Monday, 30 March 2020

New bench and faux Spring? 20 - 21 March 2020

Well, did a lot of driving in this trip

First to Warrnambool to see Justin on Thursday, - got there around 1.45pm, and had a nice late lunch with him in the little Japanese place 

In these days of corona virus social social distancing - had the room just to ourselves which was rather nice

Justin then went back to the apartment, and I wandered around the Op shops - bought some more champagne glasses, and also some plants from a nursery that was closing down

Had a picnic dinner at the apartment - and then watched The Beach (I had listened to the novel while we were in Koh Samui, and was keen to watch the film again).  Obviously the book was better

Friday morning, and Justin had organised for us to have breakfast with his colleague Kristy at the Pavillion on the beach. (photo from the internet)

Had a rather nice eggs benedict - once again practising social distancing of 1.5m

And then onto Port Fairy - to see Brian and Clare, as this was the reason for the visit

To pick up the bench that Brian had made, and wanted to give us

Had a quick coffee and chat with them - and then loaded on the bench, with an additional small side table - very nice

Google maps tell me that I did 5 hours and 22 minutes of driving on Friday - 334km (but that includes going to and from Port Fairy also)

Dropped Justin back off at Quest, and I continued onto Inglewood - in the ute of course

Arrived at Inglewood around 3pm....

But of course needed someone to help me unload the bench

I went to the Royal to see if there was anyone there - and had a coffee (didn't really have any lunch).  The only likely lifting candidate left before I could ask him - so I was back to square one

Margy was also concerned about the new rules - saying each person needed 4 squares metres of space around them.  She had paced out the room and thought she could only have 20 people in it.  However she'd done her maths wrong, as it was closer to 50 people which relieved her no end

So, I finished my coffee, and went across the road to Steven and Denise.  Steven agreed to help, as it was just lifting the bench off the ute, (which was already parked in the garden) and it wasn't that

So that was great - job done, bench and chair removed, and I drove the ute back around the front

Then called up Terry and asked if he'd like a visitor

The answer was yes, so off I drove

Was given another coffee on my arrival - and we had a good old chat

Terry also gave me some of his marvellous home produce - tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant etc - delicious

Stayed til around 5.15, and then back to the house

Pulled something out of the freezer  for dinner, and had it with some of Terry's fresh vegies

Saturday, and into the garden

Was surprised to see that there was a new burst of poppies and delphiniums - yes it was a lovely warm, mid twenties day, - so a faux Spring, as opposed to start of Autumn?

Planted the new plants from Warrnambool - some fancy euphorbias

And also a replacement kiwi fruit.  Had also looked up on the internet that kiwi fruit can grow from cuttings - so planted some of those also.  Still need a male plant to replace the one that died though

Terry also dropped in to discuss the upcoming Music Night on Saturday 28th - Justin and Chris were keen - even roping in Bruce on trumpet, and David and Mark from Kingower were also keen.  And even better Gilda and Zac wanted to come along with 2 of their friends - as they'd enjoyed our Yacht Club Ball so much.

Given all of the coffees Terry has given me over the years, I shouted him a coffee from the Butchers - and we sat outside discussing that we wouldn't have a meal this time, and would practice social distancing, have some water to wash hands etc

However, as I said in my previous Yacht Club Ball post, we ended up cancelling it later in the week, as the government instigated new stricter rules on the Sunday - saying that unnecessary social gatherings were to be discouraged...And there are even stricter restrictions now

Terry left, and I did more weeding and trimming, and also pulled out about 20 bindi plants (some huge that I must have missed before, and others quite small)

The yellow peach tree was groaning with fruit - so I picked a lot of them too

Had a bakery pie for lunch - unfortunately sold out of my favourite butter chicken ones

Left around 4pm - and came home to a lovely home cooked dinner by Justin, - roast lamb and potatoes

So over the 3 days - Google time lines tell me that I had driven 748km, spending over 11 hours in the car, pity that the radio doesn't have better speakers, as the ute is quite noisy to travel in when driving over 100kph.

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