Drove to Ocean Grove first with a table that Jan and Peter wanted taken there. Got there around 3.45, unloaded with Justin's help, and then went to the beach for a quick swim/boogie board. Although not hot, the afternoon had become lovely and sunny. Waves weren't that good, so was back well before 5pm
Then we had to load a nice Victorian desk that was surplus to Ocean Grove requirements onto the ute, along with the large ebay rug that we had unloaded in order for me to take the ute to the beach.
Set off for Inglewood, around 5pm. Googlemaps advised that it would take just under 3 hours, which was reasonably significant given that I had already driven for more than 1.5 hours to get to Ocean Grove.
We had initially planned to eat dinner at the pub, before we saw that it was a 3 hour drive, and given that the pub kitchen closes at 8pm, we probably wouldn't make it in time. So I suggested that we stop somewhere along the way. Justin thought Daylesford.
The evening drive was lovely, big skies, golden light, and well behaved kangaroos who stayed in the paddocks. Justin drove his work car, and I followed in the ute.
We did stop in Daylesford, for dinner - can't remember the name of the place
Very nice with a shady back courtyard covered with grapevines. We didn't want a long dinner, so had a fancy burger each - very nice
Then back in the cars, and onto Inglewood. Was dark by the time we arrived, and luckily still no kangaroos, although a kamikaze rabbit ran out in front of Justin's car.
Had to unload the ute when we got there - desk and rug, and then I went to bed and watched an episode of Stranger Things on my ipad, while Justin watched something else.
Had a little bit of a sleep in which was nice, and Justin brought me breakfast in bed, which was even nicer... Christened the breakfast tray that he'd given me for Christmas
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I watered the garden and found that the pink lady apple tree had put forth a tentative green bud (can just make it out in the below photo)
Given that it was hot, Karen and I went to the pool, while Justin and Mark put up the trellis
We admired it on our return - they did a good job. Now we just need to grow some grape vines on it
Other things happened while we were at the pool. I'd called up Anne L earlier to see if she still wanted the trampoline for her grandkids - she did - so came and picked it up, and Maile and David also dropped in.
After the pool, we had some drinks and cheese/biscuits on the back deck - I stayed in my pool attire
After this I put together my new favourite hot weather dinner, poached (microwaved) chicken breast, spinach, cucumber, fetta, potato etc all piled together in a glorious heap
We ate this rather late in the dining room
And then onto the veranda to admire the stars, take in a cooling breeze
Sleep in the next morning, and some more watering of the garden
After breakfast some more chores ie I wanted to put the oven back into the kitchen - so moved it and the base out of the shed
Also wanted to move Alex's kitchen cabinet out of the shed, so we offered it to Steve and Denise. Steve brought his ute over to pick it up. Was pretty heavy....luckily there were 4 of us to move it - me, Justin Mark & Steve
And then wanted to remove the old dining room lino from the shed - and cut out some "good" bits to keep. The rest will go out with the hard rubbish collection in a couple of weeks
We also moved the old Ilve oven out of the shed - and put it by the back gate also in preparation for the hard rubbish collection in a couple of weeks.
At least now the little shed will be usable again.
I started cleaning out the newly revealed cupboard next to the fridge, and found some 1889 newspapers under the lino - the Argus
I also tidied up the cellar a bit, got rid of empty boxes etc, and found a dried out frog in there.
Wonder if it had come in as a tadpole?? It was long dead - sounded hollow...
Justin attached the hand towel rail in the new bathroom
We hauled the upstairs big carpet downstairs to the dining room, and lugged the new bigger carpet upstairs to the big room. These carpets are also pretty heavy.
Had to vacuum it, - was pretty dusty, and we then realised that Ben's blokes had killed our vacuum cleaner -so we had to buy a new one - Justin went and got it from the IGA
Luckily Justin's back held up ok - as there was lots of lifting this weekend
Moby enjoyed himself
Justin took some more nice photos of the house
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