We even had puddles in the garden.
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wet and green in the garden |
But this suited us just fine, we were here with our friends Karen & Mark, to celebrate Christmas in July, and this type of weather was just perfect. Originally we were going to have it our our place with the kids, but then a better offer came up which was Christmas in July in the old church in Kingower put on by Terry and co. That meant we didn't have to fuss around cooking (although K & I do enjoy that)
However, you can't keep good workers down, and despite the inclemency, Justin, Mark and to a lesser extent I, tidied up the wood shed, which had been a right royal mess (pity I didn't take a pre photo)
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sorting wood |
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look at that pile |
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all sorted |
Karen wisely elected to mind the fire in the dining room. We came and joined her soon afterwards, as sorting the wood didn't take that long
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minding the fire |
And it was freezing in the house, noticeably colder than outside, especially the kitchen. Another curiosity was that the walls in the kitchen were wet, not just damp, wet. You could see the water, it was very strange. The cupboard doors of the sideboard were also wet. We left the back door open to let some air come through, to dry it out. That seemed to help matters. I hope this doesn't develop into an expensive problem.
Justin hung up a portrait of his dad, painted by his granny. It has more sentimental than artistic value...
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like father like son |
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"the thinker" |
We left for dinner around 5.30. Jackets, scarves, blankets, gloves etc, we didn't know how warm or otherwise the church would be
We were told to be at dinner at 6pm sharp. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but the church (St Mary's Anglican) was bought by the current Water Minister Peter Walsh in June 2012 for $140,000.
His great great grandfather, the reverend William Hall founded it in 1871, and Peter was brought up in the district. And now he rents it back to the community for a peppercorn rent.
There was a lovely plaque inside - I'm assuming referring to his great grand mother
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nice to have a family connection |
Anyway, we were basically the first ones there apart from Terry and Arleen. So we helped set up putting out glasses and chairs, and plating up the entree of Bruschetta with tomato and basil. Once this was done we stood around and chatted. Lots of people that we knew came :- of course Terry, Arleen & David, Jill from Passing Clouds, Damien, Nicole & Jerry, Mark & Chris, June, Jan, Daniel, Mailie & David and more familiar faces.
I went and introduced myself to a couple who were standing by themselves :- Anita & Greg from Rheola, and we also chatted with Roger who we found had previously owned Mark & Chris' place but had since moved to Bendigo. Roger was the maker of 6 Sovereigns a local wine we had enjoyed at the Empire Hotel. In fact we had tried to buy a case, however the email address on the label didn't work. So Roger confessed to me tonight. I told him that he had missed out on a sale, but he said he had plenty left and was trying to "get rid of the stuff". So he may make his sale yet. In fact it's very likely, as Mark will be in Bendigo in a few weeks and plans to look him up then.
Given that there were at least 4 local labels /makers present I was very impressed. However Arleen had pointed out that there was a difference between wine growers, and wine makers.. If we ever plant some grape vines at our place I'm sure we will also be considered growers not makers.
Anyway, after entree, the movie began. The opera :-Carmen with Placido Domingo. Unfortunately, it wasn't really my cup of tea, although populist as I am I enjoyed the 2 main tunes :- Toreador and the other one (don't know its name, oh well)
Main course was served after the 1st hour and a half. and then dessert at the end. After dinner we spoke at length with Dave and Maile who gave us a potted history of how they ended up in Australia
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main course of combination lamb, beef, pork & vegies |
So, it was a good night, and Karen drove us home after having admirably abstained from drinking. Mark had brought up some muscat so we enjoyed that by the fire drinking from our baronial pewter mugs that Tante Agnes had given us. If she has an email address I'll send her the photo
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Cheers to Tante Agnes |
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warming up |
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lady muck has pre breakfast |
It was a "pre breakfast", as we wanted to have a proper breakfast with Karen and Mark, which we did around 10.30 or so.
It was still wet and gloomy, so didn't do much. Karen and Mark left before lunch time. Gordon and Denise dropped in to say hello. Justin and I went for a bit of a walk and checked out Michael T's house - to see if the grass needs cutting (it doesn't)
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grass green, but not too long |
Despaired for my poor rhubarb - as it's just turned to slush - the frost I guess, and I never got to harvest any. Hopefully it will come back in the Spring.
Out last bit of work was to drag the yucca cuttings under the hoop pine. Mark & Karen had brought them up in their trailer, and the plan (at the moment) is to plant them along the back fence. Even though we'd brought up the post digger, we really didn't feel like digging and planting in the rain, so it will have to wait until next time.
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