Thursday, 10 March 2011

Ebay madness

Of course having a large "new" house we also have to fill it - obviously not immediately but certainly with some essentials such as something to sleep on, sit on etc when we come up to renovate.

So, the search began, not for us the easy and obviously more expensive route of department or specialty stores, but rather Camberwell market, Ebay, and various Auction houses

I think our, or rather my first Nimmatabel purchase was a  rather lovely 1940s sitting chair from Camberwell market completely refurbished - new upholstery, polished woodwork etc.  I was going to send a photo to Justin via my mobile phone to see if he approved, but then because it really was an excellent chair for an excellent price I just went ahead and bought it.  Fitting it into the car was a small challenge, but I managed without any scratches (on either car or chair).

Next stop was Ebay and perhaps a rather premature purchase of a Bosch front loading washing machine
I can't remember what model it is - got this
 picture from the web

 - our very kind neighbour Clancy (who had given us the campstove) drove us around to pick it up with his trailer - only a few kms away in Ashburton (otherwise we wouldn't have bought it)

Youngs Auction house in Camberwell next - a silver cutlery service and assorted silver pieces - sugar bowl, tea pot, coffee pot etc - perhaps getting a bit carried away.

Coffee /sugar / tea pot etc behind me on the shelf,
and you can also see the camp stove that Clancy
gave us on top of the cast iron stove

Back for a huge spree on Ebay - a queen bed for Fraser,

a double Ilve oven, an early 20th century wooden organ (that was Justin's indulgence - and when I told my colleagues at work they were rather amused - picturing him playing soaring Bach sonatas in our "haunted house") and a kitchen table with 6 chairs.  What a haul - all in one week.

ebay photo
ebay photo
April playing on the organ

More Auction house action, this time - Joels.  I had seen a fantastic oak tester bed which we put a bid on, but lost, did however buy a number of paintings in one sales lot, 4 or 5 of them quite good, the remaining 3 questionable, but at least we can use the frames, and a Victorian mahogany commode - with original bowl!

More miscellaneous bargains were a knifeblock, some doona sets, crockery, and Justin has also bought a persian rug (yet to arrive) and a George V brass door knocker etc

And back to Ebay for a Morroccan King bedhead, mattress and base, and a 6 burner BBQ - better than the one we have here at home!

setting up in the front room
photo from ebay

And our most extravagant purchase so far - a 2nd hand Ute with a tow bar and flat tray to transport all of this additional stuff.  Also as I said to my colleagues at work to put ladders on - although we haven't as yet got an Inglewood ladder.

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