Monday, 26 April 2021

More Professional Plastering 11-15 April

 A solo visit this time - as David the plasterer had called and said that he would be in Inglewood on Monday morning

That meant that I left for Inglewood on Sunday afternoon

Got up on Monday at 6.30am  - as i wanted to be up and dressed when David arrived

Was surprised to see many galahs foraging on the ground - 20, 30, 50 of them - who knows - certainly too many to count.  I tried to get closer, but they flew away

David arrived just after 7am and started working in the dining room again - putting in the skirting 

It had unfortunately bowed a bit, so he had to cut it in a few places

He also needed to come back on Tuesday - so I had to call Helen and say that I wouldn't be able to make Xavier's birthday dinner on Tuesday night - we changed it to Friday night

Anyway, back to Inglewood - David, plastered - and I pottered around in the garden on Monday - picking up those piles of cuttings and putting them in Gordon's trailer

I also moved all of the bits of wood (from the jacaranda tree) that Gordon had chopped up

On inspecting my pomegranates which were looking lovely and red - I was horrified to see that the bloody fruit flies had got into some of them (like the peaches and the apples)

So I had to collect the bad ones up, and bag them in plastic 

David finished up early afternoon on Tuesday - so I attempted to pay him.  However it was a cash price, and once again I didn't have my purse/credit card with me.  But I had my mobile phone - so went to the ATM at the Bendigo Bank - no good, needed a card for withdrawals.  I also went in the bank, and they told me the same thing

Hmm, so quickly back to the house, - and into the car

Drove to the supermarket - no good, couldn't EFTPOS any cash out, nor the chemist, then onto the Roadhouse, no good there either, then to the Post Office, and finally to the estate agent.  Yay,- success! Jamie did have some cash which he very kindly lent me - I went and paid David, and then immediately transferred the money back into Jamie's bank account.  Whew - had to go to 6 places before I could get some cash.

And what with the Good Friday appeal debacle last time, and now this, I will make a point of always taking my purse/credit card to Inglewood - just in case

Anyway, after David left, I put on the overalls and  got rid of the wallpaper around the door (that we had to leave up for Restoration Australia)

And then I started plastering myself

I reckon I'm doing a pretty good job, but haven't touched the cornices yet

The rest of the works are looking pretty good too

I did also realise that some cornice upstairs in the Bee room needs replacing - but its not the same as downstairs - Grrr, so Stuart will have to come back and get the profile again

On the Wednesday night - I happened to see a lovely sunset - below is my original photo

And here is the google touched up photo - with more brilliant colours

I was pretty single minded, and just worked, didn't really socialise, but on the Thursday morning I dropped in on Terry for a coffee and lovely baklava that he'd made- and told him that I had been speaking to some people the other side of Bendigo about making olive oil out of my olives - and thought he might be interested also

He was, and so we'll see how we go    


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