Tuesday, 10 October 2017

A very social Girl's weekend 29 September - 1 October 2017

Karen came and picked me up around 12 on the Friday, which gave me time to clean and tidy up.  (Merrill was supposed to have come also, however there was a death in the family in Brisbane, so she couldn't make it this time)

Stopped off at Kyneton for a late lunch, which was made later due to the fact that we couldn't find a decent place that was open to have lunch.  Finally ended up at a cafe closer to the car

Had a pulled pork burger - not bad and Karen had a smoked salmon salad

Got to Inglewood after 3pm, and made a few phone calls, as Karen had admitted that she was keen to watch the Grand Final on Saturday, so I suggested inviting over a few local friends to join us.   Tried Terry, but he was having people around for dinner on Saturday, and so would be cooking.  He kindly extended the dinner invitation to us.  Then tried Maile & David, but Damo and Nicole were going around there for cheese and Prosecco, and they also extended an invitation to us;  therefore didn't try anyone else, as we were sorted for tomorrow.

We had both been yawning a bit after lunch, so I suggested an afternoon nap which Karen was keen to accept.

So, then went and lay on my bed, I think I must have dozed off, which felt very decadent, we got up around 5ish, and went up to the veranda to enjoy the late afternoon sun

And given that it was after 5, we decided to have some bubbles which Karen had brought. Also found a number of empty bottles up there, which must have been left behind from the Fur party

Stayed and enjoyed the lovely sunset

And then off to the pub for dinner.  The new chef Clinton (Val's grandson) was there, but he hadn't changed the menu as yet.  I had a chicken pasta, and Karen had the steak, and they were both very good.

Karen decided that we should get to know Steve the owner better, so she tried to buy him a drink and invited him to our table.  As it was, he bought us the drinks.

And so, we commenced having a chat with him, he seemed pleased for the conversation.

Left after 9, and for some reason we were pretty tired, even after our nap.  Karen had wanted a fire earlier in the day for tonight, however we both decided to turn in - rather early.  I thought I'd watch an episode of Monarch of the Glen, but only got about 10 minutes in, and then stopped it as I was falling asleep.

Saturday morning, and a lovely sleep in.  Sure, I woke earlier than that, and read the Age in bed for a bit, but then fell asleep again, and got up around 9 - lovely.

Karen got up soon afterwards, and we had breakfast outside in the sun - just toast and coffee for me and tea for Karen.

Then back to the kitchen where I started thinly slicing lemons for marmalade.

The door bell rang around 10am, and we were still in our pjs/dressing gowns.  Debated whether we should open it or not, but thought it would probably be Damo,as Maile said he would drop in during the morning.

And yes it was (with Nicole), had a chat in the kitchen, and gave them a cup of tea (teabags ok, as it's not Kingower).  The plan was if we didn't mind - to pick up Damo, Nicole and Jerry and take them to Maile and David's  - and then drop them back home when we went on to Terry's.  That way they could have a drink, and not worry about driving.

We then received our 3rd social invitation of the weekend - which was to go and have lunch with Damo, Nicole and Jerry as they had some chicken curry, and lasagne etc, and we could then go onto Brenanna.

Well, that meant that I wasn't going to make my marmalade this morning, as the sliced lemons were supposed to soak in water for 3 hours, and we were due at the School House in about 1.5 hours.

So, showered, got dressed, pottered around a bit, and dropped in on Ben (with the new shop) to say hello, and then up to the School house for lunch

Karen hadn't been there before , and was most impressed, particularly with the big school room, also liked the surf club

Had a pleasant lunch, and then up to Maile and David's to watch the Grand Final.  We ended up driving separately, as they wanted to stay on for longer.

David had set up the outside tv, so we sat and watched the Grand Final there for most of the day, came inside when the sun went in/got a bit windy/cool.

Prosecco was obviously on offer, as was a cheese platter.

 Looked like the Crows had the upper hand in the 1st half, but in the 2nd, Richmond turned it around, and ended up winning convincingly to everyone's great satisfaction.  although none of us actually barrack for them.  That said, Justin and Madeleine do.

Was lovely just sitting there enjoying the view too

Although I've been there many times, I've never walked further up the hill.  So suggested to Karen that we go for a walk.  She readily agreed, so off we set.  Up the very top, the view wasn't quite as good, because large gum trees obscured it.  But it was still very nice

Left for Terry's just after 6pm - leaving the others to have pizza for dinner

Saw a few kangaroos on the way, but none close to the car.

Terry had said he was cooking a Thai dinner, and one of his brothers was coming with his partner, as well as Arlene.  So, we met his brother Garry who lives in Prahran and his partner Nei, his sister and another friend   Nei, Mai and Kate are Thai, and have a Thai Massage shop at the old Post office on Tooronga Road - which is very close to where we are in Melbourne!

Dinner was exquisite  - Terry had made a chicken tom yum type soup which was delicious,  followed by a lovely chicken curry, and creme caramel (with coconut milk) and other Thai dessert.

Another great evening, and only one kangaroo on the way home, once again not too close

Sunday, and it was the first day of daylight savings. I had also contacted a brickie to quote on re-pointing a few parts of the house where the mortar had come away

He said he'd come around 10, but as it nudged 10.30, I wasn't sure if he remembered about Daylight Savings or not.  No matter, he arrived a few minutes later, and I showed him around.  Said he'll be able to do it, and will use the proper lime mortar

After this we dropped in on Terry to have a coffee, and to also pick up the curtain rail that he had wanted to give us.  Will go in the yellow room

And, after this we dropped in on Arlene, as Karen wanted some of the red cleanskins that I had told her about

Then back to the house, a tidy, and pack up, and off to lunch in Maldon

Wanted to revisit the Spotted Cow - as we'd enjoyed lunch there in the past

Given that it was the 1st day of Daylight savings, we were a little out of kilter with our timings

We arrived there after 2pm....I thought the kitchen would be closed, and they'd refuse us.  But no, all was good, and we were welcomed inside

Had a delicious lunch - and the same waitress that we normally have - the delightfully droll Abby - who said that "she "was always there"   


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