Well, Karen and Mark had brought us a trailer load of yuccas a couple of weeks ago, prior to our Christmas in July extravaganza. However, it was so wet and unappealing to be outside, that we just left them, and put them under the hoop pine for safe keeping.
And safe they were 2 weeks later, still as green and vibrant as before. Justin and I stripped the lower leaves off, and then started planting them along the back fence.
stripping the leaves |
Justin used his trusty post digger which was great, and the soil was still soft from all of the rain.
starting with the post digger |
and so it goes |
We also had to move a couple of piles along the way. To the right of Justin in the above photo Mum had started a compost heap, but it had branches etc - so would have taken a long time to break down. I got rid of that. We also had to move some rocks/rubble and wood.
In the end we must have planted about 15? Hopefully they'll do well, and will camouflage the back fence and beyond.
view #1 of yuccas |
view #2 of yuccas |
Susan & Mark arrived around 4pm, and Dave & Maile dropped in almost at the same time. I had sent them a text a couple of weeks ago, saying that we weren't going to drop in after all. I wasn't sure if they'd received the text, as I hadn't heard back from them. They had got it, but Maile gleefully said that Dave didn't know how to respond. No matter. I showed them around and they were very complimentary with all the work we had done, as they had seen it during the original open for inspection a couple of years ago. They asked us around to afternoon tea on the Sunday, however once again we had to decline as Justin was leaving for Warnambool from here, and I was getting a lift back with Susan & Mark, and they wanted to be home around 5pm
Anyway, after Dave & Maile left we showed Susan and Mark around. Susan had been up with me briefly a year ago, when we had to pay the plumber, but Mark had never been before. He thought the house lovely, and could see why we had bought it.
Nibbles and drinks were enjoyed in the dining room pre dinner - with of course a roaring fire which Justin had set. As per last time it was slightly colder inside the house than outside, but at least the kitchen wasn't damp like last time!
Susan enjoying a pre dinner drink |
We had home made pizzas for dinner, which I must admit I was a little disappointed with. The base wasn't crisp enough. Justin put it down to the oven being too hot, and taking the pizzas out more quickly so they wouldn't get burnt. However as always, I had over catered, so we ended up having pizza for lunch on Sunday. And this time they were cooked to perfection
Justin showing Mark something very important |
Justin the new violinist |
Justin the barrister |
Sunday morning and a walk around town, and saw a kangaroo just near the arboretum,
kangaroo just down the road from our house |
and then up to the lookout, pizza for lunch, planted some more bulbs, and back to Melbourne through drizzly rain
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