Well, I've taken a while to get onto this. As after Inglewood we went to Greenwell Point in NSW to visit our friend Chris for a few days
And then onto Ocean Grove with Fraser, Rileigh and Ross (Rileigh's Dad visiting from Canada)
And then 5 days sailing in Tasmania
And then back to Inglewood with Helen and Michaela for a few days - but I guess I'll write about that in my next blog update....
Anyway, after Christmas at Helen's place, we decided to take it easy on Boxing Day, and so went to Inglewood on 27th after lunch (referring to my Google timeline - we got there after 3pm)
The rat poisons that I had put down last time were effective - and we found a number of dead mice - which we disposed of accordingly
Pottered around a bit - inspected the garden - lots of plums on the well tree (sadly I hardly got any, as the silver eyes and other birds ruined most of them, should have picked them at the time, or netted the tree)
Also ate some delicious mulberries
Walked up to the IGA with Justin and bought some summery Aperol - and on the way back found $5 in our garden - yay
Justin made me a lovely refreshing Aperol Spritz before dinner
On Wednesday we did some odd jobs - ie Justin fixed the bannister ball thing ( I'm sure it has an official type name, but no idea what it is). Two pieces had been missing from it for years (we had the pieces) - and the ball part was loose - so he fixed it. And did a very good job
In the mean time I contacted our nephew Rory to see if he wanted the downstairs Queen bed. We've decided to bring the 2 x King singles down to the green room - and to make the room above the kitchen into a Music room.
And yes he wanted the bed and side tables, so we dropped them off at Nin and Clare's place
And given that last time I had bought more of those wooden curtain rings from Castlemaine - I also tried to put the two pieces of the old wooden curtain rod together - however it's missing a screw - so we couldn't do it. So it's back to a future job
Justin also started fixing up Andrea's concrete/resin table - scraping out the loose bits on the side, and filling them with silicon render - he went through at least 5 tubes of the stuff. Did a good job - next job is the sanding
Well, that was all done in the morning -as we had my old friend Carolyn and her partner Tim come and visit us from Castlemaine, and our good mate Terry - for a casual antipasto lunch - which we ate in the rotunda. Carolyn also brought me some of her home made preserves - Italian pickles, pear paste etc - yum
Quiet night - and probably a movie. I went for a walk the next morning - and saw at least 6 kangaroos, 4 rabbits and numerous spiders/webs
I trimmed back the hedge in front of our bedroom, and found yet another dead bird
And then put mulch on the front bed
Meanwhile Justin trimmed the curtain backing in the dining room - scalloping the edges
He also took some nice photos of the room
Chris and Jo, and Michelle her new partner Will, and his son Obie arrived later in the afternoon
Jo - with her Christmas present of a fancy paella dish with its own stand
Had drinks (more Aperol spritz), nibbles and music on the back veranda
Jo commenced cooking the paella
Ate in the dining room - and it was really delicious!
And then some more twilight music in the rotunda

The next morning Chris and I went shopping for supplies - IGA/butcher etc - and saw that Brooke St/the Calder was blocked at the Melbourne end - near the curve. Turned out that a truck carrying plain and flavoured milk had rolled at 2am and so there was a massive clean up happening. We went closer to have a better look. What a mess, at least no one was hurt though
Can't remember what we did next, - but my next photo was of Jo relaxing in the hammock with a book
And Justin showing Chris the table he is doing up
Had lunch under the tree again - more antipasto - and also some left over mussels surplus to the paella which I cooked in the microwave (googled a recipe). These were surprisingly good
I think I had a nap after this also
Dinner - and Chris was my sous chef - assisting with the Chimmichurri sauce for the BBQ chicken and asparagus, and I also made some potato wedges in the oven
Had drinks on the back veranda again
And then I went and showered and changed - it was hot!, and put on a dress, and my new Nimmitabel apron from Justin - it was new Years Eve after all
And then back to the rotunda afterwards - with some lovely night shots. Was a really fun night. Had our countdown, and of course more champagne.
After midnight - Jo, Michelle and I wanted to go out and dance on the street - so we literally did (took our little speaker with us (not too loud)
And then, the 3 of us plus Justin and Chris walked up to the pub - which still had plenty of people in the front - and that was terrific fun too
So of course - it was a relatively subdued New Year's day morning - simple breakfast outside again
Once it was back to the 2 of us - loaded up the bed for Rory, and left ( as we were off to Greenwell Point the next day)