Saturday, 15 April 2023

Painting En suite 31/3/23 - 2/4/23

 Am a bit behind (it's now 16/4/23)

Anyway, we drove up on the Friday night as per usual - there was a bit of traffic which was annoying

Had our customary lie in on Saturday morning - doing Wordle/Quordle/ and reading the Saturday Age on ipads

Heard the Ivans arrive around 8am - as they had come to do some more plastering

Noticed that there was a leak in the ensuite - so let Cam know via WhatsApp (as he's in London for his brother)

Admired the yuccas on the back fence - they really are like a wall  

And also the pomegranates 

Was annoyed to see that some inconsiderate person had left a shopping trolley in the garden bed outside our place - so I walked it back to the IGA (actually it was from Maiden Gully IGA!) 

Meanwhile the Ivans (father and son) continued working

Ivan the younger was working in the proposed powder room

And also making a new skirting board where the door into the bathroom/ensuite was


Meanwhile - Ivan the elder was fixing up the plaster above the hearth in the kitchen

And he also did some finishing touches in the ensuite

Ivan the younger also gave the walls in the ensuite a quick sand, (apart from the newly plastered wall) while Justin sanded the ceiling and became coated in white plaster dust

My job was to sweep up as much of the dust as possible

And then we started painting - bottom/top/corners first

 And then Justin used the roller

And then on  Sunday we repeated the process

The Ivans also finished off the hard plastering in the kitchen 

It was a nice day, so I sat in the hammock and read, while Justin pottered around inside

I was surprised when he came out and told me that Mark's patient from Mildura had dropped in - and given us a 10kg box of delicious red seedless grapes!

And the leak stopped/dried up - Ivan the younger had tightened the grey thing below - and that seemed to fix it 

And we almost finished painting the bathroom - just not the hallway side wall - where Ivan the elder had done some additional plastering

It looks a bit yellow - but it's Dulux China White - and obviously we didn't paint where the tiles are going to go

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