Thursday, 28 September 2017

Kingower Music Night 22-24 September 2017

Justin and I drove up on the Friday night to make it a longer weekend

But, we had dinner first, home made pizzas - with the dough made in the bread machine.  Given that Fraser is studying hard for exams, I made his favourite varieties ie Hawaiian and Aussie/meatlovers special.  I made a one with anchovies etc for Justin and I, and another with capsicum and olives etc also.

Was pretty good, and we ended up leaving later than anticipated ie after 9pm

An uneventful drive to Inglewood, and it was pleasantly warmish in the house - at least not freezing like 2 weeks ago.

I pretty much went to bed and read, Justin stayed up for a little while.

Saturday, and I brought Justin a modest breakfast (toast and coffee) in bed, and then went outside to do some gardening/weeding.....It was very windy, but quite warm.  It was supposed to get to 29 degrees today (and probably did)

Justin made sandwiches for lunch, and the others arrived late - ie at 4pm

They had planned to leave at 12.30, but Yvonne was late, they stopped for food etc

They practiced for a little while, and I organised the peas and beans which was my contribution to the dinner for tonight (I got off easy) We left for Kingower around 6.15.

Slightly different format this time Mark was organising it (as opposed to Terry) and he'd asked various people to cook up/supply different courses.  Maile & David, and Anne & Mark were on nibbles - cheeses, dolmades, dips, crackers etc.  Mark & Chrissie and Arlene were on the roast lamb, I did peas and green beans, others did roast vegies and dessert.  Worked quite well. 

Once again a full Church - about 45 people

Kingower Rangers up first, with David telling a few jokes as well as playing music

then David P did a couple of songs

Followed by Mark;'s sister Narelle and family - who did some very cute songs, and a great funk type song with a horn section by the boys 

And then Mark and Kerryn (no photos)

And finally Justin and co.   Paul was a welcome new member on drums - the percussion certainly added a new dimension

Then Dermott - no photo

and then the superband where everyone who wanted to, got up and played

Chrissie was enjoying it a lot, got up and danced, as did David & Arlene and Maile & David at times

We stayed pretty much til the end - and then home with Yvonne driving. Warned her about the kangaroos, but she didn't seem to believe us, didn't see any luckily.

Home, and I went to bed, the others stayed up for a little while, - with Justin enjoying some of the flavoured Wild Turkey

Sunday, and uncharacteristically I was one of the last left in bed, although my mobile phone alarm had gone off at 7am - because of last week's trip to the Peninsula Hot Springs.  But I fell asleep again, and re-woke up at 8.40 - when I heard the others talking

Was a lovely sunny morning again (still a bit windy) so we had a modest toast and coffee breakfast outside.  Chris was asking about bacon and eggs, but I fobbed him off, as I was making a quiche lorraine for lunch which in effect was bacon and eggs (and tomato) 

I did some more weeding after breakfast, and the others played more music

The weather started to turn, so I came inside and made up the quiche and a quick salad

Had a late lunch in the dining room.  Justin had set the table nicely, and Chris very much enjoyed the quiche.

They left after lunch, and I did some more gardening

I also persuaded Justin to come down the road with me to the old Ansett house because they are going to demolish it - as it is beyond repair.  I had met Christine a few weeks ago at the hairdressers, and had expressed interest in the floor boards

So we walked down there, saw Christine - and she luckily remembered me.  She showed us around, and we said we'd contact Franki to see if he could remove and then install the floorboards for us in our downstairs green room - and use those floorboards to patch the dining room etc.  I also took some rose cuttings - which will hopefully strike

 Did the dishes - and then we left

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