Maile and David also dropped in to say hello
Also found a 4 pack of Harry Potter books for Michaela, and texted Arleen to see if she had any more basil. She did, and brought me 2 huge bouquets. (I had wanted to make some basil liqueur, and also pesto
Helen and the kids arrived later in the afternoon
Finished off in the garden and had a welcome G&T
We went to the pub for dinner - and saw Michelle & Michael, and Maile, David & co. Dinner was pretty good, and came quickly too.
Back home, and we watched a movie projected on the house wall, as it was lovely weather, and still quite balmy
We watched Adventures in Babysitting which was a blast from the past for Helen and myself, as we had seen it in the cinema when it came out in the 80s
We all had a good laugh, and the kids enjoyed it too
Was really lovely sitting out there under the stars. I'd wanted to watch a movie like this for years (but we had the jacaranda tree there in the way before)
Good Friday, and of course all of the shops were closed. Of course, I was well prepared (for most things)
Anyway, Justin and I had got into the habit of breakfast in bed on the weekends. Justin would get me breakfast in bed on Saturday, and I would get him breakfast in bed on Sunday.
Now because we were going to have a house full of people on the weekend, I suggested that we have our breakfast in beds on Thursday and Friday - so I got breakfast in bed on Thursday, and Justin his, on Friday.
On Friday, we were still in bed - reading the digital paper, doing the crossword etc - and we'd heard Helen and Xavier go out to the park. And then about 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door. I yelled to Helen to go around the back, as I didn't want to get out of bed to open up the front door.
However the knocking continued, Justin then said that it wasn't Helen, so I got out of bed and went into the hallway in my pajamas. I could sort of see a few people through the side glass - and unfortunately they could see me too, and I heard them say - someone's there....which meant I had no option but to answer the door
I did so, just poking my head out, hiding my pajama clad body behind the door. Hmm, it was the local CFA and a few kids door knocking for the Good Friday appeal. I felt like a rabbit in the spotlight - and so quickly said that I didn't have any cash (I didn't, but felt embarrassed none the less - no cash, in pajamas etc).
Anyway, I quickly closed the door, but felt guilty. we got up soon afterwards (I guess it was sometime between 10 & 11am). Justin went to the ATM, and we sent Xavier out looking for the CFA crew to give them a sizeable enough donation to make up for earlier.
Unfortunately, he couldn't find them - so we'll go down as those cheapskates in the big house....Will have to be prepared for next year if we're there at Easter again.
Anyway, after all that - Michelle and John had organised to come up for lunch, and they brought a couple of roast chickens and some salads. I made a tabouli salad, and also made a cacio e pepe cheesy pull-apart sour dough loaf
It was all delicious
Lunch sort of morphed into afternoon drinks (I might have had a little afternoon nap) - and Maile and David dropped in again and brought me a new rosemary plant - and also joined us for drinks. And Sarah had also arrived by this stage
Managed to persuade Michelle and John to stay the night - set them up in the bee room. And magically extended the dinner to accommodate 2 more mouths. Alex had also arrived by this stage
Given the success of the movie last night, we watched another one tonight - this time - the Blues brothers - which all of us except the kids had seen before. But I hadn't seen it in years, and its such a classic
Saturday, and another lovely sunny day
Justin painted the front door a bit more
And Sarah drove myself, Helen, Xavier and Alex (Michaela and Justin stayed home), and Michelle and John drove in their car to Melville Caves
Was glorious and clear
We then dropped in on Maile and David, as John was keen to see how they lived off the grid
Had a coffee and biscuits and also admired her brilliant red lillies?

Back home for a late lunch, and then Michelle and John left (longest lunch ever - from yesterday)
Helen, Sarah, Xavier and Aaron went to Bridgewater for a swim in the river
Was lovely
Helen elected to stay on the bank and read the 1st Harry Potter book
Back home around 6 or so, and yet more drinks under the big tree, and a leftover type dinner
And then another movie - this time The Spy who dumped me. Helen had recommended it, as she'd seen 1/2 of it before.
Was pretty funny
Sunday - and I hid eggs for an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids
Took a little while to find the last ones - but they got them all in the end
Justin out some food out for the magpies on the kiwi fruit fence
Justin tried teaching Xavier how to play guitar, and Helen and I had a game of scrabble
And yet more nibbles and drinks
Dinner was my famous slow cooked Easter Lamb with pomegranate and fetta - delicious
Xavier took photos of me drying the lettuce - by spinning it in a tea towel
We ate out in the rotunda, and then another film - The Interview with Seth Rogen and James Franco
Alex and I also took photos of the night sky (I have my new mobile phone - old one fell in the water with me in Tasmania)
Alex took the 1st shot which was stunning - as the stars are visible as well as part of our house illuminated
I copied with different angles
So then Alex did some different shots also - Yep, I concede that his are better than mine....
I also took shots of the audience

Monday, and by this stage we'd all eaten and drunk enough....- so were relatively abstinent for lunch
I picked 2 lots of olives - firstly the little black ones out the front for the CWA gals. Micheala helped
And then the larger green ones for me
Also picked some pomegranates