Well, it was a beautiful house in a pretty town, if the town had been ugly we probably wouldn't have considered it, if the house had been ugly it would never have even reached our radar (not exactly following the old real estate rule of buying the worst house in the best street!)
So, we bought it, and have a lot of work and money to spend in front of us.
What will we do with it?
An extravagant weekender? well maybe, eventually, at the moment we're really just camping out with a ceiling and solid walls.
A sea or tree change? Not if the kids have any say in the matter - they have school and friends here. And of course we have our friends, family and work here too. So not really a practical option
A retirement dream? Well maybe - in the not so immediate future - we still have to have the means to pay it all off.
A bed and breakfast? A steadfast 'No. ' I think a bed and breakfast would need en-suite bathrooms - and we don't want to muck up "good" rooms for the sake of more bathrooms (that is with the exception of one of the small rooms upstairs which fortutiously is placed above the existing downstairs bathroom
Perhaps short term private rental once it is sufficiently done up. Well that is a possibility. Perhaps we could market it as a grand Victorian house in a small Victorian Gold town, - with bush, prospecting, vineyards etc. People wanting a country escape might be tempted - either domestic or international visitors. Justin had also thought that it might be good for Bendigo circuit judges/lawyers etc - and could gently promote it at the Bar.
I've also had some other hair brain schemes - as I've emailed various Victorian Location Scouts for TV/Film/commercials - and was rather surprised to receive 3 or 4 positive responses. I had attached a few photos and had positioned it as a "haunted house" if they wanted a grand yet down at heel house. I also thought the fact that it was mostly empty of furniture might make it a better proposition as a blank canvas. We'll see if anything come of it...
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