Justin and I left Melbourne around 9.30am, after having seen a local tradesman who came to give us a quote for our back courtyard. Doing all of these improvements in Inglewood, Melbourne takes a second place at times (which isn't really fair).
Once there, I was thrilled to see that the asparagus had resurrected - both the little seeds from Maile (one plant), and the mature plants that I thought had died. They have sent up 2 teeny tiny little spears, and another couple of ferns
Alex joined us for a late lunch, we pulled one of our salamis out of the cellar to have in a sandwich. Was very good, although we probably don't want them to cure any more, as it was pretty hard.
I had a quick nap after lunch - as I'd stupidly/for no good reason woken up around 3.30 this morning. During my nap Alex and Justin moved the BBQ onto the back deck, and also sorted out the TV etc cabling upstairs.
After my nap I went out and did a bit of weeding/tidying up in the garden.
Left for Kingower around 6, as it was the 1st Saturday of the month. We were surprised that we were the 1st there, and remained by ourselves for a good 20 minutes or so.
Terry was the next to join us, and then Maile and David, and the others came soon afterwards. There had been a cricket match on - so some of them didn't come til after 7pm
Arlene and David's dog Sasha had had an accident, getting a small part of her tail cut off , she seemed in good spirits though.
We left around 7.30, as we had to make sure that we got to the pub before the kitchen closed at 8pm. Maile and David were going there too, had made plans to eat with some other friends, and they invited us to join them.
We did so, and were pleasantly surprised that we were served so quickly. There's a "new' new chef now - Scott. Both J & A had the Outback parma - and thought it exceptionally good.
Was a lovely night sky on the walk back to the house
Sat up on the veranda after dinner - very pleasant
More watering on Sunday morning, and also trimmed some of the fruit trees, and put mulch down around where I had watered.
Also kept the rosehips that I'd pruned - thought I'd make some jam (did so, but didn't really work, everywhere that I'd read said to get rid of the seeds and fine hairs inside the hips, but these were tiny, and too fiddly to do so, I did a few, but it was too time consuming, so I just chucked them in the bread machine with the sugar and lemon juice and hoped for the best. Actually, hoping wasn't enough, in the past when I've made jam in the bread machine it's chopped up the plums etc - however these hips just stayed whole. Tried one, and they were right, it was pretty much inedible ie very hard seeds, and sharp internal hairs (bit like artichoke hairs at the choke) Will have to chuck out - oh well!
Justin and Alex sprayed poison around to try and kill as many weeds as possible (they don't believe in weeding)
They also moved the fridge a smidge so that we could open the door to the other large cupboard, and use it given that we haven't reinstated Alex's large cabinet that used to be in the kitchen. I'll organise that the next time we come up
And they bought some dowel, and put up the William Morris tapestry that Justin had bought a while back
So all up, got a few more things done - hoorah
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