Sunday 10 December 2023

Handel's Messiah Sunday 26 Nov 2023

Well, there was another quick dash up to Inglewood for the day.  Alex came and picked me up at 9am- as he wanted to do/see some last minute things for the party next week

And I was up for the day (having been to Sydney the day before for Matt D's birthday) to see Handel's Messiah - put on by my good friend Rachel

Anyway, we arrived after 11am - and went across to the Town Hall to check it out.  Rachel was there bustling about, and we also met up with Suzie, her Mum and Tania? who were busy making the sandwiches for the choir/orchestra

Also met up with Dave (and his Dad and brother) - from Black Wallaby wines 

The Show started at 2pm - and I was on the door taking /selling tickets with 2 other gals.  Was a bit hectic, especially when we couldn't get the EFTPOS thingy to work properly, it was paired with Rachel's mobile, and this was unlocked by her face - therefore she had to be there....

Also - my Google Mobile phone decided it didn't want to charge anymore - had disabled the charging ports - so I couldn't take many photos- was basically out of charge

Took a couple during the rehearsals

The show was basically a sell out - people upstairs and down - Terry, Arlene, David and June were there from Kingower, and Pauline and Jerry from Inglewood - the rest were mainly from elsewhere

And it was magnificent - possibly the best event that I've seen at the Town Hall - beautiful, stirring voices 

Finished around 4.45pm  - and I stayed and chatted with Rachel for a little while, and she asked if a select few - ie the conductor and a few others could have a look at the house

So, yes, I gave them a tour

Therefore we didn't leave til close to 7pm.....Alex had suggested that we stop in Daylesford for dinner - so did so.  A lot of restaurants weren't open, but luckily an Indian place was - where we were able to have buffet curries - not bad - particularly the butter chicken.

Stayed around 1 hour - and then home by 10pm - big day 

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