Whew!, What a whirlwind it's been since Christmas, Ocean Grove for 2 weeks, then Inglewood with Helen and Michaela, then Hobart with Justin sanding/filling/painting/ship-shaping the boat for a week
And now back to Inglewood - with the Danes for a couple of nights, and then by ourselves for the rest of the time
The Inglewood Cricket Club was selling lunch/drink fund raiser tickets which we bought. I thought it also included a yabby - no, that was an extra $20 per yabby.
Anyway, it was hot, very hot, luckily there was shade/ a covered area, plus inside the club house at the Sports Ground
We didn't rush to buy a yabby, and by the time we had a look, they were all sold
Was fun watching though. They also had 6 yabbies at the end which you could buy - Jo and I bought one then, but it didn't win unfortunately!
And then there was also a type of raffle - each lunch ticket had a number - we were #3, and the Danes were #15.

One hundred ping pong balls were numbered and then they were drawn in 10s - with every 10th ball winning $100
The Danes got down to the last 10 - but didn't win either - oh well
And fyi, we had a BBQ lunch - sausages, hamburgers, salad and drinks
Finished up after 3 or so, and then Jo and I walked back home. Justin and Chris had already left earlier - to practice their music
Went to the pub for dinner
After dinner - Jo wanted to watch the Men's Finals in the Australian Open - so she did that for a while
However, because it was such a beautiful night, I thought it would be fun to watch a movie outside. Hadn't done it for a while, so had to remember how to set it all up
Had a few set backs ie first laptop couldn't see the dvd drive, but then the older one did - so we watched True Lies. It was a lovely evening, and not even too many mozzies
Monday, and it threatened to be VERY HOT - well over 40 degrees, we had a quiet day inside - reading, chatting etc
But we did have breakfast outside in the rotunda first - before it got too hot
Justin and Chris also set up the new record player - well done boys
I put the gate frame out for Mal to pick up (was surplus to needs) - and just part of an overall tidy up
The boys had a pre lunch beer
Justin rigged up the canoe with a nautical pulley system
And I raked up errant hoop pine fronds - which were sullying my once pristine paths
Was also disappointed to see more dead plants
The boys did a pre Small halls festival sample in the Music room
Jo and I enjoyed the music and also some pre dinner snacks/drinks - artfully displayed on a guitar case

And then outside for a simple dinner - BBQ chicken, and Jo's famous noodle salad. It had become overcast, so wasn't too hot
There was a nice sunset
Flocks of starlings flew in lovely formation
We stayed out there til 10pm or so - was very pleasant (hopefully weren't too noisy for the neighbours)
Tuesday, and the Danes had an early start - left at 6.30, so that Jo could be sitting at her desk by 9am
Justin and I pottered around - cleaned up and decorated the garage
After this Justin polished the dining room table
And the days drifted away, one day we went and had a coffee with Terry, other days we didn't do all that much - was pretty relaxing (actually I can't exactly remember what we did - as its a while back now)
We had a couple of solar guys come and assess the garage roof etc in order to give us quotes for solar panels and maybe a battery.
We also had a termite guy come out - given the strange "moths" that we saw a while back. yep, he confirmed that they were actually termites, so looks like we will have to have a treatment done. Grrr
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