The day I arrived was 44 degrees, and there were no days under 35 degrees - and the Australia Day weekend was shaping up to be very hot (gave Karen & Mark an out because of the heat, and they took it, so did Justin)
What there was of the grass was crunchy, there were many bald patches, as the weeds had browned off also. The good thing was that I only found one more bindi eye. Xavier also found a brown Preying Mantis at the pool, I guess it had acclimatised to its surroundings. I've never seen a brown one before, just green.
The bad thing was that some of my plants were looking decidedly off colour ie the 2 of the 3 new citrus might not recover. They still have green on their trunks, but after watering them every day, no new shoots
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The 3rd has shown good signs of recovery
the new apple tree is also dicey
The cherry has perked up a little bit
In the back garden, the artichoke keeled over again, but has resprouted
And surprisingly a brave little new artichoke fern has emerged
When watering the garden, the town water was warm. It wasn't as though it had heated up in the hose that had been lying in the sun. It was warm straight from the tap, and continued to be warm. even after filling numerous buckets. Was quite uncanny
Anyway, I arrived at Inglewood mid afternoon on the Friday before Australia Day. Helen and the kids were already at the pool, so I unpacked and then joined them'
It was apparently 44 degrees at this stage, but in the pool, it was lovely. Got myself a couple of noodles and just floated, so cooled down, and didn'r really feel all that hot.
Had a cold tuna salad for dinner - very nice
Saturday, and asked Steve to help and come to fix the washing machine/dishwasher connection. He did so, which meant that I was back in business, and did multiple loads of washing - dusty sheets etc
Also cleaned and tidied, ie moved excess "stuff" out of the little yellow room and into the back shed, put floor protectors under the kitchen chairs etc, moved some rugs around etc
Helen's friend Egon came and stayed also.
Pool in the afternoon, and another salad for dinner,and then sitting on the veranda and chatting after dinner
Sunday, and I introduced Xavier to the joys of running under sprinklers - which I assume he would have never experienced before, given that after so many years of drought, we never use residential sprinklers anymore. He got a bit carried away at times ie sitting on the water jet
At least it was cooler in the mornings, so I was able to do a bit of weeding/gardening before it got too hot. Xavier helped me also
We spent most afternoons at the pool and I started a habit of using the noodles - swam some laps also
Helen and I sat out on the veranda most evenings - and watched the sunsets sky changing colours (got a bit carried away with the sky photos, but they were taken over numerous evenings). Pity we weren't there for the super/red moon
We went canoeing to Boort one day. Had wanted to do it in Bridgewater, but they only had singles canoes, and we didn't think that the kids would be able to do it by themselves. Boort was lovely and green. had a picnic lunch, and then out onto the lake
I took the kids up to St Arnauds one day (Helen stayed at the house). Had a look around and a visit to the various Op Shops.
Organised a locksmith to come and put new deadlocks on both back doors - they work a treat, and we're very happy with them
Joined the Inglewood Library, and Michalea borrowed and read multiple books
Kim texted me on Thursday night to ask if I was coming to the IDTC meeting. I did so - the first time I had ever been able to be there in person (previously it was only via Skype)
Bought some straw for mulch from near Derby. This was on the Friday, and it was on course too hot to spread it out. will do so next time
Went and had a morning coffee with Terry, and he advised that he'd been ill recently, and was now on the mend.
Left for Andrew & Miranda's Durham Lead Australia Day party around 10.30am. Got to Chris & Lesley's where they gave me some lunch, and then on to Andrew and Miranda's next door. Went down their huge home made waterslide
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