Just a quick visit by me
I left Melbourne after 6, and got to Inglewood around 8.30 as I'd stopped for petrol in Ravenswood
Rustled myself up some leftover dinner, and then ate it on my lap watching Beautiful Lies with Audrey Tatou. It was an ok movie - not as good as Amelie
On Saturday, I indulged myself, and had breakfast in bed, and read the Age on my ipad.
Then got up, and had a coffee with Denise in Cafe 3512 - the cafe next to Denise still isn't open
Then did a little bit of gardening
Planted a replacement kiwi fruit
Took some mulberry tree cuttings - hopefully they'll strike
Admired my frilly jonquils, I have plenty of the other non frilly ones
And was also pleased to see that I had some cumquats
And a tree full of other citrus. Because they were so orange, I thought they were oranges. But they have a pointy end, so are in fact lemons
I also looked at the plastering work that Vic had done - first coat around the man hole, and the entrance to the garden room. Looking good
And Ihad a closer look at the large crack in the back downstairs hallway. You can now see through to the kitchen.... - ie see light through it. You don't normally notice this because the kitchen door is normally open and therefore covers the holes.
I stuck a piece of wood through the gap - and it seems to me as though the wall is only one brick thick. I also assume not a load bearing wall, and that's why it cracked. But Justin says not to assume such things - when I told him later.
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