Thursday, 27 April 2023

Daisy Glass mistake 18/4/23

Well, up to Inglewood for a few hours as I needed to let the glaziers in to replace the clear bathroom glass with frosted toughened daisy glass

and to also replace the window in the big yellow room that Vic cracked

I got up there about 11.40am, and the glaziers were supposed to come at 12, Connie and her grand daughter were also dropping in, and Mark from up the road was going to come and measure up for the powder room vanity.

I was pleased to see that there had been some progress in the ensuite, water proofing of the floor, and a frame built for the bath

As it was, they all came nearly at the same time, first Connie and her grand daughter, so I showed them around a bit, then the glazier - showed him which windows needed replacing, and then Mark.

Because it was all happening at once, Connie left so that I could concentrate on the tradies. (she very kindly left me a pie and sausage roll from the Bridgewater bakery)

First up with Mark - and the measurements for the powder room vanity  - and then went outside and discussed the possibility of a gazebo outside the dining room wall. He measured up, and will provide a rough quote.  It won't be possible for a while anyway, as there is too much rubbish around.

So he finished up, and I went back to the glazier

He told me that the windows had been measured wrong - and the glass was too small.....

Once again I was gutted.....we'd been told to measure from wood to wood - which we had done.  In fact, I asked both Cam the builder  and Justin to measure and they arrived at the same measurements. I was then told to subtract 1.5mm from each side - which we did - and I also sent photos of each window and put everything/assumptions in writing via both text and email

Anyway, the glazier said they should have been measured from the outside - not the inside - as the wood is rebated inside, and therefore the window is "larger" from the outside.  Therefore the specially ordered daisy glass pieces were too small - arghh! And even if they'd been too big, they couldn't have been cut down to size, because they're toughened glass

I assume that the yellow room glass was also too small, but it was normal glass, so he may have cut it to size himself - I didn't ask - but he did replace that one.  And will need to come back for the other 2

Then I was off to Bendigo - to pick up the Jacobean lounge suite that we were going to have refurbished - but in the end it was just too expensive, they weren't worth anything near what the refurbishments costs were  - it would have been very much over capitalising

We had tried to sell them cheaply - but no one is interested....

Nigel the upholsterer helped me secure the load (actually mostly did it himself) - as I didn't want to lose anything on the Calder Highway.  

Got back to Melbourne - load intact, didn't feel like it was a very productive day, as I was very much looking forward to getting rid of those stupid curtains in the bathrooms - oh well, a tiny bit of progress, at least the vanity for the powder room was measured up  


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