ourselves which was rather nice

Justin then went back to the apartment, and I wandered around the Op shops - bought some more champagne glasses, and also some plants from a nursery that was closing down

Had a picnic dinner at the apartment - and then watched The Beach (I had listened to the novel while we were in Koh Samui, and was keen to watch the film again).  Obviously the book was better

Friday morning, and Justin had organised for us to have breakfast with his colleague Kristy at the Pavillion on the beach. (photo from the internet)

Had a rather nice eggs benedict - once again practising social distancing of 1.5m

And then onto Port Fairy - to see Brian and Clare, as this was the reason for the visit

To pick up the bench that Brian had made, and wanted to give us

Had a quick coffee and chat with them - and then loaded on the bench, with an additional small side table - very nice

Google maps tell me that I did 5 hours and 22 minutes of driving on Friday - 334km (but that includes going to and from Port Fairy also)

Dropped Justin back off at Quest, and I continued onto Inglewood - in the ute of course

Arrived at Inglewood around 3pm....

But of course needed someone to help me unload the bench

I went to the Royal to see if there was anyone there - and had a coffee (didn't really have any lunch).  The only likely lifting candidate left before I could ask him - so I was back to square one

Margy was also concerned about the new rules - saying each person needed 4 squares metres of space around them.  She had paced out the room and thought she could only have 20 people in it.  However she'd done her maths wrong, as it was closer to 50 people which relieved her no end

So, I finished my coffee, and went across the road to Steven and Denise.  Steven agreed to help, as it was just lifting the bench off the ute, (which was already parked in the garden) and it wasn't that

So that was great - job done, bench and chair removed, and I drove the ute back around the front

Then called up Terry and asked if he'd like a visitor

The answer was yes, so off I drove

Was given another coffee on my arrival - and we had a good old chat

Terry also gave me some of his marvellous home produce - tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant etc - delicious

Stayed til around 5.15, and then back to the house

Pulled something out of the freezer  for dinner, and had it with some of Terry's fresh vegies

Saturday, and into the garden

Was surprised to see that there was a new burst of poppies and delphiniums - yes it was a lovely warm, mid twenties day, - so a faux Spring, as opposed to start of Autumn?

Planted the new plants from Warrnambool - some fancy euphorbias

And also a replacement kiwi fruit.  Had also looked up on the internet that kiwi fruit can grow from cuttings - so planted some of those also.  Still need a male plant to replace the one that died though

Terry also dropped in to discuss the upcoming Music Night on Saturday 28th - Justin and Chris were keen - even roping in Bruce on trumpet, and David and Mark from Kingower were also keen.  And even better Gilda and Zac wanted to come along with 2 of their friends - as they'd enjoyed our Yacht Club Ball so much.

Given all of the coffees Terry has given me over the years, I shouted him a coffee from the Butchers - and we sat outside discussing that we wouldn't have a meal this time, and would practice social distancing, have some water to wash hands etc

However, as I said in my previous Yacht Club Ball post, we ended up cancelling it later in the week, as the government instigated new stricter rules on the Sunday - saying that unnecessary social gatherings were to be discouraged...And there are even stricter restrictions now

Terry left, and I did more weeding and trimming, and also pulled out about 20 bindi plants (some huge that I must have missed before, and others quite small)

The yellow peach tree was groaning with fruit - so I picked a lot of them too

Had a bakery pie for lunch - unfortunately sold out of my favourite butter chicken ones

Left around 4pm - and came home to a lovely home cooked dinner by Justin, - roast lamb and potatoes

So over the 3 days - Google time lines tell me that I had driven 748km, spending over 11 hours in the car, pity that the radio doesn't have better speakers, as the ute is quite noisy to travel in when driving over 100kph.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Inaugural Inglewood Yacht Club Ball March 5 - 10 2020

Wow, what a night....

But it started a few days earlier

I arrived later on Thursday afternoon than I would have liked, having had to tidy up at home first, and remember everything I needed to take, and then load the car

Took the Passat this time, and it was still very full....good thing I went up last week with the Ute  all loaded up

Also detoured via Footscray - for the oysters from Conways.  Bought 6 dozen shucked oysters  - came in 2 surprisingly small boxes.  Was warm, but rainy on the way (photo from the internet)

Anyway, arrived, unpacked, and did a bit of sorting out, but no cooking really

Also rang  Pauline to pick up the chairs from the Town Hall - organised to meet there at 11am on Friday morning.  Also called Enzo, to say I was here, if he wanted to drop over his spare fridge

And he did bring it a little bit later - decided to put it on the back veranda - easier and more accessible than in the kitchen

I'd already cooked the beef lasagne sauces in Melbourne, and had made the 4 x salmon spinach  roulades, and the 3 x trays of chocolate peanut butter tarts

Had my cooking list

And my invitation list - was expecting 58 people for dinner - and a further 5 not coming for dinner.  It being a long weekend, some people already had plans, and the fact that both the Inglewood Motel and the Bridgewater Motel were booked out didn't help matters.  We did invite guests to camp in the garden, but only one lot took us up on that (Clancy and Julie).  Others said they weren't really camping type didn't end up coming

Had some leftover type dinner - and then watched a couple of episodes of Outlander.

Friday, and I started early - I had brought my trusty thermomix to make cheese sauce for the 4 x lasagnes (3 x beef, and 1 x pumpkin/spinach)

It certainly made it a lot easier ie I assembled one beef lasagne while the cheese sauce was cooking in the thermomix, then started on the next lasagne and cheese sauce etc

Once two lasagnes were assembled I put them in the oven to cook (wanted them firm not sloppy for dinner on Saturday)

Washed out the thermomix, and then did the vegie lasagne

And then the pate, red dip, beetroot dip and added some sour cream to a batch of Thermomix red pesto for another dip.

Knock at the door at some stage, and Brian and Clare were there offering to help - I didn't really need any help cooking, so suggested tomorrow for the set up.  They said that they were going to the Lost Trades Fair in Bendigo in the morning, but could come after then.

That suited me fine.

Terry also brought over the trestle tables and his tinny (as a nautical esky) at some stage in the afternoon.

Helen and the kids got here close to 8pm - I had warned Helen that there would be a lot of long weekend traffic, but she was adamant that she wanted to come on the Friday, and it ended up taking her at least an additional hour.

I had "dinner" waiting for them - some vegie pasties for Helen and Michaela, and pies for me and Xavier.  Also had some wedges (was wanting to start emptying out the freezer)

Saturday, and an early start, quick easy breakfast, and then put on my gown (while I was still nice and clean) so that Helen could help with pinning it in/up - as it was too big/long for me in places.

I then made the necessary sewing adjustments and then into the front garden - as there were numerous weeds in the path, and plants also overhanging the path - so weeding and trimming

Helen also kindly spruced up the 2 bathrooms for me

I also asked Michaela to do some food and wine menus for me - but I think she got bored with it - and it just didn't happen.  I guess my wine source sheet below might have been a bit confusing also

We also moved the 10 x trestle tables into approximate place (thought Justin might have a say on their ultimate placement)

My cooking for today was 6kg of mashed potatoes, the sweet and sour red cabbage, the ginger/gin/lime marinade for the oysters, and cooking up the pork belly in advance.

Did the potatoes on the portable hotplate, - took ages to boil, and the cabbage in two lots in the electric frying pan - as always took longer than anticipated 

Justin arrived around lunch time, and Terry an hour or so later to start setting up the music and lights etc

Set up the portable gazebo - with Justin, Helen, Brian, Clare, Terry, Xavier and me

Clare did some decorating in the garden

Lesley and Chris came in the afternoon also - and I got Chris to organise lighting

Karen and Tom also arrived - Karen helped with sorting out the lettuces etc for the salad accompanying the lasagnes

Trish and Julie were my potato mashers

Tom helped Helen with the tea candles in the brown paper bags

Can't recall who I got to put the tables cloths on the table, set them with cutlery, put the chairs around them etc.  I do recall getting Helen to put some plant decorations on each table - palm dates, unknown red berries and something else in little glasses 

I think that Chris went and bought ice and put it in Terry's tinny, and the two wheel barrows (one for beer and the other for soft drink

Set up a table with glasses, and another in preparation for nibbles

Terry had also brought his large outdoor gas oven - so we set that up

I had said to various people, if this party works, it will be fantastic, if it doesn't, then oh well, there should be some funny stories....

Even though I thought that I didn't really have much to do today - it all took a  long time  - luckily there were people to help, but if not, I guess we wouldn't have had the candles and other decorations etc

Anyway, I'd decided that at 5pm I would down tools, go and have a shower, get changed into my gown, and just relax for a little while.  I'd be on the go for days now, and I just needed a little bit of down time.

As it was I think I took my apron off around 5.10 - leaving Karen, Julie and Trish to finish off things in the kitchen.

I easily had enough time, and was just relaxing in my room, when there was a knock at the door (before 6pm).  One of the girls who was helping us out had arrived. And another one arrived soon after that.

I had wanted to make a "grand entrance" - but had to reluctantly come out  unofficially

The last two came about 5 minutes later - had to finish off work at the IGA.  I think it was Alex who snapped this photo of me instructing the girls.  I'd asked them to wear black pants, and a white top, and we bought them the sailors hats.  I think they looked very smart

I then had advise them/show them what I wanted them to do.

ie carry around the trays of oysters - I didn't want these just sitting on the table

Also to ask people if if they'd like drinks etc.  I did have an idea of  providing "Inglewood Spankers" Justin's invented cocktail (named after a type of sail)  which I modified to rum, lime cordial, lime wedges, soda and mint.  Wasn't sure if we should make jugs of it and then fill glasses and serve on trays, or let people make their own.  In the end didn't do anything, as we had more than enough drinks ie the 6 cases of wine, 2 slabs of beer, 3 bottle of rum and soft drinks - and people also brought their own - although they didn't have to 

I also advised the meal components, what time I wanted them brought out, showed them where they could wash the dishes etc.  They seemed both very capable and keen, and were pleased to be here (obviously we were also paying them, which added to the incentive)

 Anyway, the party started at 6pm - as per Justin's invitation

 And we already had a "lot" of people there beforehand, not to mention a very full house.

Justin and I were downstairs in our room, and Helen and her 2 kids in the green room opposite. Garden room had Sarah, Penny, Amber & April.  Alex was in the little yellow room, Chris and Jo in the red room, Zac and Gilda in the upstairs green room, and then Madeleine & Hughie, Kate and Oscar, Keira, Chloe, Emma and Nick all squashed in the upstairs big room - all up 22 people staying in the house.  Plus Clancy and Julie camping in a tent in the garden...

Some of our guests had also offered to bring something - so I suggested cheese - and had requested a blue cheese from Karen & Penny,  a soft cheese from Sue and Trish, and a hard cheese from Lesley.  Only thing was they brought more than one cheese each - so we were swimming in cheese, not to mention my dips, oysters, nuts, chips, and other nibbles....

We were very lucky with the weather - it had been a glorious day - sunny and blue, and only a light breeze  - therefore my just in case booking for the Town Hall was not required

I obviously wanted to taste some of these oysters, and sample the marinade with them, however
I discovered that it was quite hard to eat an oyster from the shell with white satin gloves on

In fact I had to get Justin to give it a little nudge for me with an ungloved finger

Some group shots in the late afternoon through to early evening

A lot of people dressed up which was nice. 

As per below - Justin and I had decided to come as the Commodore and the Lady Commodore.

Justin had scoured the internet for suitable dress up components such as a new dinner shirt, a white bow tie, a white tie vest, a blue max medal, and a blue sash

Once I found out about the blue sash, I wanted one too, and decided that I needed some type of gown.  I'd been in Warrnambool with Justin and decided to scour the op shops for a dress. I found the below "repurposed wedding dress" for $30 - just had to take it in and up a bit....

Justin and I also went to Spotlight to look for material for our sashes, but couldn't find anything appropriate.  I ended up sourcing them from the internet for $6 each.  And I also wanted a tiara - this time from ebay - brand new - only $12.  Was bent in transit, and ending up breaking, but it was great while it lasted.  Madeleine attached it very solidly to my head with loads of bobby pins. And of course I had my long white satin gloves - also from ebay for $6. I already had my fancy necklace (a present from Justin)

So I think  we both looked a treat!

Me, Justin, Chris and Jo

Amber & Penny

Amber and Michaela

Auntie Clare & me

Captain Nin

Me - looking very happy!

Me & Jo
 Sue and me

Sue & the Commodore #1

Sue & the Commodore #2

Sue & the Commodore #3

And as I said we had our props

Terry's tinny as an esky

And David's mirror (didn't put the sails up, otherwise it would tip over in the breeze)

Before the girls had arrived we'd set up 58 entree size plates on the dining room table ready for plating up

And I told Katherine what I wanted ie I'd made up 4 roulades - and that they should be sliced into 15 pieces - approx 2cm wide.  Then there would be 2 pieces of melba toast that I'd made, plus an orange cherry tomato and a red one, and some rocket - as garnish

Left it up to the girls how they would plate it up

I came in and had a look and was rather impressed...

I had told them I wanted to eat at 7pm - so they told me when they were ready, and I made an announcement at the band microphone and used my dinner gong

And then out they came - looked really terrific!

And so the evening progressed - smoothly and wonderfully

I flitted about in my finery - trying to take a photo of every table

Below are Jerry, Nin, Clare, Pauline, Ros and Enzo

Rachel, David, Nicole, Damo, Maile and Helen

Rachel and Trish x 2

Terry, June, Lorraine, Michelle, Arleen and David

Lesley, Chris, Peter, Brian, Clare, Sue

Amber, Michaela, Alex, Zac, Gilda, April

Penny, Tom, Karen, Jo, Sarah (that was my table, and my empty spot between Jo and Sarah)

Chloe, Keira, Eliza, Xavier, Hughie, Oscar, Kate

 Pamela, Clancy, Julie, Peter, Lana

Peter, Denise, Stephen and Genevieve


Actually, looks like I'm missing one table (we had 10) I guess that when I went around taking the photos that no one was sitting on one

Madeleine was not at her table when I took that photo, but you can spy her in the background of the first photo with Pamela and Clancy.

Also obviously - the band - Justin, Chris, and Penny  ( Alex was sitting with April etc)
Speaking of the band, they did a terrific job entertaining us all night, and of course, our good friend Terry was mixing the music all night 

I tried inserting a video - but it doesn't look as though it's working in the preview mode.  I'll see if it works once I "publish" this, and if so might add in some other videos of the band

Zac also helped out on percussion, and drums for a few songs

And David R stole the night with his rendition of Yacht Club Ball - Gilda was particularly taken by it, and it was requested more than once

The band also got a lot of us up to dance which was  a lot of fun


Dinner was served around 8pm (had previously put the pork belly into Terry's oven to warm up, plus one of the lasagnes, and the other three lasagnes in the house oven

The lasagnes were served with a green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers etc, and the pork belly with the creamy mustard mash and the sweet and sour red cabbage.  The girls alternated the dishes - obviously providing the vegetarian lasagne to the vegetarians.  Clare had also kindly brought baguettes and butter for each table, plus butter knives and plates which she and Nin put out

At some stage - Terry got myself and Justin, and Michelle and Lorraine to do a rope trick. He basically put a rope loop around my two hands and the same to Justin except through mine first, and then the same to Michelle and Lorraine.  Then we had to disentangle ourselves

Was very difficult, but hilarious

Here I am telling everyone about the trick

And then here Justin and I are trying to work it out

Justin finally figured it out - I'm not sure how

And here are Michelle and Lorraine - they didn't work it out

And then I guess we had dessert around 9pm - the girls took a selfie with the desserts, and then just a photo of the dessert.  Once again these were alternated.  Either a piece of Terry's delicious custard, or a piece of my chocolate peanut butter tart plus a scoop of icecream

And everyone continued to have a great time

Some nice shots of the Town Hall also 

Anyway, the night progressed, and it apparently got cooler - as people were putting on jackets and jumpers etc  - however I just remained in my gown and sash - I guess so over excited that I didn't feel the cold....

The girls finished up around 11.30pm, had cleaned up as much as they could, clearing away, washing dishes etc

People started leaving, and the "kids" went upstairs to their "dormitory"

Justin and I got to bed around 2am

Sunday morning - and had a late and staggered breakfast outside

Our house guests helped clean and tidy up some more, and other non residents guests also dropped in to help

I asked Oscar and the other boys to move the big television cabinet upstairs for us in preparation for the underpinning - they did so cheerfully (was very heavy). And also asked all the kids to take the chairs back to the Town Hall

Sarah took the below photo showing a long queue outside the bakery at lunch time - with pies had by all

Michaela and Xavier had some local friends come over after lunch.  Michelle had given Michaela a magic set, and she was doing some tricks

Most people had left either before lunch, or just after

Justin did a bit of remedial epoxy work on the yacht's hatch doors

I attacked the disgusting laundry sink - slick with congealed grease from the dirty plates, and a blocked drain - had it back (almost) good as new. 

And also cleaned up a lot of black dirt? - which had been behind the tv cabinet upstairs - or maybe it was from the bees??? very strange

I had also put a brass candlestick in the open window frame to keep the window open (no sash cord)

However, when I  closed the window the candlestick fell into the garden - in the jungle of plumbago.  You can see the candlestick to the left, and below the bit of plastic

I had wanted Xavier to go in and retrieve it, but he didn't want to, so I attempted it from within the dining room.  My arms weren't long enough to reach down, so I had to put hoist myself through the window, and then I got stuck - the window was quite heavy and had trapped me.  Justin thought it pretty funny - but I did retrieve the candlestick!

Justin and I also moved most of the rest of the furniture (that we needed to) in the dining room and upstairs.  We left the couches upstairs (too heavy, Justin's back was a bit sore, so will do that later)

During the day we received various messages from guests who had forgotten items behind ie Karen had left some reading glasses at the Bridgewater Motel (so I picked them up on the Tuesday), Sarah had left a charger, Alex, a notebook, Clare some knives, and Hughie his shirt and the Chris' Inglewood Yacht Club tie which he had borrowed - and left somewhat the worse for wear on the veranda

I actually can't recall what we did on Sunday night - probably took it very easy.....

Justin and Helen and kids left on Monday morning, and I tidied up some more and did some gardening

I also washed and dried all of the tablecloths and took them and the crockery back to Terry's place

While there I spied his still which is where we're making our gin - thanks to Lorraine he had found the juniper trees in Bendigo, so we will have authentic flavouring

And, once everyone had left the bloody mice became emboldened and I saw a few scurry around the house during daylight...Unless it was the same one in our bedroom, and then from the hallway into the dining room

Therefore off to the IGA for some rat poison and also some ground sheets to cover up the furniture in the dining room and upstairs

Was a bit of a rotten job by myself - the plastic ground sheets were very thin - glorified gladwrap really, and the masking tape sometimes didn't stick down properly.  OWuld have been much easier if Justin was there to help me

I managed to get the downstairs done

But decided to leave upstairs til the next time we were there, as the Autumn Music night was coming up on 28 March

However, that date sadly came and went, as we are now in virtual lockdown because of the corona virus (30 March 2020), and it was decided to cancel the Music night, as public gatherings were discouraged.

So, our Yacht Club party was one of the last big events that we had/did before everything went topsy turvy.  Everyone enjoyed themselves, and who knows we may even do it again....Not sure if it would be an annual event, and I don't think that I would necessarily do ALL of the cooking again.  I might perhaps get my Ashburton CWA ladies to cater, or have everyone "bring a plate" or just have nibbles etc, and no sit down dinner.

Anyway, we have to get through this corona virus situation first...