Sunday 25 August 2024

Town Hall Clock and Loddon Valley Art Trail Sat 17 Aug - Tues 20 Aug 2024

Left for Inglewood for the first time in a long time on a Saturday morning -as we'd been invited to have dinner at the Danes on Friday night (had a lovely time)

Arrived around 11am - no work done on the garden....

Pottered around a bit- waiting for Chris E to arrive late morning, and then for lunch, and then after lunch - once I'd contacted him and found out that he'd got some on the way.  So we went ahead and had some lunch 

Chris arrived after 1pm, and we went across to the Town Hall to meet with Brian at 2pm - in order to look at the Town Hall Clock.  Got upstairs to the balcony ok, but had to go back home for a ladder to get on the roof for the clock tower, and then took a while to find the right key for the clock tower

Once Chris eventually got inside - there wasn't much there at all - but at least he was able to have a look

And the reason that Chris was looking is that he might be able to fix it up - as it is a World War 2 memorial and hasn't worked for a number of years.  The Town Hall had got a quote for 10s of 1000s of $ some years ago to have it fixed, and we thought that was too much....Anyway, Chris has the expertise to fix it

Whilst we were up there, I also noticed that the wood work etc was rotting and needed work

Anyway, this all took a while 

Back to the house - and Chris had a look around to see what he could assist with 

Saw the gaps in the kitchen bench and the en suite tiles - and was horrified that they hadn't been finished off properly.  He measured up and will get some bits of wood to fill the gaps and then caulk it 

I made a roast pork and potatoes/green salad for dinner 

Watched a movie that Chris recommended - with Helen Hunt - I see you - was pretty good, kept us guessing

Had an early night as both Justin and I were still a bit tired from the Danes

Chris had a show and tell for us after Sunday breakfast

A cute miniature steam engine - bit tricky to get a good photo - as the light was behind it 

Next up was the moving the work bench - which had been in the garden for a few months...

Had to take out the drawers etc first to make it a bit lighter

I went up to the IGA for something and came back to see that it was in the garage  
I must admit that I was surprised that they managed to get it in there by themselves.  I thought I might need to wrangle a couple more strong backs and hands...

Then  I asked Chris to have a look at the Aga - as I'd spoken to Bobby (from Aga) who said to check and see that it was level (with a spirit level) - it was.  Then to try and tighten the door of the warming oven - given that it leaked liquid when trying to dry lemon slices

So, he made it as tight as possible - but it still leaked ....I did an experiment with a dish of water in the oven (didn't want to waste more lemons)

 Next task for me and Chris (Justin was working) was to get rid of the bricks /rubble at the back door (from when we took the wood fired oven out of the hearth)

Lunch was somewhere around this time too - an Inglewood version of a bahn mi.  I used the pork from last night, quick pickled some carrots, had some lettuce and chilli sauce etc 

Crisped up the roll and crackle in the oven

We assembled it ourselves - delicious


After lunch Chris and I thought we'd dig up some palms which were in the wrong spot, and which he could use elsewhere.  They were surprisingly (or not) difficult to get out

Then I decided that I wanted to get rid of a large palm with scary sharp, long spikes 

Carefully cut off the fronds

And then Chris got a crow bar and just levered it out 

Justin and Chris then left mid afternoon-ish

I stayed in the garden - admired the fallen almond petals

Started weeding the kiwi fruit beds - bloody couch grass - these are before photos - didn't take any after photos

Stayed out til around 5.30 or so, and then started getting cold, so went inside and had a lovely hot bath

Monday, and more gardening 

Vegie patch - this is an after shot

And also did more along the stone paths

Was annoyed that  the gardener hadn't shown up.  He'd said that he'd booked his guys in for the whole week to finish up - put a watering system in the new beds, lay down the crushed rock for paths etc - but nothing.  I called and texted - no response   

Rosemary (from Loddon Valley Art Trails), and 2 x Davids (wire sculptor & Loddon Shire guy) came over at 2.30pm to have a chat about the proposed upcoming Loddon Valley Arts Trail.

As the original part of the Town Hall  roof is being replaced, the Town Hall is not available to be used - so we were asked if we might assist with our house 

The rough plan is that David the sculptor will have some of his sculptures under our veranda along the paths etc. and then we would also offer 3 x sessions (one on Friday/Saturday/Sunday) to have a look at the mural - me say a few words about the briefing process etc, and Shawn would also come up and talk about the artistic process. These sessions would need to be RSVPd and would have a maximum of say 10 people per session

Anyway we talked through ideas, and it was very productive 

After they left, I went back out into the garden    - filled up Gordon's trailer

Also took a photo of the garden beds - was pretty cross - was going to get someone else to come and put the irrigation pipes in etc.  It had just taken too long, and the communication was woeful 

Tuesday, and I caught the 10.30 am bus/coach from Inglewood and then the train from Bendigo to Southern Cross.

Was panicked for about 15 minutes on the coach - thought I'd lost my little bag with house keys etc in it.  I had a small backpack, and a small chiller bag with me, but when I'd sat down on the seat, I didn't have my little bag with the keys

Called the post office - and she went out to have a look - the bus stop is pretty much outside it.  She couldn't find it. Then called Steve (Denise was sick) and left a message. Then tried Catherine who walked back to our place along Verdon St, but nothing.  I was feeling sick, thought we'd have to change the locks etc 

Anyway, while I was on the phone to Catherine a passenger walked past and said I'd dropped my scarf...- yep it was my bag under the seat.  I'd had a look, but obviously not properly - oh the relief!!!

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